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Everything posted by tdc202

  1. To all the fathers out there have a safe and Happy Father's day
  2. Well said Chief. It sounds like a good job by all involved at that fire and all those who were out in the storm that night and most importantly everyone went home safe
  3. excellent job again Bill
  4. I know it's early but has anyone out there started calling oil companies for pricing for the upcoming year yet? I called a few in Dutchess and right now they are averging around $5.00 a gallon. Has anyone else started looking yet and what's the prices you are hearing?
  5. lol I was thinking of the prices and I have 1 -275 gal tank i couldn't imagine 2 I think I'd have more gray hair than I do now
  6. Good luck and stay safe
  7. Nice shots Photo and looks like a good job by WFFD. Could have been a lot worse
  8. If you go to the Milan area how about Lake TAconic(spelling? I know it's wrong but forgot how to spell it)
  9. ALs have you tried Charlotte's grove in East Fishkill? I believe it's off Palen road used to be good fishing in that area
  10. Thanks for the info,. I too find it intresting that reportedly the Fire Alarm System wasn't working.
  11. Anyone out there hear anything further on this one?
  12. I'll take a guess and say Bill is in some unusual position taking a shot the "black gold " spilled in the river?
  13. Ive seen that before but it's still awesome
  14. Hats off to him but you have to wonder why noone else wanted the position through the years if he wanted to step down.....
  15. I guess they wanted a picture window in the office Anyway nice photos Unit and it looks like a good job By EFFD.....
  16. .com here and think the photo posting idea is a good one too
  17. Why not add them here?
  18. Try the Ghent band or HMC they are pretty good but might be good. I also remember some Long Island Fiore Dept's have some bands that are pretty good as well
  19. I think the Dept's involved did a good job with what they faced on arrival and the most important thing was everyone went home safe ..............
  20. That's a great idea and good luck to the Explorer post in restoring it
  21. "I seen him frequent the "Trose lately too" LoL... Westchester County Super Buff. " Porter noone could beat you there Good luck to the new dispatchers