Michael John

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About Michael John

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  1. I read somewhere on here there is one in Feb as well ?
  2. Does anyone know when the next CPAT is ?
  3. Awesome info. So statistically speaking chances aren't looking terrible. I'll keep my eyes peeled, fingers crossed, and just keep training as if my CPAT was next week. Thank you gentleman.
  4. Seems a little contradictory to what FF1 was saying .. So that being said how many people would they canvass, and does that mean that everyone has the same chance to being hired ? What do you mean CPAT process has begun, they only do 1 per certain amount of time or is it based off the needs to the hiring jurisdiction? Thanks
  5. That does a pretty good job at explaining alot of information. So with these facts being present, if 2 people who scored a 100 either fail the CPAT, dont take the job, or move along somewhere else then I can expect to be canvassed ? So by what you're describing I have a fairly good chance with 95 and only 4 people ahead of me I would assume with one job opening currently being present. Thanks for this info !
  6. I have 4 people ahead of me for my City and they are looking to hire someone this year. Based on your guys' past experiences, what are my odds of getting canvassed ? The people ahead of me scored 100s and I scored a 95.
  7. No I actually love the fact that its done that way being that I live in a fire jurisdiction within westchester county. My question is this, dont they have an option if they want to go off residence list or county list? Also side note.. not that pressing, but usually how long does it take for the city to pull their residence list from the county test. Thanks for the info guys.
  8. Are you sure about that? I was told if they go off the residence list they are stuck with it to the end.
  9. The city is hiring a firefighter but will not disclose if they are hiring off the residence list or county list.
  10. Theres no way even close to 50 people scored that in my town.. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that moves will get made otherwise I'll just keep testing. Thanks for the info
  11. Thanks for the info ... so its hard to say even with a 95 and living in a city jurisdiction if I'll even have a shot at this job? Thats really rough news. I've been wanting to be a firefighter for such a long time and it seems like its such a crap shoot.
  12. I took it and scored a 95 and I live in Peekskill. Any chance I'll get a call for the city or for the county for that matter? If so what time fram around do you think? Thanks for any info !