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Everything posted by Morningjoe

  1. Since the Taconic Parkway closure in 2012, where the NB lanes were shut down, Millwood FD has been on a dual, automatic dispatch for any possible structure fire on the south end of the Reservoir with YHFD. They still operate under this.
  2. Yam bags, quit yamming around
  3. Heard Wayne County, Montana is looking to replace their entire fleet with 6x4 ATVs and drones. Any validity to this?
  4. What about consolidation?Isn't that the answer to everything on this forum?
  5. For when you really need to dump your load out the rear quickly
  6. Do you have a link to the actual announcement? The DOH still has it listed as a Trauma Center...
  7. Hate to break it to you, but an online chat room is not the appropriate place to issues press releases regarding tax monies, government purchased equipment, and their usage. Face to face meetings where statements can be delivered and Q&A can be handled in a more appropriate and prudent manor are ideal. You're never going to get a PIO approved statement on here regarding anything, because, no pun intended, it is not the appropriate forum to do so.
  8. Welcome to the northeast where you have to take a test for any civil service job
  9. What Westchester needs, is A) A lot more dispatchers period a Dispatcher assigned to each incident C) a radio system where each incident is assigned a specific Tac or Ops channel i.e."60-Control to Smithville, 123 Main Street, Structure Fire, Utilize Tac 2 for fireground, Tac 3 for Tanker Ops" D) a radio system where the dispatchers can hear the actual fire ground communications, for safety and logistical purposes E) a radio system that doesn't have dead spots throughout the county, or dead spots 5' inside of a building F) a radio system that everyone uses.... Fire, Police, EMS.
  10. That was really my point, albeit reading back on it, it didn't come out clear at all. Run numbers mean absolute jack. It's stats like BFD1054 is asking for that really matter.
  11. Some buff guy, check ya sources. Yorktown did 607.
  12. The guys and girls who sign up to take this exam are getting dealt a pretty rough deal. $100 is a big time chunk of change for a lot of people, and may be the difference between getting a dream job, and not being able to even take the exam.
  13. There is not one civil service paid firefighter in Rockland county. So, the volunteer standard is all they have, Fact is, you go to a majority of the other states in the union, and all volunteers must be trained to the same level as career firefighters before they are allowed to ride on calls. Why is this? Because it makes sense. How can anyone possibly agree and promote less training for anyone who is responsible for the lives of others? Why should volunteers be allowed to respond with this minimal amount of training, but career personnel have an exorbitant amount? Simple example would be exploring a train accident on the MTA lines. How many volunteer departments who have MTA Lines run through them, require their firefighters to undergo MTA train safety if there is an accident on the tracks? How many departments require their firefighters to undergo mass casualty incident training, or mass hazmat decon training if another 9-11 happens and biochem or nuclear weapons are utilized and released into the general population in the city and commuters start to take the trains home prior to any transit ban placed into effect? Fact is, all career departments who sent their members to the academy, have received this training. I just found out the other day that FF1 no longer teaches how to operate a saw, or cut a roof. That's reserve for truck company class. Forget about the population and what level of service they are receiving. The real questions are why, should you as a firefighter, choose to be unknowingly exposed to risks that you cannot even comprehend until you go through training? And paralleling that, as someone who is responding to those types of incidents, you should be demanding that you get trained in how to respond to those emergencies so you know and understand the risks and what to do CORRECTLY during those incidents. What kind of message does that send when we except apathy from our ranks in regards to training? People should be striving to learn all they can about the fire service, not actively attempting to hamper others safety.
  14. Looking at their website and their 2015 budget, the funds for station 3 are earmarked for only that, so it would be illegal to move the money for any other purposes, such as renovation of station 2.
  15. The longest anyone has ever survived fully submerged underwater, is 90 minutes. That was a small child who had broken through the ice, and was rescued 90 minutes later, and made a 100% full recovery. Using this, the team I'm familiar with sets a 90 minute time limit from the time the water rescue team is dispatch until the switch from rescue to recovery mode, regardless of the victims age or water temperature. On another note, public safety diving/water rescue is one of the most dangerous and technically advanced operations that can be undertaken by an emergency service. Comparing a LODD / # of water operations vs LODD / # structure fires, you have a much higher probability of dying while operating at a water incident then you do operating inside of a structure fire. Because of this, hours upon hours of advanced training, tens of thousands of dollars worth of dive and water rescue equipment on the initial start up, followed by thousands of dollars worth of yearly upkeep cost are required, which in turn, prohibit many smaller departments or departments with minimal water in their jurisdiction, from justifying the need for all of the money and time spent on equipment and training. Departments are not required to have the equipment or training to handle every emergency in their jurisdiction. They only need a plan of action of who they're going to call (insert Ghost Busters joke here) if they are dispatched to an incident that they are not trained on.
  16. What a crock of shyt. What's the unions stance on this?
  17. No, no... It's not a problem because nothing ever happens there. It's totally fine.
  18. I can't tell if you're putting on an act and playing dumb, or if you're actually involved in emergencies services when you can't even structure a written sentence into a logical, cohesive manor with proper syntax, grammar and annunciation, so the rest of the world can understand you. I get that it's the internet, and that people really could care less about spelling late vs. L8, or Lmao.... But seriously brotha, pick up a book and learn the difference between a period and an apostrophe. People might actually take what you're trying to convey to us seriously.
  19. Then at what point do we decided that the general public is "too stupid" to determine what's good for them? "The who give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin
  20. Minority this, minority that. When is everyone going to put race, gender, sexual preferences, religious background, completely behind us, and simply acknowledge when great work is done. What this explorer has done, was exceptional and will surpass the abilities of many Senior firefighters. We shouldn't segregate her any further by saying "this female did this, this female did that" but rather including her in the bigger picture of "this firefighter did this, this firefighter did that." And that should be applied across the board, regardless of the job title or task. The only way to truly include everyone without discriminating, is to remove superfluous titles of race, gender and sexual preference.I don't care who you are, or what you are. If you can cook an excellent cake, you're a great baker. If you can legally get me more money back on my taxes, you're a great accountant. If you can stretch a line, and force a door, vent a roof, follow the chain of command, then you're a Great firefighter. What this video shows is a great firefighter.
  21. I'm not Christian... Where's my story?
  22. I think this is a great idea! On top of it being a "competition," what a great way to get a majority of the teams together to discuss their operational tactics, and view each other's equipment! Good Luck to the teams that compete.
  23. The solution has been stated here multiple times now, and I feel like you're not getting the answer you're looking for. There is a much bigger issue going on in your department then having the policy put into place. It stems from the irresponsible nature of your department allowing itself to, from your words, rely fully on 18 year old (EightTEEN) students in high school to supply your town with emergency services. If your department (FD or EMS) cannot get a well staffed rig with well qualified individuals on the road after the first page, then you should be thinking about career staffing, or other means to supply emergency services to the people who have entrusted you with their lives. Paging out 2-3-4 times is ludicrous, and endangers the entire community; plus it makes you look/sound like a a bunch of yahoos morons who cant get a rig out to your surrounding fire departments. There should be a 1 page, 4 minute rule, period. Can't get out? K, the next closet department is getting dispatched.