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Res30cue liked a post in a topic by FF402 in Peekskill Fire Chief Vincent Malaspina resigns after city cites nepotism concerns
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by Flashpoint in FDNY’s new entry exam asks about everything but firefighting
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Are Citizens With Cell Phone Videos Interfering With Law Enforcement Doing Their Jobs?
Meriden, CT just fired one of their Officers after several videos surfaced of him beating handcuffed, minority suspects on multiple occasions. IAD tried investigating him, but being the Chief's son, it took a federal civil rights charge to finally get him gone.
Is it annoying when people video the police? Absolutely. Does it get edited by those with an agenda? Sure does. Does it sometimes catch a good cop on a bad day? Without a doubt. Do we live in America, where people have a right to videotape in public? You're goddamned right we do.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Res30cue in Westchester Front Line Apparatus 15 Years of Age and Older
Purchase Engine 239, 1978 Seagrave. will most likely not be replaced when taken out of service.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Res30cue in Westchester Front Line Apparatus 15 Years of Age and Older
Purchase Engine 239, 1978 Seagrave. will most likely not be replaced when taken out of service.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by PEMO3 in Seaside Park Boardwalk-Major Emergency Structure Fire(s)
I found an article on the Neptune "Super Pumper System" in Gloucester County, NJ, (http://www.firefightingnews.com/article.cfm?articleID=23865) which is draft capable and comes with a hose tender with 1 mile of 12 inch flexible supply line. It is also foam capable at up to 10,000 gpm. Anyone know was this considered or deployed considering the issues with main pressure? (Not Monday morning quarterbacking just asking a question)
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by FFEMT150 in Empress EMS Brodies Call Audit is Back!
I went a few years back. Was a great time. I hope I can make it this year too. I have always thought this was a great idea by empress. Gives you a chance to meet and socialize with colleagues.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by thebreeze in Department Issued iPads For Emergency Services Personel
Personally, I think this just seems like a frivolous waste of money, It's just another form of duplication and excess, which if I'm correct is what most departments are trying to get away from. How do you justify such an expenditure when multiple systems are already in place for each aspect that it will be used for? Checking department e-mail? I'm sure each station has a computer, not to mention almost everyone has a smartphone or home computer (the few old school people I know who don't have either wouldn't care to check their department e-mail anyhow). Time card? I am fairly sure most employers prefer to have a supervisor handle timekeeping as opposed to the employees themselves, or in the case where no supervisor is present at a station they prefer a timekeeping system that can only be accessed at the workplace, not anywhere you take the iPad. As far as training goes, there is really no accountability for on-line training, there's no way to verify that the person doing it is actually the person it's intended for nor that they aren't just killing time in front of the computer while they have an answer sheet from someone else ready to copy from and fill out sections at appropriate times, I've seen it happen many a time. As far as dissemination of training information, what's going to make the employee read a training bulletin on an iPad if they are already the type who don't care to read it on paper? As far as patient care and written reports, I don't think each person needs one, maybe one per ambulance for PCR's, and one per station for community use in filing of reports, although it seems like the desktops or laptops that most fire stations already have could support this function, not to mention the fact that the majority of the time it is only one supervisor or member filling out the report, not each individual.
Many departments already have in place electronic systems to perform all of these functions, most can be easily accessed from a computer available to the employees at work or by logging on remotely from a personal device. Handing everyone an iPad and saying, "now this is only for work use", that's almost a challenge to some people, and expecting everyone to be on board, that's pretty naive, I have a teenage neighbor that if I wanted could have the thing unlocked in twenty minutes so I could use it how I pleased. You would probably be better off giving members unlocked iPads honestly. If it's locked down and can only be used for a few limited work functions its not really able to be customized to the employee and many members will simply throw it in a drawer as another extraneous piece of junk the job has handed them. If they can use it how they please they will be more likely to use it for personal and work use. As far as taking care of department business while off-duty, off-duty is off-duty, one of the great thing about most emergency services jobs is that you don't take your work home with you. If you want to read, train, and enrich yourself out of work that is one thing that I personally promote, but work, stays at work.
I also don't see any real efficiency savings, as you aren't really saving any money by spending more money. What can be eliminated now that everyone has an iPad? Saving paper maybe, but I doubt those savings will really make up the cost of your investment especially after maintenance and upkeep costs.
