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Everything posted by YogruntNy
I respect that you stand by it, as I stand by mine. Its your right! And I wasnt calling you anything. Calling someone an %*# hole and accusing someone of sounding like one are two different things. As I stated in my post, I'm not one to stir things up, but this issue bothers me. I apologize that peoples words hit home, but coming from a field such as this, people should learn to have thick skin. And by the way, you already did interject your opinion. And theres nothing wrong with that! Be safe and I truly wish the best for the men and women of Yonkers...both EMS and YFD! Everything was working out perfectly fine before politics tried to play God...point the fingers at the problems, not the solutions. Happy holidays all
I'm just curious how many of you people commenting on this thread are even from Yonkers? Why does this matter, you may ask? Well, TO ME, its matter quite a bit, because we, the residents see and experience the difference between Empress and the YFD. I have to admit, I'm very shocked by most of the comments on this thread. These firefighters, like many of you claim to be (professional or volly), are fighting for their jobs, lives and traditions of a fire department, especially one as traditional and proud as the Yonkers FD. Were any of you at the city council meetings listening the higher ups of Empress either lie or completely stutter over the facts? I'm willing to bet NO, you werent. But you dare accuse the union members of "sensationalism" or using "dramatics", or heres the best one, "I don't even go to Yonkers for anything, so I personally couldn't care less how this whole situation plays out." I mean, WOW!!! Spoken like a true A-hole who really doesnt care about his fellow man...kinda contradictory for someone who works in emergency servies, wouldnt you say? I was a proud city cop working many times with FD members...and despite the stereotypical butting of heads between the two agencies, we worked quite well, with us normally arriving first on scene, them shortly after, and EMS minutes, sometimes many minutes later! Thats not a knock on EMS, its simply a fact! But rather than support this proud department and go after the corrupt politicians trying to save a buck for their own christmas bonus, you post websites showing how Firefighters arent even as important as they use to be, or how they arent worth the money. I bet you also agree that this city has too many cops right? But when you wait 3 minutes for a cop to show up, you probably cry that it took him too long and you'd wonder why. Sounds to me like you are a tad bit jealous or just disgruntled. Yonkers has become the third most populous city in the state. This is a serious department with serious work, where lives are lost. End of the day, this isnt about "taking jabs", but simply about men and women who are fighting for the very same thing you'd be fighting for if you were in their shoes. I dont post normally on this site, and I definitely dont like to stir things up, but I'm just baffled by these remarks coming from other emergency service workers.
Anyone who thinks this woman is actually living in Yonkers needs to make a doctors appointment most ricky tick. She's simply establishing the paper trail she needs in order to "legally" live here, meanwhile she'll stay in her nice brick home in South Salem with her adopted children and husband, close to an hour away from the city. Its funny to me how its a requirement to be a legal resident of this city for a period of 3 months prior to taking the test, in order to even be considered to get a job as Yonkers cop, firefighter and even DPW I believe. The detective squad will even do an extensive background check to ensure they arent simply making a paper trail to fake the residency. They will knock on doors, talk to neighbors, check your credit, voting registrations, taxes, pay stubs, family history, YOU NAME IT! MEANWHILE, our own DEPUTY MAYOR can set policies and cite new rules and regulations, without ever having even eaten at a Yonkers Mcdonalds, let alone live here. I hope the Police Department does their job in this matter and begins investigating her now as well and conduct frequent sweeps of her residence to ensure she walks in and out of that door everyday. Lets check her mail, car registrations, insurance address, tax info, etc. Otherwise, she should be rejected just as quick as any other recruit/candidate/probie would if they were caught doing the same scam. Typical Yonkers....hasnt changed a bit. Good luck to the men and women of the Yonkers Fire Department! You will win this battle no doubt, cause good eventually always conquers over evil Btw, I'm sorry for your recent loss men...its never easy to lose a brother...
I dont think that answer is out yet, but I do know that if they get it, its a bad thing for the department.
My close friends son tells me theyve been getting different dates every two weeks. These poor guys, along with the rest of the Yonkers Bravest, are going through hell fighting for their jobs and dreams...they did everything asked and are now just being teased by the administration... I hope you're not wishing misfortune for those who are waiting and hoping, just for your fortune to prosper. Just saying...
I'm a little surprised this hasnt already been mentioned, so I'm hoping I'm not breaking any "site rules" by posting this. Its come to my attention through some friends in the YFD, that there will be a budget meeting at city hall's city council chamber in regards to YFDs budget on Monday, the 21st. I dont have specific times. I would assume its open to the public and would recommend any supporters, especially Yonkers residents to attend and show your stance against these cuts and support our local firefighters. I have not received any word if the YPD is also have a meeting in regards to their cuts. Anyone have word on that? Also, on the 29th, there will a city council budget meeting in regards to the city's budget as a whole, where people will have a chance to speak out. Once again, Yonkers residents...this is our chance to voice some opposition (whether its ignored or not is an entirely different matter)!
