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About Tommy_Scanners

  • Birthday October 30

Profile Information

  • Name: Tommy
  • Location Croton-On-Hudson
  • Agency Croton Volunteer Fire Department

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  1. Did you lock out the channel by accadent? If you hit one of the numbers 0-9, you lockout the bank. Somewhere on the screen, you should see what banks are being scanned. If you don't see the bank that your channel is in, hit the bank number key so it shows up on your screen. If you locked out your channel, manually scroll to the channel and make sure it dosent say LO or L/O or something like that. If it is locked out, find the button on your keypad that says LO / L/O to unlock it... Hope this helps.
  2. Are they programed the same? Was the channel he was listening too also programed into your scanner? Is your squelch set properly?
  3. Some more Croton-On-Hudson 2012 call info, including the types of incidents we responded to, and our top 10 responders:
  4. The town is going to turn it into a DPW truck.
  5. The CFD's new site will be out of this world!
  6. I might be going to one of the shoots of the show. I know someone who works for NBC and might be able to take me down. I'll take pictures.
  7. Don't forget to come this weekend!!!!!!
  9. Come out to support Croton Explorer Post 2089 on Saturday October 20th and Saturday November 10th, 2012. Cars: $8 Trucks/SUV's: $10
  10. Ouch.
  11. I am an Explorer in Croton, and would have loved to have my post and I attend. In the future, i suggest that you reach out to chiefs in the surrounding towns.
  12. I agree with Billy. I am a big time buff, and have had no problem with radioreference. I often double check with other sources to be sure I get what i want, but for the most part, radioreference is a reliable source for me. Nonetheless I have inputed frequencies for firegrounds 1-8 on the google doc. Let me know if seek more frequency help.
  13. The new Tanker 10 (Croton Fire Department) Is in service!!!!!!