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Everything posted by SmokeyJoe

  1. Rest in peace brother. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
  2. Let's see what happens when one of these politicians house burns down. Odds are they'll be singing a different tune
  3. More from the Patch:
  4. Have we set a record yet? This has gotta be the longest thread ever. Let's just just merge the districts into SFRD and be done with it. Enuf!
  5. Hang on boys and girls, here we go again:
  6. And still more on the Patch:
  7. Very good points. It sounds like there is a real problem that has not yet been fixed. Where was the chief in all of this?
  8. I guess that is probably part of what will be reviewed. When North Hudson Rergiona Fire & Rexcue was created in NJ, they absorbed at least on FD w/vollies (Town of Guttenburg, I think?). I would look to see how they handled the process.
  9. A new story about this situation is in todays Journal news:|topnews|text|Frontpage What is as sad as it is shocking is the Village report on Nick's harassment claims: What a shame that a motivated guy like him has been treated so badly. And the Village is looking pretty lame in the way they have handled this.
  10. What is sad is that it is guys like Nick that are the best hope for VFDs like Irvington but they keep driving the good guys away. Whata shame.
  11. As always, the good captain is right on target. Good point, B!
  12. And what you're saying makes it scary that these people are getting and using tax $$s without anybody checking how and where. As I expected
  13. A real loss. He was a gent and a standup guy
  14. Looks like you may be wrong in the case of the IVFD. See the latest here:
  15. Chris, you said you are or we're a member of Irvington. How much does the company there spend on fire/rescue (equipment, training, etc) vs social expenses and parades? Do they have an outside auditor? From the article and comments on the patch it seems like there is nobody overseeing them.
  16. Based on the comments in the Patch I would say this is the case in Irvington too
  17. Bottom line: there are two problems here: 1) lack of accountability and mismanagement of donations by fire company (chief probably has zero csay) 2) abusive behavior directed towards and active member Even if a fraction of what I have been reading was true, these guys really need to cleanup the mess and get their house in order.
  18. Well stated chief. The company leaders in many NYS villages just dont seem to get it do they? This is not there money to play around with. Meanwhile they b**** about retention but when they get a standup guy like Nick they chase him away. Go figure.
  19. If you think we in the fire service are going to hae a shot in hell of out lobbying the building materials and construction industries, guess again!
  20. Wow! Talk about goin off topic! :-)) Back to the unions, yeah many of them have lost their purpose in life. Remember though that the IAFF for all it's pandering to Obama and the Democrats has taken a lead in firefighter safety. Both volunteer and career members have benefitted from their work.