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About nydude2473

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  1. I feel like it takes two to tango though. As much as there is a lot of political oversight going on, I also feel like the heads of the Fire Department are also a bit in disarray. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk but you can only do so much blaming on the political system. At some point you got to just grab the bull by the horns and get the job done.
  2. Read that update and it still smells fishy to me. Mount Vernon is always going to be in ruins unless they just change the whole system up. The politics need to change and they need to bring in people to that fire department who know what they are doing and are willing to take the time to rebuild and fight for the necessities. The politicians can't be using emergency services as a political toy to bait with. Lives are at stake and those shenanigans need to stop. I don't know how many chiefs are retiring out of FDNY but maybe somebody with that level of experience should be running the department. That's just my two cents. If they don't take themselves seriously and try to make things better for themselves, nothing will change and they'll still be looked down upon. And that's not right to the firefighters who take the job seriously and to the people of Mount Vernon who rely on their services.
  3. If the PD can allow guys to get on by 35 or 37, I don't see why the FD can't be the same way. At the end of the day, the duties can be as strenuous depending on where you are working or what you are assigned to do. But, I think doing this to get a more diverse class wouldn't really result in what they are looking for. I think that really starts with outreach programs or more promoting the exam out there. I always saw posters for the NYPD exam when it was still open to take. With FDNY, I feel like it's more a word of mouth kind of exam. Nothing wrong with that, but that may hurt them with trying to get a more diverse group. But at the same time, you can't force people to take the job if it isn't in them to do it. Firefighting is very much a calling, just like being a cop or a doctor or anything like that. You gotta want to do this job because you love it, for the right reasons.
  4. I'm pretty sure it was a special request by the IC. ConEd maybe gave them the heads up that the Purple K units were an option, but knowing Rockland County, a lot of those guys are FDNY to begin with so they probably knew already that that was an option to go with. Engine 33 and 84 are the closest Purple K units to our area, since the rest are situated in Brooklyn and Queens. I don't know why 23 Truck was added to the assignment but it could be because they have capabilities as well. It's cool to know that our brothers down to the south are more than welcome to give us a helping hand. That's what mutual aid is all about. Great job by all who were there!
  5. I'm going to hopefully just have to say something once and this nonsense is going to end on this topic. It is not right that certain people here are bashing certain organizations that are involved in conducting fire/rescue on the Hudson River. Everybody tries their best with what they have, whether it be manpower and resource wise. Some departments should know what they have and use them wisely. Some should know whether to go out or call in and say the resource isn't available at this time and then get the right resources out there. But, everybody has a role in trying to get good communication going and honestly certain groups don't like to play in the same sandbox with others for certain reasons that more than likely are ridiculous. I didn't hear anybody complain almost a month ago when a fatal tug accident occurred and the initial response was conducted in such an exceptional manor. The first responders got there within minutes of the accident and were able to conduct a rescue attempt that was absolutely textbook. Care was given and the guys went back out there to keep the operation going. No one said anything then. But, that's not always the case and sometimes people need to realize that and get a grip and not put blame on other people. What needs to start happening is working together than trying to work apart. If everybody knows that there is an incident on the River, maybe have a specific Marine Radio Channel open, designated for that traffic. Marine Radio is open to all and all you need is that Marine Radio. You don't need to have to relay traffic from one department to another then. Just have it put out there that this is the standard when an incident occurs. And everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, needs to be involved and know that. Trust me, no one is freelancing out on the River. 60 Control dispatches and units respond. And ultimately, no one can say anything if they haven't experienced it before or have been involved in the operations that occur on the Hudson River. It's just like the fireground, Stop Monday Morning Quaterbacking and stick to whatever you really know. There are guys putting themselves out there, on the line, and all some of you want to do is dog them...shame on you guys for that! We are all out here to do a service for our communities and to help save lives and property, remember the fundamentals sometimes guys!
  6. Yeah great, take a guy with no command experience with little time on the job to begin with and make him the head of a department that is already failing in that category and many others. Either they get a guy with enough time and command experience and a good track record in their own department, or get somebody who has those same qualities who was in another fire department. Mount Vernon needs to step up its game. There shouldn't be a reason why this is acceptable at any level.
  7. I hope it ain't what the paper was saying, that it was political retribution for the Mayor's brother not being reinstated into the department. Like come on, your brother messed up and was doing an act that eventually gets people killed in the long run. I know he's your family but it's not like it was some unpaid parking tickets to look the other way on, this is some serious weapons charges. The city needs to be revamped and honestly, I hope Mayor Thomas isn't that naive to be picking a fight like that for the wrong reason. The fire department needs good leadership and not this kind of foolishness going around. I would like to see who the new Commish will be. Hopefully, it is somebody who is gung ho and looking to make Mount Vernon a better place, and not some momo that is a political back-scratch.
