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About BCFire05

  • Birthday 02/08/1987

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  • Website URL http://www.facebook.com/hunter.beckcom

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  • Location Bridge City, Texas
  • Agency Bridge City Vol. Fire & Rescue

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  • Facebook Page Link Www.facebook.com/hunter.beckcom

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  1. Our next in line for replacement should be Truck 34 and Engine 53 I believe.
  2. Thanks! I'll check it out!
  3. Yeah, Europe has its compartment organization on point. Granted their line deployment and pump set ups are entirely different, but I'd like to think that at some point Rosenbauer would find a way to fuse the ideas of Europe and US together into one impressive rig.
  4. Good day everyone. I was hoping to get some help from those of you here if you'd like. I've been put on the truck committee here at DFW Airport. We'll be working on specs for some of our structural apparatus in the near future so I'm looking to get a jump on some ideas by seeing what other Dept's have done. I'm more focusing on compartment organization / layout or even just some unique innovative designs period. So if you have pictures of, or can take pictures of some engines , Quints, platforms that'd be much appreciated. Things I know we're looking to do and I'm having a hard time finding pictures of, is a compartment for the engineers gear and even possibly the captains gear. We have a lot of guys requesting separate compartments for said gear. Other things I'm looking for is just nice compartment layouts. One of my goals is to get the trucks more streamlined so equipment is easier to get to without having to move 5 things to get to one. Lol And again, as stated above. Any unique ideas that have been done for equipment storage or ways to maximize space. I've got some local Dept's around that I've gone to or plan to drop by, and I keep my eyes peeled online for more. Just trying to get as much feedback / ideas as I can. Thank you much to anyone who can help out. Have a great day brothers!
  5. Hey guys Was curious if anyone would mind throwing in some suggestions. I'm currently at a fire dept at a regional airport. The guys who've been here a while have been trying to get our schedule back to the old way it was. (Though idk how it was before hand because it had changed to our current schedule before I started). He old schedule involved a Kelley day I believe every 5 or 6 weeks. Supposedly it was changed to the current schedule because the Kelley day schedule had too much OT. Anywho, we currently work a 106 hr pay period. 24 / 48 with a 10hr day every other week. Apparently the 10 hour day didn't exist on the Kelley day schedule and the other guys hate it. So we've been trying to think of a schedule that could work. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And if you can manage to show a schedule that'd be great. Note* the chief tried suggesting a 48/96, and printed up a schedule, but it still included the 10 hour day which on a 48/96 sucks. That, and the older guys are very against a 48/96. Anywho, here's a picture of the schedule, I'm the swing guy in grey. (Ignore the F1, F2, and F3. Those are the plane fuelers and they work a different schedule.)
  6. Wooooowwww. If that's true, that's a ridiculous in my opinion. I've taken an assortment of different tests, and rarely have I seen anyone make 100 without extra points for military or otherwise depending on the dept's extra point system. I took a test for Irving last month. One of the easiest tests I've taken l other than the behavioral / psych portion of the test that I believe resulted in my 70 something score. Had it not been included I probably would've made in the upper 80's or low 90's. Tests should be difficult and competitive. To have that many people ace a test is just insane. Did they eliminate half the physical agility too? "Here, walk up these steps, pull that hose, and hit this sled. Do it all in 20 min and you're done!" Lol
  7. gotta protect that Lucas2 lol
  8. I've had the chance to sit in a loaded out Explorer Interceptor. It's surprisingly spacious for fitting a size between a sedan or a tahoe. The officers in my area that drive them, love them. I suppose it really comes down to how the units are set up. Regardless, they have become quite popular around here and many other areas surrounding here in Texas. They're quick, and agile, while being spacious and since they don't sit as low as the charger, taurus, or capris, it's been easier to get in and out of. Thats most of the comments that I've gathered.
  9. Not sure if anyone has seen this. Rosenbauer did a rig with the Commander cab and their European AT3 body. I think it looks pretty slick, though with a newly designed cab that fits the contours of the body could make for a slick truck here in America lol. I know that American rigs and European rigs are pretty different, but I gotta hand it to Rosenbauers AT3. I've seen some very impressive compartment setups that just give me a plethora of ideas for a new rig down the road. *picture was taken by Rosenbauer*
  10. I dig the rear seating in the cab. Really neat layout. Thought not exactly on the side of safety considering they are facing sideways. I still like it. Pretty beast of a truck. I think it would've been cool if they had used one of their cab-over styles and custom built it to be a fire apparatus style. lol
  11. So I was headed to see my friend graduate from HFD Academy and start her career at HFD, when down the road from the academy I spotted this. I would've nabbed more pictures but I was running behind. Turns out that whole garage has a load of Classic trucks inside.
  12. watched the first 2 episodes On Demand. Pretty good show. Actually seems to be one that doesn't fake it. And man...do those NOLA units look beautiful lol. I'm a Frazer guy, but those Brauns are nice.
  13. Didn't know about it. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for bringing it up.
  14. Yeah they get ran. We remount every 250k miles. We do a lot of long distance transfers to Houston, our truck averages about 150-300 miles per shift (12 hours) with around 3-4 Houston / Galveston trips per week. We rack up the 250k in about 2 1/2 - 3 years. The 2 units that are on their 5th remount have been around since the previous agency, so about 12-15 years. The boxes get refurbed as well when they go in for remount. Unit 451 is on it's 5th remount, it's box has been round since 2001 or 2 and is now sitting on a 2015 Silverado HD
  15. I'm in Texas, a good majority of agencies here use Frazer. I've been working out of one for years and I personally love it. A generator ambulance is kind of love or hate, but Frazer boxes have a very good life span. We have at least 2 boxes that are on their 5th or 6th remount. I've rode in Osage, Road Rescue, and a couple others, but for me personally, they rode horribly. That could be just how they were specced, but we're talking just hitting a small bump in the road made you feel like you were gonna break your back. I've worked out of a Demers Sprinter, I can say as far as a sprinter goes it was nice, I just prefer the room of a full size box with access to both sides of the patient. Most of our fleet is AEV Sprinters except the CCT trucks. The first batch of sprinters were absolute crap. luckily the company and AEV heard our complaints and the current units are far better and roomier for the most part. I've heard good things on Horton and Braun. Excellance isn't too bad either. In the end, it really just comes down to preference, who can meet your needs / wants, and how you spec it. Look online, YouTube, google, recent delivery pages, see stuff that catches your interest. Frazer occasionally highlights some units on their YouTube and Facebook page,