As far as the comparison to the expense of each member having a portable radio, how many lives do you think personal iPads will save? Will it give a Mayday for you? Are you going to carry it into the building with you? Is it your lifeline to other members when you are trapped or lost? Personal portable radios have been proven and documented to save lives, and not to sound hackneyed, but that is PRICELESS. Unless you can place efficiency on an equal footing with the life safety of members, then the cost of personal iPads cannot be compared to the cost of personal radios, period.
In my opinion, in this day and age of cost cutting, tightening budgets, and increased scrutiny by taxpayers as to where their money goes, this is a waste of money and will be conceived by the taxpayers as such. Many taxpayers and politicians have already begun to perceive the emergency services as a whole to be an expensive, extravagant, luxury item that can be slashed and cut down to the bone, lets not give them more fodder for their arguments. Spend money on the things we REALLY NEED and that are easily defensible to the public and politicians alike.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by Remember585 in Chief's Vehicle Out Of State Shopping
Would you look past this if that Chief's vehicle was delivering donations to Newtown? What if he was buying gifts to bring to a Children's Hospital here in Westchester? This is such immature, cry baby bullshit.
For the record, I don't agree with the abuse of a take home car, but since nobody knows the facts here - let's stop speculating.
FACT: Some municipalities issue take-home vehicles for all kinds of staff members, including PD, FD, DPW and management folks.
FACT: Many of these municipalities don't have rules or regulations concerning the uses of these vehicles, and frankly don't even care.
FACT: A Westchester Fire Chief in Connecticut may be closer from point A in Westchester to point B in Connecticut then if he went to another location within Westchester County.
FACT: I see police officers, fire chiefs/commissioners, EMS officers, DPW bosses and governement officials using their take home cars for all kinds of things.
FACT: I never lose sleep over any of this. Neither should any of us. The same guys who are union firefighters that will come here asking all of us to "put aside our volunteer and paid BS" to help them keep their jobs also commonly take jabs at volunteers for dumb s*** like this. You can't play it one way all the time then flip it around and not expect people to call you out on it. Does it bother anyone else that WE are all our own worst enemies?!
Does it bother anyone else that Westchester County is literally a laughingstock to fire departments (paid and volunteer) outside of this area because of our never-ending bickering and dick-measuring contests?
Note: edited for grammar and layout improvement.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by fac911 in Chief's Vehicle Out Of State Shopping
Who care? People should just mind there business if it does not concern you.
Westfield12 liked a post in a topic by Res30cue in Chucky Mellilo - Online Condolence Card
Rest In Peace.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by x635 in Night Out For Chucky Melillo 10-26-12
Event flyer:
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by drgripsthrowawaytowel in Mutual Aid - Who Do You Call
Career training vs Volunteer training. Hundreds of hours that are mandated, or 10 hours that are mandated. With career personnel, you know that every firefighter is trained the exact same way as the guy sitting next to him, or the guy in your department. State standards mandate this. Volunteers, because of the "wonderful" work FASNY has done, have 0 requirements. All that is required is the federally mandated 10 hours of "on the job osha training," which varies from department to department. 10 hours... which is less then 1 hour a month of training, to go inside a burning building and be responsible for people's livelihood.
Yes, many volunteers go way above and beyond the call and perform hundreds of individual hours. No one here is doubting whether or not volunteers hearts and minds are in the right place. It takes some serious balls to run into a burning building for free.
Where in the problem lies, is that there is 0 standard as to what volunteers need. It's left up to the "authority having jurisdiction". That AHJ could mandate that all interior members need FF1, FF2, Fast, Survival, hazmat ops, confined space rescue, cat in tree rescue, aircraft rescue and vehicle rescue before they step foot on a truck to respond, or the could say, "meh, our in-house course is good enough. Here's a hand-line, this is how you open the bale, stay low, now go and put the wet stuff on the red stuff."
A set list of mandated training across the board (which is what MANY other states have done) requiring that career and volunteer personnel are trained exactly the same way would be in the best interest of everyone; volunteers, career, mutual aid, and most importantly, the citizens you took an oath to protect.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by M' Ave in Nextel to Shutdown iDen Network in June 2013
iDen still exists? .
