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About x4093k

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  • Birthday January 22

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  • Name: Brendan
  • Location Northern Westchester

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  1. Yup. http://www.nycfire.net/FDNY_Firehouses
  2. The department picked up the rig today. It's now on it's 1400 mile journey to MI where it will serve as a front line piece. Wishing the department best of luck with the rig!!
  3. My bad, I saw there were 3 guys in the truck so I figured that's how the code thing went. Sowwy!I knew T10 wasn't dispatched was just busting chops..
  4. No, Engine 119 rolled Code 3 to the AFA at Croton Harmon today. Tanker 10 rolled 0! LOL
  5. Happy 21st Seth. Hope ya have a great day..
  6. Quickly approaching! Come out to honor Chucky Melillo, as he would without a doubt for anyboy, under any circumstances!
  7. Video from Vistas house fire last week. Thoughts? I personally see a couple of issues. (not my video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0NMy05tbVU
  8. Date: March 5th 2014 Time:20:57 Incident Type: Garage Fire Location: 17 Cotswold Drive District: Croton Falls Units: Croton Falls FD: Car 2071, Car 2073, Engine 147, Engine 148, Ladder 67, Utility 28, Bedford Hills FD: Car 2033, Engine 199(FAST), Tanker 5 Somers FD: Car 2443, Tanker 16, Utility 88(Rehab) South Salem FD: 2452, Engine 167, Tanker 2 Brewster FD:11-2-5, 11-8-1(Cancelled enroute) Mahopac FD: 18-2-1(Relocated CFFD HQ) Westchester County DES: Battalion 16, Cause & Origin Zone 5 Westchester EMS:45M2 North Salem VAC: 72-B-2 North Salem & NYSP Description: Multiple calls for a unknown type fire inside a structure, MOS on scene reported a refridgerator on fire with extension. A 10-75 was transmitted upon the arrival of C2071. Updates: 2058: Dispatched to above address for a unknown type fire 2107: MOS on scene reporting refrigerator fire with extension 2107: C2071 requesting a retone for a reported structure fire 2109: 10-75 transmitted per 2071 2117: 2071 reporting crews entering through a garage door using vent saws, 1 L/S/O 2119: 2071 reporting main body of fire knocked down, requesting C&O to the scene 2142: 2071 placing the fire under control 2150: 2071 releasing all mutual aid, holding with Croton Falls and North Salem VAC. Anyone with additional information feel free to PM.
  9. Somers Fire District is replacing the current Engine 188, with a Seagrave 2000 gallon Tanker/Pumper. http://www.hudsonvalleyfire.com/apps/public/news/newsView.cfm?News_ID=37 http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/topic/49747-on-order-somers-fd-engine-188/?hl=%2Bsomers+%2Bnew+%2Bengine+%2B188
  10. I remember meeting him years ago. RIP Kev. Condolences to all at Peekskill FD, his friends and family. A tragic loss indeed.
  11. Stay Strong and get well soon Chief Lubin.. Thoughts and prayers to friends and family.
  12. Date: Janurary 25th 2014 Time: 2015 Incident Type: Working Fire Location: 222 Kitchawan Road District: Vista Fire District Units: Vista FD: 2561, 2562, Engine 141, Engine 142, Tanker 4, 84-B-1 South Salem FD: C2452, C2453, Engine 167, Engine 168 Goldens Bridge FD: 2141, Tanker 1(Relocated) Bedford Hills FD: 57 Truck (F-A-S-T) Pound Ridge FD: 2401, Tanker 3 Croton Falls FD: 2071, Engine 149(Relocated South Salem HQ) Ridgefield FD: Car 3, Tanker 12(Relocated) New Canaan FD: Engine 4 (Relocated to Vista FD HQ) Westchester EMS: 45 Medic 3 Westchester DES: C&O Zone 5, Battalion 13 Description: Residential Structure Fire Updates: 2015 - Vista FD and South Salem FD Dispatched for a reported structure fire 2019 - MOS on scene requesting 10-75 2031 - Command reporting all occupants out of the house 2033 - Command reporting holding with the current assignment, fully involved 2035 - Engine 142 unable to establish a water source 2040 - 60 advising 40 minute ETA for NYSEG 2041 - Command reporting fire darkening down, relocating Goldens Bridge and Ridgefield tankers, Multiple lines stretched 2058 - 60 advising they received a landline from an EMT on scene, requesting the medic for an evaluation of the homeowner 2103 - Command releasing Tanker 3 and Engine 168(secondary water source) 2111 - Command reporting all hands still operating 2111 - 60 advising duration of event is 55 minutes 2121 - Command reporting NYSEG arriving 2135 - Releasing Vista tanker from the scene, releasing Goldens Bridge and Ridgefield from S/B Any additional information feel free to PM. Ongoing incident when posted.
  13. My car doesn't...
  14. Good to see you back Capt!