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About PeterK

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  1. There's bad apples in every profession or sector, doesn't mean all are bad. I believe the point being made is that the career members have the training and maintain the training standards. Residents will surely feel safer knowing that there is someone in quarters who is fully trained and ready to respond to an alarm vs hoping that someone who is properly trained and certified happens to be available and fit to respond from wherever they may be and there are a ton of PC vols who don't live in district. No disrespect to them but they cannot offer a sufficient response time. For the money these residents pay in taxes they should have a guaranteed quick response.
  2. The village board of trustees are playing games with the residents lives. The career dept has been horribly understaffed for years and under threat of disbanding. They should be ashamed of themselves and should be held responsible for their actions which are both unethical if not illegal