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Everything posted by BigBuff

  1. I am sure its a great story, but most of us cant read it.................... lohud has a block on non subscribers
  2. not really "new" anymore, and yonkers has a very high call volume, so it is probably needed
  3. Also says 0 VIEWS 0 REPLIES for all threads and the last person who posted was EMTBravo, which was not true it was SRS131EMTFF. (on this thread)
  4. I'll be down at their HQ next month, i'll be sure to get some shots of it.
  5. What I was told was that the perp was the one involved jn the MVA with the PD and was pronounced DOA o/s. I am not sure if that's 100% true but that's what I was hearing. Some great points brought up above.
  6. Seth, Haven't seen this issue in awhile, not sure if its from this incident.. A member made their first two posts recently, they have been member of the site since 04. But as I looked at the name, etc, it said "posts: 0" but clearly the person has 2 posts.. I can't screen shot it to show, but if you want, I can PM you the members name, so you can take a look at it. If that makes any sense, lol.
  7. Couldn't of said it better. It seems as though EVERY time a subject like this comes up, that someone has to make the comment of it being understaffed and all that. Half the time they are probably saying it to say it, clueless about the department. South Salem covers all of their calls thoroughly. A ladder would be a big plus for them, and I am sure it would serve them well.. As you stated above, if this is true (since firedude said a rumor.) good for them, I hope it serves them well.. Maybe when time comes and their department is getting a ladder, I'll write how understaffed it is and useless it will be, thats basically what was stated above. And how 5 people liked it, I don't know.
  8. just post the link.. not much difference..
  9. Wow.. Nice. Much different from the original. Any idea what units these replaced? I know 380 was getting old and 381 I believe..
  10. Was just thinking about this.. You couldn't have said it better. One thing I have learned about you is that you know how to talk! (or type, lol) Hope to hear from some folks..
  11. LT, The parade was great. When did you get that 5500 Dodge? That rig looked awesome. Best of luck with it and hope the weather is better for the 100th!
  12. They said, " Dry most of the day, Severe thunderstorms throughout Westchester & Putnam starting at 6pm.." and they are already going on at 11:30am.. Once again they are wrong..
  13. Question.. Since the "old" 2141 was a 07 or so Suburban, will that replace one of the older chief cars? I know the other 2 are older..
  14. Wow.. Thats an amazing looking car.
  15. Are you for real? First off 46.26 does not dispatch Somers, and secondly, what large incident did Somers not respond to? In or out of district? I have maybe once, or twice heard that Somers did not cover an engine to standby in YHFD HQ. Never did I hear them not get enough manpower o/s of a "large incident" like you said. If I remember right, didnt you say you lived in Somers? You see the structure fire a few weeks ago, they had enough manpower that an engine was parked on the side for the duration of the event. You see the brush fire a few months ago? Tons of manpower. Now, your turn to tell me the several large incidents they didnt show up to. Very Common is the LAST thing you should say about them, they had 6 different trucks out at 2am the other night for the thunderstorm that rolled by, but they dont show up to large incidents, huh? Please, elaborate.
  16. Right.. What I was meaning to say is, even though the chief went, he cant do anything besides get readings. He requested an engine and they failed to get one rolling, is what I was trying to say.
  17. I personally have never heard the address come over the air, but I could be wrong. All the information I put on the IA is pretty much all true. (I see the Somers guys have viewed it, and i did not recieve a PM) I am not sure about if the trucks arent starting or not, maybe a Somers person can fill us in..
  18. (I researched a bit..) Somers operates with 5 Engines, 2 Ladders, 3 buses, 1 brush truck, and 3 rescues (one for scuba rescue) and a few utilities. Somers FD dispatch did 7 tones, and only got a chief and the paid ambulance (over the air). The other day, they had something like 10 calls (Fire/EMS) in 1 day and covered every one of them. This is uncommon for Somers, I have never heard of them failing to cover a FD call. (I am not listening at ALL times, obviously)
  19. The antique next to it looked great from the photos, too. I could ask for more, let me know if you want to see them.
  20. Some Shots I was sent via email (one of the groups up there sent it)
  21. You know a few of them, thats great! Did you ever look up how big the group is? I did not see vests or anything, I just said it because they are one of the bigger bike groups around.. And, since you say most of them are nice and great people, care to elaborate about all the crimes they have committed? Was it not their fault, or not them? Such as the one the other night IFO the Kisco Diner? What I was told was they were illegally passing someone at high speeds and the driver sped up so they couldn't get around, so they boxed him in, ripped him out of the car, and beat the living sh*t out of him, in front of everyone to see. Why in the world would I think they are "charitable" and "great' people? Some of us don't know "a bunch of them" I am not trying to start a big conversation about the Hells Angels and how good/bad they are, just replying to your post.
  22. Nice shots.. Wish I could of made it..
  23. I was passed by 3 of them, one which seemed like a Harley Davidson. They came flying up behind me, and then proceeded across the yellow line, and around doing at approx 85mph. Then I was passed by a Westchester County PD Dodge Charger, not going fast at all. These guys were probably hells angels or something and performed a crime and had a few drinks in them or something. Or just kids trying to have fun.. And that comment about a gate on the new bridge, they would have to do a lot of cleaning up to do after the collision... to say the least
  24. Happy 21st birthday, Ang! In all seriousness, Hope you had a great birthday.