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  1. I guess the LOSAP thing makes sense. In Michigan we don't have many agencies with retirement for on call/volunteer members so that's less of an issue here.
  2. Do they make it illegal to work for two employers of any sort? I mean that can be an issue any time someone works for multiple employers.
  3. Is there a reason it's illegal in New York? It shocks me a state can go so far as to make membership or employment at two places illegal. I feel that should be left up to the individual employer or organization. Here in Michigan it's quite common for people to be on two or even more departments if they want. Basically if they can meet the expectations then their departments are usually ok with it. I have heard of individual departments that don't allow it.
  4. How does North Hudson Regional run their squads? I've seen they have quite the mix of apparatus used by squad companies.
  5. Does the inner bar on the tour chiefs rig have green in it or is that just the picture?
  6. My department in Michigan is kind of similar. 7 full-time total, 2 per shift with a swing to cover vacations/sick time. 20 paid on call. Recall is when all call page is transmitted. Residency requirements for full time is within 20 miles of city limits. Three live outside the city. One comes back in for about every all call fire. One does every once in a while. Last one never does. We really only have three that will come back regularly. The kicker is they're the only ones who can drive trucks. They don't come back only two trucks get out. And they're the ones preventing on calls from being able to drive. It bugs me when guys join department's that do rely on call backs for stuff but never respond for them. You knew when you joined there would be call backs. No one forced you to take the job.
  7. With the limited full time staffing in most department's in Westchester and the shortage of vollies I would assume most career or combo department's rely heavily on off duty call backs. I'm just curious how well department's can get members in off duty? Everyone talks about the high housing costs, can full timers afford housing in the cities where they work? Can they afford to live off just their fire job? Also, how are they alerted to call backs? Are call backs mandatory or voluntary? If mandatory how are they enforced? Are there residency requirements? Are members expected to report within a certain time frame? Thanks for any info.
  8. Who employs the medics? I've heard Westchester EMS mentioned a lot. Also, what do the first numbers(35, 45, etc.) Mean?
  9. Yet the last YouTube video I saw of Port Chester responding both rigs were driver only. Unless the rest are rolling to the scene in pov's.
  10. Yeah, I have to also ask why? I understand the full time staff were laid off but why sell the rig when there are older trucks in the fleet? If it's because it was the full timers rig than that's just petty.
  11. I have a question regarding the rigs for the volunteer companies. Who buys them? Are they purchased by the individual companies or is it the municipality. Also, who specs them? The company or the municipality? I know from what I've seen of Tarrytown rigs for example no two are the same with regards to specs.
  12. I know communities operate differently. Having said that, in my area many cities have money for capital and equipment purchases separate from money for staff. So even if cities are having staffing issues capital projects, including vehicle purchases, still take place. I do agree though that a million seems excessive for a rescue. My Dept just got a 2016 rosenbauer commander rescue pumper with new jaws for $550,000.
  13. If there's one thing I've learned in 13 years it's that the fire service is it's own worst enemy and constantly shoots itself in the foot.
  14. As someone who has a full time job on the nightshift and every weekend this has always been a problem for me. My department's drills are in the evening with no immediate plans to change that. They'd just rather b**** about the guys that don't make it. Best quote I ever read was from this forum. "For a service that requires 24/7 availability it sucks you have to work Monday through Friday 9-5 to be able to attend any trainings". Even state sponsored trainings in my area follow that schedule.
  15. I agree with the unions letter but I kind of think it could have been worded differently. Instead of saying "if the volunteers show up", maybe say "if the volunteers are able to respond." The former just makes it sound like they don't even put in the effort. In this day and age it can at times just be impossible for a volly to respond no matter how bad they want to.