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About Using_All_Hands

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  • Location County of Westchester

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  1. What was the nature of the injuries? 11 seems like an awful lot.
  2. Well, if it's been out of service for "a long time," then yes, it could be considered "long term."
  3. Nope. It almost seems like it would take an act of Christ himself to have that rolling asset respond to anything other then drills. Shameful.
  4. Date: 12/19/15 Time: 19:05 Location: Interstate 95 at Mamaroneck Road Exit 18 District: Mamaroneck Units: See Below VMFD: 2241, E41, E42, U9 MEMS: 6812, 68A2 LEMS: 4911, 66A1, 66B1 HEMS: 61A5 WCDES: EMS 10 Description: 3-Car Accident with a total of 14 patients transported.
  5. Pocantico Hills T12 does a decent amount of Mutual Aid. Their Engine often goes to Sleepy Hollow. Archville is so close to Briarcliff's west side, there's really no advantage of moving them up to E92's house, in my opinion. Ossining's 10-75 plan calls for Sleepy's TL38 to relocate. It's currently OOS (for a long time, I am told). If TL38 is OOS, the next on the list is Croton TL44. With Croton down an Engine (E119) - it's a tough call pulling both their FAST (using U14) and TL44 out of town. Next on the list would be Briarcliff TL40 - which if R37 is already there it might be tough to staff. Next on the list is Pleasantville. When that Main Street fire came in, there was a large brush fire in Ossining that Briarcliff was working at (since it was actually in both districts). Briarcliff had Pleasantville Engine in their HQ, so the next available Truck in the area was Montrose. Sometimes, it is better to leap frog and pull a unit to relocate from 2 towns away then the one next door. IE if Ossining has a job and calls Montrose TL8 to relocate instead of Croton, it could be argued that Croton runs a lot more calls and has a higher probability of needing their TL then Montrose would.
  6. This whole thread makes me want to chop up Excedrin and snort it... The issue is a commissioner candidate who is looking at it from a financial standpoint and not a service one. The issue isn't 60 Control. The issue is cost savings which ultimately would mean a drop in manpower. Dispatch might be the only place a brother on light duty can go until they're fit for full duty. Could 60 handle Hartsdale, yup - 100%. One day that time will come but if it does, it should be at the decision of the HFD Chief and Officers and not the commissioners. The men doing the job are the ones that should decide on what's best for that job.
  7. Not sure of specifics, but these units (if I remember correctly) have SCBA bottle filling capabilities. Buchanan U12 North White Plains (Not sure of unit #) Port Chester E63 New Rochelle MSU3 Larchmont R1 Bedford Hills R10 Katonah R17 Chappaqua R23 Croton Falls R28 Millwood R38 Briarcliff R37 Continental Village R39 Town of Mamaroneck R6 Greenburgh Civil Defense U446
  8. 1. Where the fire was, appeared to be closer to Vista and Connecticut. 2. Tankers were needed, which Bedford lacks. 3. The IC called a Truck from Bedford Hills, Bedford doesn;t have one. 4. Anyone with a scanner knows Bedford struggles to cover what seems like the majority of their calls. Why take the gamble? 5. Wouldn't this be more appropriate for the Chief or Bedford to contact the Chief of Pound Ridge?
  9. Date: 5/11/15 Time: 15:15 Location: 2 Lafayette Street District: Verplanck FD Units: Verplanck 2491, 2497, 2499, E128 / Montrose 2272, TL8 / Buchanan 2552, U12 / Croton 2083, E119 / Montrose VA 2571, E225 / Cortlandt VAC, Croton EMS, Peekskill VAC Rehab / C&O Zone 4 / Battalion 10 Description: Fire in reportedly abandoned single story residence. 15:15 - Verplanck dispatched to reported structure fire with Montrose and Buchanan to standby in own HQ. 15:20 - Montrose unit on scene reporting a working fire. 15:21 - E128 responding. 15:23 - 2497, E128 on scene, working fire. Re-tone for manpower. 15:24 - Verplanck retoned, Peekskill FAST, Montrose TL8, Buchanan U12, Battalion 10 to scene. 15:26 - 2272, TL8 responding. 15:29 - 2552, U12 responding, Battalion 10 responding. 15:31 - TL8 on location. 15:33 - Verplanck unit asking for a 2nd Engine "don't care where it comes from" to scene, VAFD E225 dispatched. 15:34 - 2571, E225 responding. 2552, U12 on scene. 15:36 - Continental Village Engine to Buchanan HQ for coverage. 15:37 - Peekskill unable to cover FAST request, Croton FAST dispatched. Mohegan L10 requested to Montrose HQ. 15:38 - Battalion 10 on location. 15:39 - 2089 responding for Croton FAST. 15:42 - E225 on location. Croton Tanker to relocate Verplanck HQ. 15:43 - 2083, E119 responding as FAST. 15:47 - 2081, T10 relocating to Verplanck. 15:49 - 2133, E231 relocating to Buchanan. 15:52 - 2083, E119 on location. 15:55 - Mohegan retoned for manpower to staff L10. 15:57 - 2264, L10 relocating Montrose HQ. 15:58 - 2133, E231 out at Buchanan. 16:00 - C&O Zone 4 dispatched. 2081, T10 out at Verplanck HQ. 16:21 - 2264, L10 at Montrose HQ. 16:55 - Croton units clear of scene. 17:15 - Buchanan and VAFD units clear of scene. 17:30 - Continental Village released from Buchanan. 17:40 - Montrose clear of scene. Croton T10 released from Verplanck HQ. Mohegan L10 released from Montrose. 17:42 - Battalion 10 10-8. 18:00 - All units clear of scene.