  8. You got to remember that the County Police have many different functions. Not every guy assigned to the Marine Unit is strictly on the Marine Unit. He might be out patrolling the Hutch or out in Cortlandt Manor. Yes, with all the equipment and funding they get you wonder what their actual capabilities are. But, they are out there doing what they can at this time. Nothing wrong with that at all. Also, there is nothing wrong with contacting another agency that has specific units doing this 24/7. The NYPD SCUBA, Harbor, and Aviation Units are doing these tasks around the clock, whether it be in training or on actual calls. They also have the equipment available to them that some agencies don't. Guys assigned to those units are specifically assigned. So, it's not like they are pulling a guy out of the 44 or from Midtown South to come get on a boat or chopper. Not to mention, it builds many different connections for different municipalities, and when you're in need, it really makes the difference having those connections. And like Morningjoe mentioned, the only really capable unit that I know of that can perform these tasks in the County effectively is Yorktown Heights FD Water Rescue Unit. They were out there that morning capable of getting guys in the water and doing a side sonar scan. And honestly, nothing wrong at all with a volunteer agency taking that initiative to be a great unit like that. I give them a lot of credit for what they got going on up there. But, you also got to remember the basics and what is behind all of this. You need commercial divers and salvage teams to get that tug out. That's not a task that a law enforcement or fire-rescue agency would conduct. Also, the initial minutes were crucial and the Tarrytown Fire Department did a great job getting out there as fast as they did and performing at the level that they did. Technology aside, it goes back to training and having the equipment available to enact a rescue effort, and those things were present that day by the first responding agencies.
  9. No, the Field Comm was not on scene for the Tug Accident. However, the WCPD Mobile Command was on scene eventually.
  10. Just want to hit a few things in this post. 1. I'm not too sure that NY Pres and Northwell are going to make that push to put busses up in the county for very small hospitals. These hospitals already have ambulance service from WEMS. The only time you see NY Pres or Northwell up here is if they are doing an inter-facility transfer...Like Hudson Valley to Pres in the City. I know WEMS already provides a great service to these hospitals and honestly it takes that burden off the bigger hospitals, since they don't do that many transfers with the little hospitals to begin with. But, that can always change in time. 2. It's great and all that Mayor Thomas has high hopes that one day they can have the FD provide EMS service in the Vern. However, like it was mentioned previously, no way in the world that is happening any time soon. The damn city council is fighting the mayor just to add 11 more guys. Maybe one day, but definitely not in the foreseeable future. The Vern has to really get its act together before it can even think of doing anything else besides basic firefighting. 3. Transcare had a huge role in 911 EMS in the Bronx. If I'm not mistaken, they had most of the hospital contracts. From sources I have and reading around, they were already starting to lose those hospitals to other private EMS companies such as SeniorCare and Citywide. This definitely hits hard for the Bronx, especially since they are already struggling right now with EMS calls as it is. 4. It's definitely going to be interesting to see what happens in these municipalities when it comes to an EMS provider. I know the remaining 3 big cities in the county are going to have to stick with Empress for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if eventually they turn to the FDNY style route of having their own "city" EMS. Only time will tell. Also with this, does this mean FDNY is going to hire more EMTs and Medics. I know they have been trying to make the push lately with putting more classes through and trying to attempt this new "flycar" program. But, I feel like now they have no choice but to pick up the slack that Transcare has left. They might feel like now these private EMS companies aren't as reliable and might just try to make that push for a complete FDNY EMS takeover in certain locations. Who knows, just some thoughts and comments I wanted to rattle off. Like I said before, only time will tell!
  11. I know for the most part, the home rule applies about who is on the "FAST" Team and what their training is. It is nice for everybody on a FAST Team to have the FAST class offered by NYS. However, we know that this isn't always the case. What's important then, is to have experienced and trained guys on that crew. That has to be determined by the officers of that department to keep everybody at a certain level. Also, you have to take into consideration that sometimes a FAST Team isn't available and you got to use an incoming unit as the FAST, whether it be a mutual aid engine or ladder. The fireground can be a tricky and fast-paced place, so being able to call a shot on a dime is important. Remember, FAST techniques are really just honing in on firefighter survival and truck operation skills. Throwing ladders, searching rooms, buddy drags, etc. It's nice to put that title as a "FAST" Team, but honestly, everybody should be ready to go if they get called from the bullpen. It's about being good with the skills that you have been trained to do and have been implementing for however long you've been in the fire service.
  12. This is all around, whether it be career or volunteer, it's a complete tragedy. These politicians are absolutely clueless and ignorant to the fact that emergency services are a major part of keeping a community safe and going. I don't know what they do with the money, but it sure ain't going to things that actually need it. Instead, let's plant trees in places that already have trees and lets solarize all the buildings in town, even though we will still be getting our energy from the ways we always have. Some communities get it and some don't. And honestly, it's mixed across the board on who does. It takes someone getting severely hurt or killed to have change happen. That's not how this works, and they need to understand that the bare minimum is not good enough at all.
  13. No offense to anybody but I feel like you are really doing a disservice to that community you get on the job for when you pull some stuff like this. I know everybody would love to work closer to home but honestly, just being able to get on the job is lucky enough.
  14. It's great that the mayor is trying to do the best he can with what he has on his plate. What sucks though is that the city council seems to be not interested in the safety of the community and rather be saving money while watching their city burn and having other firefighters from other communities risk their lives to fight them. No offense, but what a bunch of ignorant jerks. Also, the YFD Union President has a point, even though adding these guys might and 20 sounds like a nice number to have per shift, still isn't enough I think for a city that deals with what they deal with.
  15. I think it's great that they have those rigs at the ready, hopefully they are going to be placed at the specific EMS stations that have the Rescue Medics. Yes, the rigs are a bit overwhelming, but with some of the incidents happening these days and the amount of time "on station" with these calls, I don't see what's wrong with packing a little more than a little less.