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About mfd248

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  • Location yorktown
  1. Millwood FD, Sunday 10/14 1 to 4, Station 1
  2. Could not agree more, there are other alternatives that should have been considered such as entering into a IMA (inter municipal agreement) and create a dual response with the Millwood firehouse just up the street, it houses a class A engine and tanker. Yorktown fire commissioners could of approached the Millwood commissioners and shared the existing station 2 on RT 134, if it was too small a addition would be a much less costly alternative especially in these tough economical times. Maintenance and operating expenses could have been shared making this a viable progressive alternative for both fire districts. Elected officials, the fire commissioners, are there to represent the people who elect them, considering the bond was voted down twice and the district did not convince people that the new firehouse was needed, they should of continued to educate/ demonstrate the need for a new station. Not just overtax us, set it aside in a capital reserve fund and then just post a permissive referendum to spend the funds. These comments are in no way directed at the Chiefs or active members of YFD, they are highly motivated, train constantly and should be an example for us all to follow.