  10. More Chiefs then indians, no? According to a source, 60 Control has steadily increased their workload almost 75% over the past decade - and hasn't increased their staffing. It's a ticking time bomb and their "Director" has his hand on the detonator and the Commissioner does nothing about it. Other than adding people in every unit except comms and buying millions of dollars worth of dust-collecting toys, what has changed for the better?!
  11. "Bottom of Da Hill" - you keep accusing a dispatcher of just dispatching his department to an incident. Don't you think that he/she would have to answer to a Supervisor? How do you know someone didn't call on the phone and tell him/her who to send? Do everyone a favor, STOP!!!! You are making your whole department look foolish,
  12. 09:10 - Montrose dispatched with Buchanan & Verplanck to standby in own HQ. 09:16 - 2279 on scene with 10-75 and Engine from VAFD. 2276 on scene, fully involved, exterior attack only. 09:17 - Croton FAST, Buchanan U12, CCVAC, 35M2, Battalion 10 dispatched. 09:18 - Verplanck Engine to Montrose HQ. 09:21 - E225 on location. 09:23 - 2089, E119 responding. 09:27 - Bat 10, 2089, E119 on location. 09:37 - Bat 10 reports 2 1/2 story balloon frame, 3 L/S/O, stretching a 4th line. 10:00 - C&O Zone 4 dispatched. 10:12 - Bat 10 reported heavy fire on 2nd & 3rd floors, Command going exterior again. 10:20 - Command putting Croton to work, requesting Ossining FAST as relief. 10:32 - Bat 10 requesting 2 additional Engine companies to scene. E161 & E257 dispatched. 10:41 - 2332, E98, U51 responding. 10:50 - OFD FAST on location. 10:55 - Command reports exterior attack again. Using TL8 aerial stream. 10:56 - E257 responding. 11:12 - E161 on Laurel Hill Road, hand-stretching 5" to feed TL8. 12:17 - Bat 10 reports exterior operations resuming. 12:58 - Ossining E99 to scene for manpower. 13:17 - E99 responding. 13:15 - Interior ops resuming, Croton crews to 2nd, 3rd floor and porch roof. 13:28 - E99 on scene. 13:55 - 1 MOS to hospital - minor injuries. 14:05 - Bat 17 dispatched for relief. 14:30 - E119, E225, OFD FAST in service. 15:12 - E257 in service. 15:15 - Millwood L52 requested to scene to hit hot spots from driveway. 17:40 - Situation under control. 18:45 - All units in service.
  13. Date: 11/24/14 Time: 20:12 Location: 75 Spring Valley Road (near Glendale Road) District: Millwood Millwood Units: 2251, 2254, E247, E248, L52, T15, U44 Ossining Units: 2331, 2332, E98, U51 FAST Croton Units: 2082, 2083, T10 Ossining EMS: 74A1 WCDES: Battalion 17 Description: Fire on 2nd floor and attic of L-shaped private dwelling. 20:12 - Millwood, Ossining FAST, Croton T10, Battalion 17 dispatched for reported house fire. 20:13 - 2251, 2254 responding. 20:14 - 2331, 2332, 2083, T10 responding. 20:15 - 2082 responding. 20:16 - 2251 on location. 20:19 - E98, U51 responding as FAST. E247, E248 responding. 20:20 - T10 on location. 20:21 - L52 responding. 2083, T15 on location. 20:22 - IC reports flames and smoke from 2nd floor and attic. 20:23 - U44 responding. 20:24 - Ossining FAST on scene. E248 on scene. 20:28 - Command requesting an Engine to his HQ and EMS to scene. OVAC 74A1 handling. 20:29 - E247, U44 on scene. Briarcliff Engine dispatched to Millwood HQ. 20:31 - L52 on scene. 20:34 - IC requesting Con Ed Electric to scene. 20:37 - IC reports main body of fire knocked down, overhauling. 2051, 2053, E94 relocating. 20:45 - 2051, 2053, E94 standing by Millwood HQ. 20:47 - IC releasing Ossining FAST per Bat 17.
  14. Date: 10/26/14 Time: 20:33 Location: 37 Dunbar Street (cross of Horatio Street) District: Yonkers Station 10 Initial Units: E310, E312. Sqd11, E309, TL75, L72, R1, Bat 2 All Hands Units: L70 FAST, Bat 1 Safety, Car 6 Description: Fire in two-story vacant structure. 20:33 - Companies dispatched for fire in vacant structure. 20:35 - E310 10-84, smoke showing. 20:36 - E310 has a 10-29 at 37 Dunbar Street, abandoned house, stretching in. 20:37 - Bat 2 transmitting 10-30, fire in a two story dwelling. 20:39 - Car 6 responding. Bat 1 responding as Safety, L70 responding as FAST. Bat 2 reports 1 L/S/O. 20:43 - Bat 2 requesting EMS for one fire victim. 20:44 - Bat 2 reports a 2-story dwelling, 1 victim removed from 2nd floor, 2 L/S/O, all companies working. 20:47 - L70 (FAST Truck) 10-84. 20:52 - Bat 2 reports fire knocked down, overhauling, primary resulted in one occupant. 21:58 - Bat 2 knocking down the assignment to a 10-18, all other companies going 10-8.
  15. Date: 10/17/14 Time: 23:59 Location: I95 Southbound / South of Midland Avenue District: Rye Units: 2421, E191, E192, L25, U39 Description: Fully engulfed tractor-trailer fire 00:07 - 2421, E191, E192 on location.