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velcroMedic1987 liked a post in a topic by fireboyny in NYC Mayor de Blasio Orders Last Confederate Flag Removed From City Office Building
New York City mayor Bill deBlasio ordered city workers to remove the last remaining Confederate Battle flag flying from a city office. The flag which has flown there for over 100 years was removed and placed in a brown paper bag for safekeeping.
The mayor has also mulled prohibiting sweet tea and BBQ in restaurants….Curtailing any public showing in theaters and on TV of the popular movie classic ‘Gone With The Wind.’ Public Utilities director Abraham Schwartz also proposed removing all signs on city highways that say ‘south’ in a effort to eliminate all racial references.
The controversial mayor also ordered the city police department head Bill Bratton to hire more black police officers even though their background checks show a high percentage of drug use and criminal convictions. The mayor defended his actions by saying, “Who better to have on the street beats than cops familiar with drug sales and criminal enterprises.”
Critics say Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has a long way to go to comply with Mayor de Blasio’s demands that the number of black cops in the NYPD reflects the city’s overall racial makeup.
The two Police Academy graduating classes since Bratton took office in January 2014 were just .5 percent African-American…far below the 16 percent figure for black cops currently on the force.
De Blasio on Monday announced that 1,300 more cops would be hired after months of insisting there would be no cash for more officers in this year’s city budget.
The New York Times is also reporting that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio had a tattoo of a Confederate flag and the motto “the south shall rise again” removed from a delicate part of his lower anatomy.
See full article here
velcroMedic1987 liked a post in a topic by fireboyny in NYC Mayor de Blasio Orders Last Confederate Flag Removed From City Office Building
New York City mayor Bill deBlasio ordered city workers to remove the last remaining Confederate Battle flag flying from a city office. The flag which has flown there for over 100 years was removed and placed in a brown paper bag for safekeeping.
The mayor has also mulled prohibiting sweet tea and BBQ in restaurants….Curtailing any public showing in theaters and on TV of the popular movie classic ‘Gone With The Wind.’ Public Utilities director Abraham Schwartz also proposed removing all signs on city highways that say ‘south’ in a effort to eliminate all racial references.
The controversial mayor also ordered the city police department head Bill Bratton to hire more black police officers even though their background checks show a high percentage of drug use and criminal convictions. The mayor defended his actions by saying, “Who better to have on the street beats than cops familiar with drug sales and criminal enterprises.”
Critics say Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has a long way to go to comply with Mayor de Blasio’s demands that the number of black cops in the NYPD reflects the city’s overall racial makeup.
The two Police Academy graduating classes since Bratton took office in January 2014 were just .5 percent African-American…far below the 16 percent figure for black cops currently on the force.
De Blasio on Monday announced that 1,300 more cops would be hired after months of insisting there would be no cash for more officers in this year’s city budget.
The New York Times is also reporting that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio had a tattoo of a Confederate flag and the motto “the south shall rise again” removed from a delicate part of his lower anatomy.
See full article here
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in NYC Mayor de Blasio Orders Last Confederate Flag Removed From City Office Building
That's some decent satire.
Bill diBlasio sucks. Period.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by Tanker 10eng in Yorktown Heights Dive Rescue Truck
lol.... I fell out of my seat when I read this....
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by Bottom of Da Hill in Yorktown Heights Dive Rescue Truck
yorktown has not disbanded their dive team,that was somers.
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by fireboyny in Yorktown Heights FD Plans To Expand Station 2
I called the district Secretary, the funds are reserved for an "annual open inspection and recruitment day", in other words, a sh**ton of taxpayer money for a party.
Love the guys at YHFD, but I think the district has nerve to ask for funding when they waste 15k for a party.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Yorktown Heights FD Plans To Expand Station 2
Or is that the big party where they go out of service for the night, get covered by mutual aid, and eat a big dinner with the chief's of neighboring departments?
