stephen morea

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Everything posted by stephen morea

  1. can any one out there tell me what hawthorne fire department runs as far as trucks, antiques, and chiefs cars. I know they have a pierce tower ladder, but thats all i know. so, if any one can help me out all info would be greatly appreiciated. thanx, steve
  2. thanx BFD and ONLOCATION!
  3. what kind of fire trucks do you guys got at the big ''N.W.P.''?
  4. really cool pic's guys, do you know what brewsters 11-8-2, 11-3-2, 11-6-2, 11-6-3, 11-3-1 and 11-8-1, those are the rigs i'm confused with.
  5. I see they like the KME's.
  6. what is that old looking ambulance that has somers patch of an elephant on it at lake mohegans structure fire the other day. i've never seen or herd of that truck before, does anyone know who owns this truck, where it is stationed and what it is used for, any info. would be greatly appreciated, thanx.
  7. so, then just out of curiosity what does the westchester county case & origin team run as far as apparatus?
  8. thanks, alot bfd!
  9. thanks, guys
  10. my department(woodbury f.d.) had one a long time ago. It was a '69 we had it from 1969 to 1984 when we bought our E-ONE. It was a good truck up untill the end when most of the the truck rotted out.
  11. just one small question, why are they getting a new rescue, isn't the current one fine, and then what would they do with this one?
  12. As usual, I was bummin' around EMTbravo and came across a page containing plesantville's parade. I saw two rigs that said pocantico hills F.D. on them. I knew their was such a department, but never gave them real thougt until now. what types of trucks do they run as far as chiefs cars, trucks, antigues, etc. any info would be apprieciated, thanx
  13. so, does any one know what their chiefs cars are and what their antique is.
  14. are the tanker cars all they have or do they have land vehicles as well.
  15. I notice that their is not much talk about banksville f.d.'s trucks, so i am asking the question of what type of trucks, chiefs cars, and antiques do they run. Any info would be greatly apprieciated, thanx
  16. firemn23 is right, you are a good person with a wonderful sorce of information. I don't think i could belong to any better fire/ems forum and i would not have this site any other way, thank you for your time, your friend, steve
  17. their is a photo of it on on other states orange counties page.
  18. i do know that goshen has one coldenham has one also harriman has that ford pick-up. i'm sure that their are others but i don't know of them at this time
  19. so are they actual cars, or just positions as certain officers in the fire department?
  20. yea, but what is their utility
  21. that funny, don't worry, i've herd lamer!
  22. i think they also run a utility, according to westchester counties apparatus listing.
  23. who services your trucks, i know in my department (woodburyfd) we use har-rob so does monroe, harriman, etc... just courious to know.
  24. save alot of money that way!
  25. does anyone know what hartsdale f.d. has as far as fire trucks, antiques and chiefs cars go? Any info. would be greatly be appreciated.