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Everything posted by x4093k

  1. Honestly, that regulation makes absolutely no sense. What's the point of regulating someone from improving an IA throughout time? :/
  2. This evening after dining at Westchester Burger Co. We drove down Green Lane. Shortly before we got to the railroad track there were SEVERAL old old ambulances and engines all in a fenced in area. I have never seen them there before. Is this new? Is this just a collector's storage lot? I was very tempted to take photos of it but by that time we were on the tracks and the train was approaching. ( I had to think if i wanted to try and get a photo before train or to move off the tracks.. was difficult decision..(only kidding ) Any info would be appreciated, i'd like to get down there again and check them all out, looked like they were in great condition and were driven there.
  3. The rescue is in service and has been used for extrication drill already. Some specs: 6 Person Cab, Front Brow Light, 30′ Light Tower, 750 Gallons of Water and Foam, Hurst Cutter, Spreader and Combi Tool (in front bumper), Airbags, Stabilization Struts, Winch, Hydraulic Hose Bed Covers, Speedy Dry (3 Bag Capacity) in Coffin Compartment With Extendable Hose, Chainsaw, K12, Cribbing, Fan, Spill Control, 2 portable light stands, Emergency Highway Sign, AED / FirstAid Kit.
  4. Which truck are you talking about? Port Chester is a little far but can probably make it in 10-15 minutes, Mahopac isnt far, Somers is 2 miles away. So I assume your talking about Port Chester?
  5. 33-2 is a little close to the river wouldn't ya say? Nice pics hope all remained safe.
  6. @ Sympathomedic- how ya liking the new expeditions? You were generous on the sirens this evening!
  7. The "Judges' Seem to like it, as they won a few times at parades i've gone to. Maybe it's more professional or something. I'm seeing Chief Lena this weekend i'll have to ask him. I'll advise if I dont forget to ask lol.
  8. What, are we going british or something? looks nice.. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Hope it serves you well. Will 48 be taken out of the automatic dual response? Hows your new Brush truck? that rig looked great!
  10. Your correct on Somers chief at least.. Not sure if John uses that one or not, he's probably still down there, he'll probably inform you once he sees your question..
  11. I see a lifesaver! Check my Flickr account for ALL photos I got..( not sure why it all went onto one post...)
  12. Below are some shots that I got with my IPhone. My camera was yet again unable to work so i had to use the phone.. Some are blurry I apologize.
  13. I personally agree with no charges against the father. It's his own kid. He shouldn't of beat him up so bad, he probably wasnt trying to, but it is what it is. If he had just beat him up and left him there to die, maybe a few charges against him, but it sounds like he was worried about the guy and didnt really mean it. so..
  14. Just watching the news this AM. The Coast Guard is now investigating this with the one in Texas. They still have no track of who it came from or where it came from. I hope they get the person and charge them for it, theres absolutely no purpose for that, just a waste of money/fuel!
  15. If your that cheap, thats sad... but for all of us, no. You state "get paid back in the long run" so if its a law to pay now, pay, and youll get it back later. Whats the problem? Missing a buck fifty for a month? Yes it seems a little odd but it is what it is. It's not that big of a deal to ruin DOT material just to get out of a little fee.
  16. You were at Granite Springs Firehouse, which houses the new Tower Ladder 18, and Engine 185. In the rear it houses E-182. Somers FD has 4 stations. Lincolndale, which houses U-89, Tanker 16, E-183, 80B3,B2,B1, Rescue 20, Rescue 38, Marine 22, Utility 5 and Utility 81 U35, U34 outside. Another house is Amawalk, which houses Engine 188 and Engine 181. Somers House houses MA 14, Ladder 48, U88, E-180. I am not sure if that is completely right, but the last time I checked it was that. Hope that helps..
  17. Hmmm so when an ambulance is code 3(or whatever code it is for you) to a hospital with a pt in the back having a heart attack with cpr in progress, you have to stop, find the change, wait for the gate, and then go and hope people move out of the way quickly... Sounds a bit right, dont ya think? The way money is made these days...
  18. Was a good turn out(from the photos I saw) hope all had fun.
  19. Exactly. Thats what I was trying to say. They could of easily put it around the back or underneath(not as much) if that was an expensive new BMW or a high class car, that'd be a problem to the owner. Madison said there were PD/FD lights in it, so maybe it was a buff or a FF or police officer who didn't mind. Who knows..
  20. Well maybe next year i'll have to get next to you, because thats a great position. Nice job, it's never too late to upload photos!
  21. Grumpyff- Thanks for the info, I am sure you did a great job today. I actually went early this AM to NYC to fix my camera, and then we headed up to Cape Cod, Mass. If I was home I would of went and took some shots, but it is what it is. I hope all remained safe, and feel terrible for all who lost things in the fire. Good luck to the owners and what they are going to do with it now..