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About kinkchaser

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  1. Sadly, FDNY does not include Members who die later of WTC related illness as LOOD, they carry them under separate recognition and they are not included on the huge plaque with all other LOOD's from the beginning of time but a separate memorial. Their traditional 5-5-5-5 is not transmitted for them when passing either but an administrative 6-5-2 is transmitted, What gives ?????
  2. FDNY Ladder 137 comes from Rockaway on the beach did this rig come equipped with surf boards (seriously) Rigs carry them out there
  3. NRFD had a large Blue and White Civil Defense Rescue that was one given to Cities by the Federal Government in the 1950's it carried the latest WW2 equipment well into the 70's . It was a crazy looking apparatus and not that functional for everyday running. This was followed by a Dodge Ram van which was sinfully overloaded and limited in what it could carry. Then the Pierce can and things got a lot more professional. Due to financial situations over the years the Rescue could not be manned on a regular basis, however all this may change after Jan 1, 2019
  4. Must have been difficult responding with a light pole in the middle of the apparatus door
  5. Not including Clown cars and various Cushmans and segways, I was told that the NYPD has a variety of RMPs makes ,in the event of a serious manufacturers recall, the entire fleet would not be affected, now I do not know if that is fact or fiction
  6. I wonder if DOWNTOWN BOSTON had any issues with the SCBA s that the MSA's replaced , I believe SCOTT 4.5 ,and was the neck and back injuries proclaimed as the reason for the job wide change a real issue
  7. Hope it works out for them if scoop is true, Many huge homes far off the road, challenging firefighting
  8. Love the Chief with the bandana around his face for smoke, I presume >Looks like a stagecoach robber
  9. Tragic loss to his family, friends and the entire Fire Service
  10. Straight streams will illustrate if all items were installed correctly and what has to be revisited by dealer
  11. Back a few years ago when Chief Corcoran was chosen as Police Chief of Rye,did he not have full qualifications, now in the same City how is the Fire Chief permitted to lead folks in one of Americas most dangerous professions and charged with the lives of it's firefighter and citizens plus their possessions. with no documented qualifications, when will professionalism ever hit the Fire service ?
  12. With a residential fire it is often better to control the door and give it a quick dash thru a side window or enter thru a bilco style door if available. The under side of these stairs are often totally exposed to fire and can collapse with or without the weight of a fire fighter or firefighters.. We were always taught to get down the cellar stairs as quickly as possible to get out of the flow path, but perhaps taming the tiger a little bit and going down in a safer mode, for final extinguishment might be a saner approach. Commercial cellars you often do not have simple options, who remembers Bresnan distributors, Hart and Baker cellar pipes ? God I love the classics Seriously, I hope the WPFD guys are OK and mend quickly.
  13. I wonder how good foam developed for smothering would do on a deep seated dumpster fire, when you have to soak way down deep.
  14. In this case it was a good move, ask the guys inside, not too much strain on the aerial ladder and a minimum of lateral pressure which as we know is an aerials weakness. Perhaps a little freshening up on the orange tip paint , a unmelted rubber rung cover and all will be well. But seriously that move sure got results.