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About WHarley3

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  • Location Somers, NY

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  1. http://highlandscurrent.com/2017/07/24/putnam-prepares-assemble-specialized-rescue-team/
  2. From: https://www.facebook.com/PutnamNYEmergencyServices/posts/1541654022573810
  3. http://www.peekskillpost.net/peekskill-fire-chief-vincent-malaspina-resigns-after-city-cites-nepotism-concerns/
  4. Read More: Arlington Fire District Dissolves Assistant Chief Position | http://hudsonvalleypost.com/arlington-fire-district-dissolves-assistant-chief-position/?trackback=tsmclip
  5. Did anyone hear anything about Mount Hope Fire Company in Otisville shutting down at the end of the year? Apparently the Village decided they would rather fund Otisville FD and give them the contract as opposed to MHFD? Here's some background: http://www.recordonline.com/article/20130129/NEWS/301290337
  6. Original article: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/10/ex-fire-official-accused-of-using-slur-files-lawsuit/4425917/
  7. A GREAT Commissioner of Somers FD, someone who was well respected within the entire fire service and area community for many years, an Ex-Chief, someone who always tried to do the right thing, lost by 21 votes due to sneaky and underhanded last minute politically motivated tactics. This person was running unopposed until tonight. Lies were placed by the opposing party via an email right before the election stating that he makes $200,000 a year in the Fire District Commissioner role, when in fact, this is a volunteer position. Because of these remarks and other last minute false statements, a candidate was able to win via write in ballots. A candidate who couldn't be bothered to get on the ballot the right way, by collecting signatures on a petition, and giving the opposing party a chance to respond to her outrageous and false claims.
  8. Didn't they at one time have a Mack/Baker Aerialscope?
  9. Larchmont also did the same thing a couple of weeks ago when they went to the fire in Greenville.
  10. WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO I can't see how some people think this is intentional when the guy ran out in front of the car. WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcQdj2I_uTE&list=UUlU5OoR7ktCapu6ernPukTw
  11. I would not trust anything the Village says or does. I'm doubtful of their motives on this.
  12. And the race card gets played again......