Word I've been hearing is...not good. Unions have presented valid cases with the proof to back it up. City simply doesnt care to hear it. I'm hoping for the best for those guys! They are phenomenal cops and firemen, and deserve to be treated better than this.
Personally,I feel its about political scamming. Make Albany think you're broke, and give me more money. BUT, at the same time, I feel its more about layoffs than negotiations. Spano clearly doesnt seem to be interested in the better future of both the Yonkers PD and FD. Any negotiations that come to the table more than likely wont benefit either agency, but just take and give enough to maintain what they have. In terms of the grant, thats an excellent question. I know the FD has the SAFER grant, and I was under the impression the PD also has one under similar terms. What are the unions doing about making this public? Are they addressing other politicians and/or FEDS of their current situation? Are they making the current Yonkers administration aware of terms and conditions? These questions may have already been answered, but I'm unaware of any of them (I'm simply not privy to it). This whole new administration is a little sketchy to me...
Tell that to the members of the Yonkers PBA and Fire unions. I believe they had their members each contribute 100 dollars per person to the guys campaign, and even many of their members even went door to door handing out flyers reminding people to vote for Spano. I could be wrong, but I dont recall any teachers doing all that. Spano really did them dirty, cant look at it any other way.
Doesnt surprise me in the least bit, and not for nothing, but I think its right we let another department that doesnt get much support as it is, have some funding/charity sent their way. The largest departments always get the most funding and support, lets not forget about the other Bravest/Finest out there who need the same recognition and support. That being said, I too, think there is something a little fugazzi about this voting procedure. Where the hell is Palos anyways?! GO YONKERS!
RIP Brother...
disgraceful... I've worked closely with alot of guys in the RSD, and many of the units are crucial to aid in many cases, whether it be a drug bust or even counterterrorism. I PRAY that these cuts dont last, and these units continue to function. A mutual working effort between many of the neighboring agencies in this area is vital to everyones safety...whther they realize or not! ...sigh...
The first things politicians learn in politician school is where and what to cut. They rarely have any interest in the ACTUAL safety or welfare of the citizens...its a show to get votes. In my opinion. They always want you to do more with less. I've worked in two states, and I've seen this propaganda in both. My nephew is seeing it on his job, and so on and so forth. Theres no question you have alot going for you right now! It will tough in the beginning, but they will reap what they sow. Money talks at the end of the day, and these politicains are dillusional to think that cutting positions will actually save money. I just read whats going on in Rockland's Law Enforcement community, and thats another thing that just totally baffles me (sorry for bring up a separate topic, but it falls under the same principle)! I just cant comprehend what goes on in these people's heads...While we're at it, lets shut down half the military funds and expect the same national defense standards. It scares me the direction that these people are taking us! Sorry, I'm beginning to rant! Happy to hear the union is at least stepping up! They tend to know who to reach out to and end up pulling through. Again, stick with it and keep bringing the fight to them. My thoughts and support go out to you guys, and everyone else who faces these issues... Stay safe everyone
Bnechis...first of all, my condolences to hear about this detrimental decline in your dept's staffing. Its sad to say, but we are facing times where the value of our local emergency services have almost been completely dropped, and if it wasnt for the support of our communities and a VERY small group of political "leaders", we'd really be in trouble. We've seen all over the country, and even right here at home! In my experience though, I've seen many of these falls, eventually rise back up. Whether people come to their senses, money booms in, or at the worst scenario people get hurt and they learned the errors of their ways. Stick with it! After reading many of these posts, its very obvious the amount of knowledge some of you people have can be put into arguments to propel your cause. Whether it be public safety, constructions standards, national safety standards and/or even state/federal law, there can always be an argument presented to hopefully light a spark under these people's rumps. Pure curiousity, but has the NRFD unions been fighting this at all...at any level??? Stay safe, and good luck!
a gimmick...
Just out of curiousity, do you also think that career personnel should also get access to this "discounted" gas for driving to and from work??? Or does this only apply to volunteer organizations as an incentive to remain a member and want to respond to jobs?? I havent lived in a small town in ,or for, a long time, but I didnt think that most of the jobs were that far apart, that frequent or simultaneous that people should using the "its too far" excuse to not respond to a call.... in which to HELP lives/property and in an organization that was purely volunteer to begin with. I truly dont believe (and hope), IN MY OPINION, that volunteer members are complaining too often about being "murdered" in their gas consumption to a call.
Semper Fi Marines. Oorah.
Semper Fi Marines...Happy Veterans Day to all!
young man...heh i wish, old man.
heard they were giving preference credits to those with rap sheets as well.
