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About houlidsa

  • Birthday 02/12/1977

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  1. Or using the same information you can deduce that one Truck company can add almost as much vale as two Engine companies, just saying.... [8]Department A has 36 employees; three 3 person engines and one 4 person truck while department B 18 employees; three 2 person engines.
  2. Didn't Mount Vernon purchase a few used mint condition Long Island rigs a years back?
  3. A 6000 psi cascade will work, it is just that you will get a reduced number of fills. However unless their cascade in new (within the last 2-3 years) I highly doubt the containment is rated for 5500. Saying the containment unit is not rated for 5550 means that if a cylinder fails, the "explosion" may or may not be contained. There is not more air. There is the same amount of air as its minutes rated, it is just compressed into a smaller vessel. If they went from a 30' 4500 psi, to a 45' 5500 psi cylinder, this would be a little closer to accurate.
  4. Saw this at a firehouse. A few pieces of pipe. One end capped, one end with a garden hose quick disconnect and a bunch of holes drilled in it.
  5. Designed 10 years ago? You design stations with 25 years of growth in mind. I bet they do more and have more responsibilities than 10 years ago. Also I bet technology in the building sector is different, so they are most likely using dated methods which are also possibly less economical. I know this is an EMS station but in the last few years around the country firehouses are getting saunas and steam rooms in to reduce cancer. Why use science to increase employees' health and reduce future health costs.
  6. That's the pre 2013 alarm. Back when each manufacturer had a proprietary alarms. NFPA wanted the sound to be universal for universal recognition.
  7. The 95 db minimum was set because the sound is distorted by heat. So a PASS that is easily recognizable in the firehouse can be distorted and muffled in a fire.
  8. All PASS are minimum of 95 db. Its the pattern that it emits that is deceptive and people process as louder / not as loud. The NFPA 2013 has those spaces between cycles (spike) in sound. Because of those gaps it deceives the ear because of the way we process sound. The NFPA TIA sound does away with those long valleys between spikes. Making it sound louder whether it is or is not.
  9. Its everyone from the manufacturer of the fire hood to the guy who sold it and the guys who service it. Its a blanket lawsuit. The reason MSA is listed because they own Cairns. Guys laugh when new facepieces have a sticker protecting the lens that says "remove before use". Read the instruction manuals, some say not to be used in heat or flame. When does it end? Firefighting is dangerous. The best trained, best equipped, smartest, fittest firefighters still get hurt and die. If I remember correctly a lot of Phili FD policies were under scrutiny after this fire & long response times.
  10. He won't get a raise but he'll be a Deputy Commissioner of Something some day or get jammed up because he makes people look bad (or feel bad about themselves). Its odd how that works.
  11. I was told by someone involved on the sales side of it that they have had increases in shoulder injuries & cancer rates. So they are putting a lot of stock in the increased comfort of the G1 shoulder straps & back frame. Train of thought being: Better ergonomics = reduced injuries. More comfortable = will wear more & longer. If wear more and stay on air longer = reduction in cancer. Or just because they looked cool. There is always a little voice inside decision makers heads that can cloud choices and no matter what is printed in a report you will never find out. Years ago I was in a firehouse and the Chief told me they just ordered 25 sets of Morning Pride. The following week I ran into the salesman from AAA and he said he just sold them 25 sets of Globe. When I asked about the MP, he said it was Globe all along with a tail. All they cared about was the aesthetics of the tail.
  12. If I had to guess. The jake wearing the Scott is from a specialized company, maybe a hazmat. The Scott appears to be an hour cylinder. If you thumb through the photos on the twitter link, the G1s look to be 45 ' cylinders and if you look at the older Twitter pics, they used Scott 30'. So this leads me to believe that using the 60' cylinder is not standard. The G1s appear to have quick connect, which is an adapter which goes over the thread. This allows for quick connect / disconnect. So the answer on compatible is yes & no. You could take the QC adapter off the G1 & stick in the Scott or put an adapter on the Scott & put in the G1. Not sure if MA is NIOSH state. If its not you can do that interchange all day long. If it is a NIOSH state then only in times of emergency or non IDLH.
  13. I think its legit, except for the .50 typo. That's drinking into a coma range. Betting its suppose to be .05. Remember Ireland a year or two back tried to or raised the DWI levels in rural areas.
  14. I disagree, there are times you should hear language like that but it should only be used when its needed like "Get the F out of the building". This is from Brooklyn. If it was from the Bronx the reply you would hear would be something to the effect of "Act like you've done this before" or "Are there any professionals on the second floor?"
  15. MSA has been taking orders for the G1 TIC as of FDIC, however because the unit will need to go through testing they believe end user units will not be shipping until next year. There are demo ones floating around. As the TIC / PASS Module is "plug and play" it is about a 5 minute field retro.