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About runninguy89

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  • Location nyc

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  1. anyone know what list # they got up to on this test?
  2. I don't know if anyone scored that low with so many applicants these days I'm sure they cut off around 90 another thing that comes into play is that people drop off in the process or fail a portion ( drug test background check ect) I think about 300 candidates took the physical
  3. Not that I have any more insight since we're in the same boat but you have to think that everyone had similar scores because some guys we're great In the strength events and slow in the running events plus some guys we're totally out of shape and obliviously we're not in shape. Also you don't know your written score so that may be the biggest deciding factor
  4. Ok thanks guys just wondering where I stand since I don't have any scores or anything for reference
  5. Don't know if im off topic but I see that some yfd guys do post here so maybe I'll get an answer. I took the 2012 test passed written and physical how long does it take for them to get to a list? How big are classes? I realize a lot of this depends on what happens with budgets but any info would be helpful thanks