Helicopter, I'm half kidding and half not to tell you the truth, judge me anyway you want on that! I would NEVER think that while in a marked car I'd be getting pulled over by another marked car, EVER!!! And I dont think this cop thought it either, hence he didnt pull over for the first whatever amt. of minutes. I seriouslly dont think he meant to show any form of misconduct/disrespect toward the officer. He probably just didnt know what was going on! Dont misunderstand what I'm trying to say here though. I'm not justifying the off-duty officers actions AT ALL. Blatent disrespect for the authority he's given is obvious here...reckless driving to himself and others, and on top of that he was off duty and not responding to a job...not at any point am I saying he's right in that regard. BUT! To be pulled over at GUNPOINT is something that goes a little too far. He wasnt shooting people rampid, or holding a knife to an innocent persons neck...we was speeding way over the limit. When you talk about "professional couretsy", I'm thinking give an off duty cop a break when you pull him over in his civilian car ,or, using your "discretion" when you stop his friend/relative; I'm NOT thinking pull over a cop in a marked car in which I would assume he was on duty. People get pulled over ALL the time for reckless driving, whether it be DWI, DUI or just the plain old stupid moron that simply cant back out of a driveway, but unless life and property were/attempted to be taken, I wouldnt go as far as to pull my gun out at the officer treating him like a perp. Hell, I dont even see perps being treated that way!!! Unless you feel this car was stolen or the officer is drunk, refer to my last post as to what I would probably do. A simple, "What the hell is your problem, A-hole?", following by a notification would have sufficed. Imagine how ugly that could have gotten...good thing she wasnt trigger happy and got a lil nervous seeing this man also carrying a gun! Mix in the emotions and confusion...well, thats just a bad recipe! I know... Its a touchy subject, but try to understand what I'm saying here...there are ways to go about doing things...and I'm not above the law, nor is anyone including the top brass. But as you can see, these sort of situations never turn out good for anyone. There are ways to deal with it where the officer could have been reprimanded for his actions and the people could have been safer on the road. Done! Disaster averted, thank God no one got hurt, one cop looing out for a fellow MOS and other drivers, and the other cop paid for his mistake. But instead now we are dealing with cops getting death threats, no courtesy at all for any MOS, and just pure hatred, anger and resentment toward diff. municipalities. These sorts of things dont die down any time soon...Expect it to mess with the morale of the men/women, and in turn, effect their overall performance in the streets. On that note, I'm heading in...stay safe out there
If I was the officer being pulled over, I would never have stopped. I wouldve made that female cop chase me all the way to my precinct, and let the supervisors duke it out (yes, I know, he was on the way to an off duty gig). Yes, he was speeding and being reckless, I understand that before some of you jump on my back....but being pulled out AT GUNPOINT?!?! I dont even stop people who are in the middle of drug deals at gunpoint! To see an officer stop me at gunpoint in full uniform, duty gear and a marked car, I'd probably pull my gun out back at her thinking she was EDP. The thin blue line is dead cause of reasons like this....now there's a war down in Florida, and I GUARANTEE it will not over ANYTIME soon! I totally couldve seen her stoppping the guy to give him a warning and a hell of a scolding at the most! But personally, and this is just me, take down the tag of the car and report it to your supervisor as well as the other officer's supervisor. It'll get dealt with eventually. This sort of stuff causes nothing but trouble...as you can see... Just to add....I'd say it's a safe assumption that PBA cards wont be working down there anymore, HA! Be safe out there, everyone...
Mannix is a friend of mine, and I have stood by him during some of his statements regarding all this garbage of "city's obligations to reflect city's demographics". he couldnt be more right. all due respect to commissioners and their backgroungs (or lack of), they are political figures trying to ultimately do two things...avoid lawsuits and retain their positions. not often do i see or hear of them fighting for the members that work for them, preventing their layoffs, preventing the shutdown of stations etc. people should care very much about this political propaganda, as it effects them whether at work and/or in their community. sure, if they meet the standards, then all's well. but then lets face the fact that most of time they are only expected to meet the MINIMUM of standards, and you as proud cops, ffs, emt or whatever, should have a problem with city officials stepping in on our business simply to look good in liberal media headlines and to please the real whiners who want a free ride. Thats at you, vulcans! real standards are met and made on job time, just my opinion. i often dont post on this forum, and i know most ppl dont know me here, so i apologize if i'm stepping on anyone's toes....but these sorts of issues really tick me off. enough's enough with trying to please everyone who wants something without working for it, or people who feel they deserve a better chance of success than others just cause of their sex, race, religion, ethinicity or WHATEVER! that goes for every position, in every job. Its a race America, and we all got to run. If you stop in the middle to take a cab, you're cheating.... on that note, hope all you all enjoy the fall snowstorm.
ha, so true on many levels....but on the other hand, alot of things happen behind closed doors that many ppl (including cops) dont know about.