Bottom of Da Hill liked a post in a topic by fireboyny in Yorktown Heights FD Plans To Expand Station 2
Only problem with replacing, or renovating their HQ is that it is actually owned by the Engine Company. While I have been inside, and realize how outdated and cramped it is, unless they can get financing, I feel that their only other option is to sell the building to the district,.which would be a poor decision, as the company would loose all sources of collateral, as well as a major piece of income.
Will be interesting to see how this turns out. Anyone know if they will be able to keep all the apparatus inside and in service during construction? Seems like if they can't, they would need to setup some sort of temporary or rental structure to house them, whether it's behind their HQ, or at the controversial site of their proposed substation.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Yorktown Heights FD Plans To Expand Station 2
Is this in addition to building another station on 134 in Millwood?
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by mstrang1 in Yorktown Heights' New Fire Station
So the engine was driven by a Captain. 253-4 is no longer "Captain", he is "Engine xxx Driver". S/He cannot act as both positions. Now, if they do not have enough members/drivers to fill those spots with the current station for a daytime alarm, how do they propose this new station will be staffed? I'm not terribly familiar with Yorktown demographics/geography/zoning etc, but it seems like the southern part of town is mostly residential. So even if they recruit new members that live near Station 3, I would think most of them would be at work, again, not staffing for daytime alarms. Unless they propose a live in station system, but no living/bunk areas are being provided.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by BBBMF in Yorktown Heights' New Fire Station
Maybe the responsible action should've been to say..."hey lets just give that part of the fire district to Millwood, they're only a half a mile away anyway"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice job...
WHy fight for a middle class tax break when we'll just spend it on new firehouses we don't need....Oh sorry i forgot about the surge in fire duty
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by x635 in Yorktown Heights FD Plans To Expand Station 2
I'm glad to hear this news, and I hope this bond measure passes. Station 2 is overcrowded, cramped, unsafe, and obsolete for modern YHFD operations.
I also hope that they are able to replace their headquarters in the next few years. That's even more cramped and more obsolete.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in Buchanan (Westchester) - Garage Fire - 10/14/14
Wait juuuuuust a minute here. Are you trying to tell us that a dept in Westchester County handled a building fire without ANY mutual aid to the scene?
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
Is this needed. If you want to really drop to that level some volunteer firefighters should have the title "parade walker" since that's what they ultimately do.
Career firefighters in combo depts. have the same training as the all career depts. and when they arrive on scene with no help, they get to do it all.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
Never mind 3am. What about 2pm on a weekday? I've seen departments roll out with two full engines and a full truck at 3am and can't even get a driver in the afternoon.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by Healz in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
If YFD had paid members to roll out immediately this station would work. Without that it is a hidden away party palace.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by mfc2257 in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
The folks south of the reservoir have never been the ones to hold up some form of collaborative agreement.
Why would IBM spend a dime on a fire house when there are two Millwood stations within two miles that bookend their campus.
Why would the taxpayers of this remote section of Yorktown build a firehouse in an area where Millwood has a station less than a mile away with two rigs, nearly 4500 gallons of water and nearly a half mile of LDH. Millwood Station 2 has been open since 1982 logic would dictate that if there are people south of the reservoir living in the YH district that if they were interested in being a volunteer FF that they are already members of Millwood.
No YHFD rigs have ever been stationed at MFC station 2 for anything other than a standby to my knowledge.
Now all this being said, if the taxpayers want a firehouse then they should get their fire house. Putting one in RT 134 won't change a thing for the guys from Millwood. It's not like the guys from Millwood or the guys from Yorktown are going to get any more or less calls as a result of the firehouse being there, and without district lines being changed nothing is going to change other than the stupidity of having to firehouses within a mile of each other.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by BBBMF in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
How about a dual response??? Or will that compromise the relationship and ego's between Millwood and Yorktown when one or the other arrives first due to a job???
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by 10512 in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
This has been going on for 15 years, if the members were even remotely interested, there was more than ample time to register.
