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Everything posted by Amato122
Billing is a necessary evil for urban EMS systems like FDNY. If they didn't charge the call volume would be double. People I lie to you not, would call just to get from one neighborhood to another. If it was a free system, NYC could say goodbye to their budget surplus in about an hour. I'd say close to half of FDNY-EMS calls are paid by medicare/medicaid. It would be a disaster if the other half and then some were taxpayer provided as well. Billing for EMS calls on the island and in Westchester is a little more complicated, where "generally(used loosely)" people call ambulances for genuine emergencies. I was never a member of a VAC but I understand most send out a "bill" with a suggested donation, I could be wrong though?
I'm hearing rumors (and these are only rumors!) that they're going to add EMS TOPS class to FF training for the inevitable complete FD takeover of EMS. Yes for better or worse NYC firefighters will soon be riding amBOlances as EMT's. It makes sense, 3months current fireground traing + 2 months current TOPS class + 1 month anti terrorism class=roughly 23 weeks. I'm not an official source of info, I'm only going by what I heard. I've also heard they might be adding LCC/ECC/EVOC, however, I highly doubt this since new probies would be getting detailed to houses in some cases as the only chauffer available. In FDNY EMS you're lucky if you get EVOC'd after 6 months riding the bus, so I doub't FD is interested in training chauffers in the academy. I know the city on the BLS level at least, would love to streamline EMS and start putting FF's on the bus. FDNY will go the way of Chicago, LA, and DC. Probies will be stuck doing "domino pains" and "allstatitis" on the ambulance and there will also be paramedic engine companies. I for one am not in agreement with this. I say bring back the HHC or at least make EMS a seperate service. Fire and EMS are both totally different jobs that require a totally different personality type, and totally different skill sets.
I apologize If I offended anyone with my BLS taxi service comment. I posted at 5am right before leaving for my job as an EMT in the city where I often feel "like a glorified taxi service" Sorry. -Amato122
what is this hatzollah? Unless you are a medic with a full compliment of drugs and intubation kit you have no business being on scene before the ambulance. Even if you are a "super buff" with your own BLS bag and 02, what are you gonna do "air and stare, while you wait for the bus from 3 towns over(because this is how it always seems to go down)"? You're just gonna sit there and piss the family off, because you are not rapidly transporting their loved one to the hospital. Instead respond to your FD or VAC with a driver and get to your patient and commence with the glorified taxi service that is basic life support EMS. The only time you should respond directly to the scene is maybe for an arrest, and only if you know your volly outfit will definitely get a crew out, and it is down the street from your house. I know there are a lot of guys (and gals) out there who get their rocks off rushing into someones house and announcing they are an EMT, but these people need to realize this is not a game or hobby for the people actually calling 911. It is a cruel world out there and it is very easy for one to get sued or get their a__ kicked. Stay safe people and get those buses out.
There is no need for EMS to carry any weapons. If a situation is dangerous or violent walk(run) away. We don't get paid enough to deal with this nonsense as it is, or in the case of vollies you're not getting paid at all. Getting home to your families is priority #1. Getting felony assault charges or worse getting injured or killed is not. If you feel a need to get in confrontations, or are uncomfortable in the streets w/o a weapon than maybe EMS is not for you. I suggest seeing a psychiatrist and/or pursuing another career.
I used to volunteer in Yorktown, but I have since moved away and I am no longer involved in the fire service. When I did volly I wore the plastic? cairns fire helmet that was a New Yorker style. I think it might have been the 1010. I also wore the big clunky rubber boots that the dept issued to me. Although I considered going out and buying my own boots and helmet a few times, I always seemed to have more important things to spend my money on.(why pay for extras on a job I was volunteering for?) I did "buff" the Bourke eyeshields, not because I wanted to look like I was in Rescue 1, but because they weren't always falling in front of my face like the standard issue face shield. Neither Bourkes or the faceshield are really safe anyway, from what I understand NFPA standard is now the goggles. I hope I wasn't misunderstood, I have no problems with volunteer firefighters or even the guys who want to buff old salty helmets. I just don't see the point of sacrificing safety for fashion(out of your own pocket!), when you're just hanging out with a bunch of dudes all day.
If you wear a salty leather helmet and you volly in westchester, no offense guys, but you look like a tool. Also leather offers limited side impact protection. If you are desperate to look like you just stepped out of a room and contents fire in the projects, then go get the Morning Pride Ben II. I think that is what FDNY is wearing right now and I guarantee it offers a lot more protection than your leathers. As for boots, leather is nice if your department buys them for you, but they cost$$$. Since when is the fireground such a fashion show?
I'd never think I would defend Giuliani(who's no friend of FD or EMS but thats a topic for another time.), but Ray Nagin is possibly the worst mayor of any large city in America. New Orleans before and after Katrina hit was a banana republic that has more in common with Rio or Mexico City than it does with a modern American city like New York or Chicago. Before the storm the city had vast slums, substandard public schools, rampant violent crime and corrupt politicians taking bribes and generally neglecting the well being of the people they were elected to represent. Nagin and the governor of Lousiana(I forget her name) had absolutely no contingency plan in place to deal with a major hurricane and flooding, a scenario that has occurred many times throughout the history of New Orleans. Did they think that this couldnt happen? New Orleans is below sea level, key word below sea level. I have to agree the feds did drop the ball. It was obvious on day one that Nagin and the governor were completely incompetent. Sorry Bush and Cheney...you get no brownie points from me. I watched that Spike Lee documentary the other night on Katrina and I found it funny that many people who were relocated to other cities have decided to stay where they are. These people no longer have to fear for their lives when they leave their homes, their children are actually being educated, they have jobs and their local politicains are only semi-corrupt. New Orlean's day as a major american city is over. Rebuilding would probably bankrupt every insurance company and/or put a major strain on the American taxpayer, for a city that is below sea level with virtually 0 industry or fortune 500 companies. I am sympathetic to those who lost everything but the city is dead, and Ray Nagin is partly responsible. P.S. It's scary this guy actually got re-elected.
Great idea, can't wait until they do this in NYC and elsewhere...too bad it will never happen. There will never be a major city FD that will give up EMS, there is too much money to be made and the IAFF is too involved. As far as I'm concerned EMS and suppression are two totally different things, just don't make that argument with commisioners and union leaders. I'm sure most rank and file FF's, medic's and EMT's will agree.
Whoever this is that is being criticized and ridiculed for his views on parades should not only quit his department, but should move out of that particular fire district. Who would want to be a homeowner in a community where the local volunteer fire department valued parade prep and attendance over training. I am an ex-member of a dept. in Westchester and I had a blast at many parades but c'mon this is the 21st century. If guys want to get together on their own time to clean the chrome bells and diamond plate and all that nonsense, thats fine, but a drill night or matinence night should never be used for parade prep.