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Everything posted by fdny41

  1. Does anyone know if any fire department in Westchester that uses the command post radio? Sounds like it would be a great tool. http://www.altechradio.com/command.cfm
  2. What are your Fire Departments training standards for Interior Status, Officers, and Chiefs? In Long Island there are only two Career Departments, this had me wondering, do Volunteer Companies and Career Departments ever operate at incidents or train together?
  3. Listen I am not trying to start any conflict between Career Vs. Volunteer. I only ask because I am from Long Island where Volunteers make up the majority of the departments. I was just curious about working relationships and Standards. Has there every been a time in which a Volunteer company has assisted a Career Company and vice versa?
  4. On October 10th when Larchmont had the fire at the car dealership at 2050 boston post road why would they call Greenville to cover Larchmont HQ and a Pelham engine to the scene when you have departments like VMFD,Harrison FD, which are closer and more familiar with the area... It just doesnt make sense to me to have MA from Greenville and Pelham come all the way to Larchmont. Who decides which mutual aid department is covering or operating at a certain scene ?
  5. How could volley departments possibly survive without calling career staff to MA and Standbys?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? Ok would u rather have a department with local knowledge or someone who is reading a map !?!?!
  6. VMFD should have been called to the alfredos fire on BPR with out question or at-least should have been put on standby at LFD quarters...Who would know more about Larchmonts coverage area Greenville or VMFD you decide.
  7. Ok so Career depts will request career depts and volly depts will request volly depts for the most part
  8. i dont understand in even nyc they don't get ticketed more. I mean running around in a minivan with reds and sirens is ridiculous.
  9. again most of the calls for help on the sound come through vhf radio on channel 16 just this weekend new rochelle pd brought a fisherman on a boat with a hook stuck in him to the hospital. More than 75% of calls for help come through vhf
  10. I dont know how much of u have boats but i work on the water and hear atleast 3-4 distress calls a day and other calls like hazards in the water, people sick on boats etc. There is more to it then u think
  11. Great idea engne51 we rely on nyc agencies and private companies to handle the water coverages in the western long island sound .
  12. Bethpage has a good tech rescue team, North bellmore, etc . I think partly because they have a lot of fdny members who are well trained and are members of the li volunteer departments. Photos from a Trench rescue thats occured in rosyln and even called fdny to the job - http://www.firstonscenephotos.com/Roslyn-1/Roslyn-Peacock-Drive-12082009/10587190_SQhMq4#!i=735821974&k=UsubH
  13. I just dont know how a lot of li volunteer departments are able to maintain many great rescue teams.
  14. I just think the water rescue teams should be placed in better locations, with all the flooding and bodies of water in the sound shore i think it would be very beneficial to have one in lower Westchester.
  15. I really think Westchester county needs a water rescue team for the sound shore, calling on Yorktown or somers is ridiculous. I can think of at least 6 water related deaths in the past 6 years just in mamaroneck alone.
  16. I think partly because they would be spread over the county as opposed to one central location and volunteers would be more comfortable calling resources which they might be more familiar with and that they run.
  17. yes it would be in addition to the countys special operations units. I feel if Volunteer Companies Ran some of the special operations units that they would be called on more.
  18. Im Just throwing out a thought here, What do u think if a couple of Volunteer Fd's in Westchester had Special Operation capabilities? For Example Lets say Purchase has some type of foam unit, that there members train on and can respond county wide. Lets say we have some type of Scuba water rescue team in Mamaroneck that could respond to county wide emergencies. Lets say we have some type of Decon unit in Scarsdale that could also respond to county wide incidents and that members would be trained on. Lets say we have a collapse/Trench Rescue team in harrison that members would be trained on and COuld respond to county wide emergencies. There are a ton more i could list any input would be great good or bad.
  19. also do u think when volunteers come to a scene in there personal vehicles there should be some-type of staging area for them rather than having them scattered all over and possibly blocking apparatus.
  20. Wouldn't a truck be more usefull in a fast role though because it has ladders, saws,etc
  21. But instead of having Engines carrying extraction tools have the Truck carry them. Also i think fast teams should be trucks not engines. Just in my opinion.
  22. As in the recent long Island brush fire, They special called many brush units, tankers, fire police units, rehab units, ATV's. I think Westchester departments should known which departments have certain pieces of apparatus that they could use to there advantage. I thought they did a very good job in long island with the mutual aid during the very large brush fire. And part of it is knowing what resources you have.
  23. Yes 2 trucks would respond but only if it is a smoke condition or a reported fire.
  24. I also think instead of each department making up its own response assignment all volunteer department should have the same response assignment with the exception for departments with tankers. MVA Response 2 Engines 1 Truck and Chiefs depending on availability. Any-calls at a building over 5 Storys Should require 3 Engines and 2 Trucks. Etc.