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About S1720G

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  • Name: S
  • Location NYC
  • Agency fdny

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  1. Date: October 31 Time: 4:10 PM Location: West St & Chambers St, Manhattan, NYC District: Battalion: Channel: Manhattan Fire Disp, Div 1 Patch Weather: Units: Div 1 (IC), Numerous FDNY/EMS/NYPD Units Description: Numerous pedestrians struck by a box truck, shots fired with people shot. Reports of NYPD officers shot. All units treating this as a confirmed active shooter incident. Numerous FDNY Special Operations units including Haz Mat being requested. Staging at Chambers & Church. This is currently a developing incident. 3rd Alarm transmitted at 4:20 PM by Div 1. https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/9059 (Fireground) https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/8535 (Manhattan)
  2. Yeah many volunteer departments can't supply an engine for an activate fire alarm. Or an extrication. Especially in the middle of the day. Good luck with all of this. At least a bunch of people will get cool t shirts and a cool license plate. Let's face it, that's 75% of this. Car down an embankment off of 84, rope systems required= performed every year by brewster Patterson etc, elevators same thing. Please.
  3. Here's option B. Certian departments are trained in 1 or 2 specific disciplines of technical rescue. There's way too much habitual training that has to occur to keep up with in order to maintain familiarity with equipment and procedures. That is, on top of "routine" firefighting and EMS training. Ex: there is an emergency somewhere in the county requiring the need for advanced rope rescue. So let's just say you have cold spring and brewster trained in ropes, they both get dispatched, along with the home dept (yes I know I know simultaneously dispatching out of towners before a chief gets on scene is a crazy thought but that could be a long drive so hey). And thats the the same concept with every discipline . Trench. Collapse. Confined space, etc. I believe certian departments already have some level of trained personal weather it be an abundance of those evil paid guys within their departments or buffs, so that could be an esier transition . Everyone could be on the same page for that discipline. I don't have to worry about someone lowering me on a rope that I've never trained with or seen his capabilities . It's hard enough for people to make regular drills for their fire departments now never mind adding in more drilling with more specialized equipment.
  4. I noticed the lake George convention is going on right now. At a time when volunteer fire departments seem to have an issue with staffing on a good day, does anyone find that having a great deal of the active membership several hours away negatively effect public safety ? What are some of the things your departments do during events like this (or other parades...) to alleviate staffing issues ?
  5. Was the drone 1st due? Or does it go after higher alarms are struck out?
  6. The medic on the fire engine idea was/is something that they've been toying around with for a while. It would probably start off as a pilot program or something. A lot of the logic is that they have a lot of paramedics and emts that came from FDNY Ems and after looking at their last promotion exam recently I'm assuming they anticipate a high number to continue coming over. The logistics of that I can't comment on with much certainty, but from what I was told these medics would not be transporting . Think of a "first response paramedic" . A regular ALS crew would be transporting . (On a side note, why would they pay a FF or in this care FF/medic, to staff an ambulance or do anything with transporting when they can pay a regular paramedic 1/2 the money to do so. Not saying medics don't deserve more , but financially it doesn't make sense). This is like.... at least a 5-10 year plan. They're just throwing around ideas and thinking of ways to utilize the people, a lot of which they trained in THeIR paramedic program, who come over to fire. Also, it would have to be hashed out with the unions (both fire and EMS). The difference or benefit of having an EMT on an engine VS a CFR ? Response times. I may be wrong, I'm not a "legal issues in the fire service " buff, but I'm almost positive they can't "stop the clock" for having a CFR on scene. If an emt on an engine is on scene , the clock stops when THEY go 10-84, not the ambulance , unless of course the bus is on scene first (10-91, one of the greatest things you can see on the computer ever!). It's all about response times, and their ability to say "we were on scene in 3:10". but medically yes, there isn't much more an emt can do than a CFR kind of. Epi albuterol splitting aspirin etc just a few things but not much more.
  7. Hobbiest, exterior FF, city hater, HIHFTY comes to mind
  8. They are the BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BEST, SIR.....with honors
  9. Westchester (and im pretty sure dutchess co also) has all of those resources, and the manpower. Putnam county barely has enough to cover routine calls, but yes all good ideas, for sure. I'm not sure how man runs the Haz mat team takes in but I'm sure it's less than 10 a year. They'd be better off just spending the money on more paid EMS services to supplement (and inevitably take over) the volunteer ambulances.
  10. Eliminated. Why? Look at that mileage . Lol not a smart resource for 1 department. Would be smarter for a county (or several departments to share) to purchase and have it be special called by a department when needed. In areas with poor water sources it can be a great resource but it is A Very specific piece of specialty equipment.