I think it means the majority are not that interested.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by 10512 in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
"The plan couldn't even get the votes of the estimated 100 volunteers of the Yorktown Heights Engine Company No. 1, which serves the district."
That is the most telling part of the entire story.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by FirNaTine in Yorktown firehouse defeated in 'stealth' vote
Is it really necessary to build a new Station that won't be manned 24/7/365? Maybe it's time for Yorktown to consider incorporating themselves into the Towns/Villages FD tests and take some of that $$$ to hire a handful of Career Guys if they're so worried about adequate Fire Protection and shorter response times. After all it is 2014, nothing wrong with having a Comb Dept.. Ive always wondered where much of the property tax revenue for some of these smaller Communities who have Volunteer FDs, VACs. Private Refuse Collecting Cos, etc. etc. goes? I believe Yorktown has a very small PD and was once told by a resident there, they only have 4-5 POs a shift, covering roughly 40 sq miles which is incomprehensible so I can't even imagine how a Volunteer FD can handle providing F/P for an area that large with adequate response times. JMO.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by x1243 in Goldens Bridge Firehouse - Multiple Alarm Fire 2-24-14
Date: 02/24/2014
Time: 09:54
Incident Type: Structure Fire
Location: 254 Waccabuc Road (Route 138)
District: Goldens Bridge
Units: (See Below)
Description: Goldens Bridge Firehouse is on fire, 2nd alarm, heavy fire in the cockloft, going defensive
Report of firefighter inuries, can not confirm at this time.
Weather: Windy, 30 degrees
Writers: x1234, x635, RWC130, x4093k, firedude
1043hrs: B16 reporting main body of fire knocked down. Partial building collapse.
1345hrs: Per officials, only one firefighter injured during evacuating apparatus, transported to NWHC with minor injures-smoke inhalation. Treated and released. No other injuries reported.
Dept's Operating: Units Operating: Note:
Goldens Bridge FD
South Salem FD Engine 167, Tanker 2, Utility 79
Somers FD Engine 180, Tanker 16
Croton Falls FD Engine 148, Engine 149, Tanker 8 Engine 148 master stream in operation
Vista FD Tanker 4
Bedford Hills FD Tower Ladder 57, Tanker 5, Utility 6 Tower ladder in operation
Mount Kisco FD Utility 13 FAST
Katonah Tanker 6, Utility 8
Brewster FD Engine 11-2-3,Tanker, LDH Hose Reel Unit 5" LDH Hose Reel truck sent with Tanker
Westchester EMS 45-M-1, 45-M-2, 45-M-4
North Salem VAC 72-B-2
Lewisboro VAC 67-B-1, 67-B-2, 6701
WCDES Batt 16, C&O Team, County Car 1, County Car 2, OEM 5, 60 Control Fieldcom
Lewisboro PD
WCPD WCPD Officer John Peters w/ K-9 partner Daisy (Arson Detection Dog)
Covering Goldens Bridge
Katonah FD Ladder 39 and Engine 116 Other Katonah units operating on scene/ stood by in area of GBFD Firehouse
Covering Katonah
Yorktown Heights FD Engine 273 At Katonah FD HQ
Covering Croton Falls FD
Mahopac Falls FD At Croton Falls HQ
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in Ellenville EMT saves 4 y/o, is suspended/quits
John. You clearly don't get it. They have RULES, man. RULES!!!
On a side note, anyone wonder where the 7 board members were for the call? No? Good.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by fac911 in Ellenville EMT saves 4 y/o, is suspended/quits
And you wonder why you can't get people to volunteer. Its BS like that.
fireboyny liked a post in a topic by Ed Harvey in (CT) State police investigating fake emergency transmissions
State police investigating fake emergency transmissionsPlease take a minute to listen, these fake transmissions are way out of way for LCD hopefully someone will recognize the voice and this can be put to an end quickly!