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About fireboss

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  • Location NY

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  1. Nice looking rig, best of luck with it.
  2. Congratulations Goldens Bridge on your new rig - E138, a Spartan EV. Looks really sharp, nice job done by the truck committee. Best of luck with it and stay safe.
  3. Best of luck with it and that it serves you well, when's the wetdown??
  4. Really nice looking, saw the truck at the show on LI last weekend, nice setup. Good luck with it. when's it going into service?
  5. That's nothing. Lookup Syosset on youtube when they dedicated their engines, that's a wetdown. Heard they are having one this Saturday for their Spartan tower ladder.
  6. Saw Syosset's new Spartan EV tower ladder at Harrison two weeks ago.
  7. anyone know who submitted a bid and did they award it to someone yet?
  8. who manufactured the vehicle and what's is used for? looks nice.
  9. Maybe they should go out on a re-bid. The bid process was too quiet.