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About WHFD204

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  • Location West Harrison

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  1. To begin I am one of the members of the program and we have 4 advisors total for 16 members. The program started with 4 original members and 2 advisors, since then one of the original members has graduated. We practice once a week, which is alot compared to some other organizations that I know of. Mostly our practices consist of basic evolutions taken from the FF1 book, but during the summer when school is out we go to our training base and do lots of hands on training such as VES, raising ladders,forcible entry, streching lines and flowing water. Also during the summer we are put in rotation groups, and when it's your groups turn you can attend the regular department drill, to either spectate or participate (only if the CO permits us to) within the drill. However for when school is in session we will mostly hold in house drills, like wide area search or firefighter entrapments. When we wanted to start the program the 4 members and 2 advisors all met up and we created an application for membership (a modifiyed version of the departments application with a parent sign off ) and a program by laws booklet (a code of conduct and an outline of the program does as well as another parent sign off sheet at the back. After creating this we brought it to the chief and after we received his approval, he then brought it up at the department meeting, and they voted upon it. Every member of the program is issued their own PPE and a gear bag for storage, most of our gear issued is 10+ years old, other members and I have also purchased other pieces of equipment (new gloves or radio holsters) we are also issued a work uniform and a dress uniform (both portrayed in the video). Lastly, the program has a chain of command going from Advisor to Probitionary member, It goes Advisor, 1 Captain, 2 Lieutenants, J.F.F, and Probitonary Member. To become a Captian or Lieutenants you must be elected to that position.