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by x129K in Monday Morning Quarterback
I just think they want to make this site something that it will never be. It is what it is....a buff site. Not a training site...not a cutting edge tech site...it's a buff site that "used" to have good posters with lots of knowledge and experience that we COULD learn from..if we wanted to. I know personally I have.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Ball Pond Fire Company/ New Fairfield, CT-In Production
No problem, Asst. Chief O'Toole can probably give you the details if he pops on again, but the spec prints are here:
The "eyebrow" lights are nice if you're pulling up to an MVA on one of the narrow backroads in town or up one of the long driveways we have so many of. Engine 6 that New Fairfield Company A took delivery of a few years back has them as well, and they've had success with them. One thing you can never have too much of is scene lighting.
It will also be great for Ball Pond to have the 8 man cab as well, we end up filling the 2-man Engine and 2-man Tanker we currently have alot of the time and have to leave people behind in quarters. One of those problems that's a good one to have and an even better one to solve.
6-man Engine* Sorry its early.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by drgripsthrowawaytowel in Westchester Airport drill to simulate collision of large, small planes
Trunked system includes the A-Bank, the B-Bank and the C-Bank.
The A-bank include the truncated frequencies such as Fire-13, Fire 10, and OPS-5. These are the Battalion Zones as well as the truncated operation channels. These are not line of site, and 60-control can communicate with you on these frequencies.
The B-Bank include the truncated frequencies such as EMS -11 and the ambulance to hospital channels. These are not line of site, and 60-control can communicate with you on these frequencies.
The C-Bank on the trunked system works a little differently. It includes normal (conventional) frequencies that you would find on a normal portable radio. This includes, 46.26, 46.14, and the line of site FIREGROUND frequencies which include fire ground 1-8. The FIREGROUND's use a line of site system, and do not work off of repeaters or other enhancements. This is why 60-control cannot monitor any of the fire ground traffic.
There is a HUGE difference between Fire-# Ops-# and Fireground - #. If you're listening on a trunked scanner on the other side of the county, you should be able to hear all of the communication in the A - Bank, all of the communication in the B- Bank, and the traffic that uses repeaters on the C-bank such as 46.26. All fireground traffic, would have to be in the line of sight range to pick up on the scanner,
For a detailed explination of the system, here is the County's power point on how to use it - www.westchestergov.com/emergserv/60control/xts2500_volk3.ppt
voltage1256 liked a post in a topic by Res30cue in Westchester Airport drill to simulate collision of large, small planes
Great drill
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by efd184 in Westchester Airport drill to simulate collision of large, small planes
good to see some that would rather use there time to train then march in a parade! goodd job to all involved!
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by firedude in County Airport - Aircraft Emergency - 4/22/12
Date: 4/22/2012
Time: 18:00
Location: Westchester County Airport
Frequency: 46.26, Fire 15, EMS 15, Fire 19, Fire 16, EMS 16, Ops 5, 155.310 (WCPD), 155.895 (HPD/HEMS), 46.06 (PCFD), ATC
Agencies Operating: Purchase FD, Armonk FD/EMS, Port Chester FD (Including Rye Brook FD), Banksville FD, Port Chester-Rye-Rye Brook EMS, Harrison EMS, White Plains EMS, Chappaqua EMS, Greenwich EMS, 45 Medics, Airport Ops, WCDES
Weather Conditions: Rain, 46 degrees
Description Of Incident: Aircraft Inbound, heavy, with gear problems, aircraft landed safely
Reporters: firedude
Units Operating:
Purchase FD: 2411, 2412, E240, R30
Armonk FD: 2021, 2022, 2023, 51B3, 51B1, E288
Port Chester FD: 2393, E59, 60, 62, L31, R40
Rye Brook FD: E14
Banksville FD: 2581, T7
Port Chester-Rye-Rye Brook EMS: 77A5
Harrison EMS: 61A5
White Plains EMS: 31A1
Chappaqua EMS: 54B2
Greenwich EMS:
Westchester EMS: 45M1
Airport: Airport 7, Airport 11, Ops Units
WCDES: Bat 15, Bat 16, Bat 19, EMS 11, EMS 10, CC1
County PD: Airport Units
Aircraft Info:
Airline/Flight: Delta Connection Opperated by Pinnacle Airlines, Delta Flight 3748
Aircraft: Canadair Regional Jet CRJ-900
Passengers/Crew: 68 Souls on board
Fuel: 11490lbs
Route: Atlanta (ATL) to White Plains (HPN)
1800hrs: Airport 7 requesting Alert 3 for Commercial Aircraft with gear problems and excess fuel, FD and EMS to stage incase aircraft overshoots.
