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Everything posted by Chkpoint

  1. It has so much potential. But these departments are not going to keep bringing apparatus to this event if not many people are there. And it has been said but how many times you going to see the same thing. The people that come to this have already seen what these departments have and no one new comes and nothing that new is out. So departments are not going to take the manpower to attend this show with the fuel cost. It's like, I already know what Yonkers has so why keep brining it for same people to see over and over.
  2. I then retract my statement. Although having something open to the public wouldn't be a bad idea. Chance to see what the public spends tax dollars on but also see a demostration and show how the tools are used. IDK I am just throwing it out there for convo or idea.
  3. In the past it seems Yonkers FD would bring the whole fleet from SOD. Looks like this year just 1 piece of equipment. Need new blood and demos if you are going to do the show. Maybe Yonkers felt for the type of show it is to bring everything out just wasn't worth it. If ony a few people come then its not worth it. I know they can't do it on a weekend in June but Playland opens just before Memorial Day so why not have it early May or better yet September when Playland is closed and weather is still nice. Hell even October on a weekend. In the fall people love to do anything on a weekend and most pople are off and they could open it up to more visitors.