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About BedfordFire

  • Birthday 06/24/1990

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  • Name: Graham
  • Location Bedford, New York
  • Agency Bedford Village Fire Department

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  1. They bought a chevy caprice in the same scheme and put it into service as "35" not too long ago.
  2. It would be great to have it back... thats our old Engine 107. See attached picture for it "in action"!
  3. You're telling me! I'm also in school up here in Burlington and from the Troopers I've talked to, they're basically covering many of the small towns in Vermont that don't have their own police departments. The 2 a.m. to 7 a.m. thing means they're "on duty" as they get called out (like a volunteer department) in the middle of the night and respond from their homes. Then again, Vermont has a central point for all of their special teams (i.e. bomb squad, SWAT), which can take some time to assemble. They also do not own any aviation equipment.
  4. They are keeping the old tanker in service as well - it has be re-designated as Tanker 17.
  5. St. Mikes fire department and UVM Rescue are both extremely busy student run or involved organizations, and both agencies do a large amount of mutual aid per year. St. Mikes, aside from being a part of Colchester Center, is the primary EMS provider for their campus, as well as most of the town of Winooski. St. Mikes just recently completed their new "public safety" facility; I took this picture this past spring....
  6. Possibly the pump/powerhouse unit for a modern day super pumper system? If so, a similar system was implemented in New Jersey a few years ago to move some serious water with 12 inch hose... Neptune pump system video:
  7. This video should give you a pretty good (and fun) idea of what its for. Pretty cool training idea!
  8. Just found out that Caterpillar released a new "vocational" or over-the-road truck chassis in late March, and it sure does look interesting... I never thought that CAT would move into this market, but here we are! Seems to me that a chassis like this could certainly see use as a tanker in the fire service... Heres a link to some photos and information: For those truck nuts out there, I think you'll agree it looks like a lot like a re-invention of the International Paystar 5000 series. What do you think? **After writing this, I found that Navistar (International) and CAT did in fact partner up for this project, which is why the cab is the same as the 5000 series - however the hood and front fenders have been redesigned.
  9. Although not knowing the circumstances following this truck and its load, it seems like this accident could have been avoided - its my understanding that oversized loads like this require permits, escorts, and planning before they're moved? If thats the case, the bridge height should have been accounted for....
  10. Bedford Rescue 44 and Engine 110 (with spreaders and cutters)
  11. Date: 4/17/09 Time: 07:20 (approx.) Location: 152 Honey Hollow Road x Route 137 Frequency: 46.26, Multiple Units Operating: Pound Ridge, Bedford Hills, South Salem, Goldens Bridge, Vista, Bedford Village, New Canaan, PRLVAC, LVAC, WEMS, PRPD, Battalion 13, C&O Team Description Of Incident: Working Structure Fire Writer: BedfordFire 07:20: Pound Ridge toned out for a working structure fire at 152 Honey Hollow Road, multiple tankers and TL-57 requested. 07:25: Bedford Village requested relocate one engine to Pound Ridge base. 07:29: Pound Ridge units on location, Tanker 1 responding, TL-57 on scene. Batt. 13 advising all units come in via Route 137. Vista re-tone for tanker. 07:30: Batt. 13 requesting medic and ambulance for staging at scene, WEMS/PRLVAC requested and responding. 07:33: Engine 110 relocating Pound Ridge, Car 1405 responding, Batt. 13 requesting all available PR manpower to scene. Tanker 5 on scene. 07:34: Batt. 13 advising water source attempting to be set up, 60 recommending Long Ridge Tanker for standby at PRFD. 07:41: Car 2042, Engine 110 relocated Pound Ridge FD. 07:47: Car 1405, Tanker 1 on location. New Canaan FD on location with Engine and Tanker, crew is going to work. 07:52: Vista Tanker on location. 07:57: Batt. 13 Update - Multiple handlines in operation, heavy fire conditions on second floor, multiple propane tanks "let off". Will hold with current assignment. No cell service in area. Car 2 is OOS, Car 1 has been notified. 08:05: South Salem requested to standby with a crew for their rescue in quarters. 08:20: Tanker 2 has been released, South Salem rescue requested to the scene with crew. 08:28: South Salem rescue responding. Lewisboro VAC requested as second ambulance to the scene, for an injured FF. 09:02: Pound Ridge command placing fire under control, with extensive overhaul. Will attempt to release tankers. 09:09: Goldens Bridge and Vista Tankers have been released and returned to service, with thanks. 09:28: New Canaan Engine and Tanker released and returned to service. Lewisboro VAC returning.
  12. Nice pics! On a side note, after reading the topic this morning, I was traveling back home on 87 and saw this truck coming in the other direction, with the damage cars and all strapped onto the top of it. I couldn't believe my eyes!
  13. Nice photos. On a side note - what towing company is that? Thats quite a heavy wrecker from a company I don't recognize.
  14. If they had to pick from the available "classes" of CDL , I'm sure they'd require a "B". Operation of a single vehicle with a gross weight rating of over 26,000 pounds. Perhaps you'd also need a tank endorsement for the tankers....
  15. Matt's Photos and others, now posted on our website,