1803hrs: Armonk FD, Purchase FD, E59, E60, E62, TL2, R40, Port Chester EMS, Greenwich EMS, Bat 15, 16, 19, EMS 10, 11, Harrison EMS, 45M1, Chappaqua EMS, Banksville Tanker, White Plains EMS, CC1, Dispatched to airport. All units to switch to OPS 5
1803hrs: 2411, 2023, E14 responding
1804hrs: 2393 responding
1805hrs: Airport 7 reports 68 Souls on board, CRJ-700 or -900 Aircraft with 11490lbs of fuel
1806hrs: CC1, E240, EMS 11, E60, Bat 15, 2581 responding
1806hrs: 2411 out at staging
1807hrs: L31, T7 responding
1807hrs: Aircraft is 4 miles out and approaching to land on Runway 34
1808hrs: 51B3 responding
1809hrs: 2021, E240 on scene at Staging area
1809hrs: Aircraft will fly 20 miles south of Stamford to burn fuel and buy time per Airport 7
1811hrs: 51B2, E62 responding
1812hrs: 2393 out at staging
1812hrs: 54B2 responding
1813hrs: Aircraft is on 6 mile final per ATC
1813hrs: Winds 030 @ 9knts, aircraft is cleared to land, 5 miles out
1813hrs: 61A5, 2412, 2023 out at staging
1814hrs: Bat 16 out at staging
1815hrs: Bat 19 out at staging
1815hrs: Gear reported down by tower
1816hrs: 77A5, CC1 out at staging
1817hrs: Airport 7 reports aircraft on the ground, landed safely, taxing to gate
1818hrs: Airport 7 on runway for runway sweep, will follow aircraft to gate 5
1819hrs: Command Trailer reports all units to respond in non-emergency
1821hrs: Airport 7 reports all units can go in service, no injuries
1822hrs: 61A5, 51B3, 2021, 2022, L31, E240, R40, Bat 15, T7 in service
1823hrs: E14, 54B2, 45M1 in service
1824hrs: 2581 in service
1826hrs: E60 in service
1833hrs: EMS 11 in service
Still Updating, PM me with Info!
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by RES20CUE in (Delivered) Montrose V.A. Engine 224
County: Westchester
City/Town/Municipality/Dept: Montrose Veterans Affairs FD
Unit designation/identifier: Engine 224
Chassis & Body (or Aerial) Manufacturer and model: Ford F-550 (4x4)w/ Rosenbauer Body
Pump size, tank size (water/foam), aerial type & length: Pump= Waterous 1000 GPM; Water Tank= 300 Gallon
Status: Delivered
Notes: This vehicle will be replacing the current MA-28 (1998 International/E-One). Same concept of vehicle except with a "class A" pump. MA-28 only has a 500 GPM pump. This vehicle also is our EMS first response vehicle and Rescue. The last Engine 224 (1970 International/FTI) was replaced by MA-28 in 1998.
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by firedude in Tarrytown - High Rise Fire - 3/27/12
Date: 3/27/12
Location: 410 Benedict Ave (X Maple Ave) - Fire in Appartment #A2
Frequency: 46.26, Fire 14, Fire 12, Fire 10, EMS 14, FG8, FG6, TPD, MPEMS, OFD, DFFD
Departments on Scene: Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow, Ossining, Elmsford, Dobbs Ferry, Ardsley, Irvington
Tarrytown FD Units: 2461 (IC), 2462, 2463, E76, E77, E79, E80, L37, TL78, U61
Sleepy Hollow FD Units: 2311, 2312, E86, TL38
Ossining FD Units: 2332, 2334, E97, L41
Elmsford FD Units: 2111, L55 (FAST)
Dobbs Ferry FD Units: 2091, E47
Ardsley FD Untis: 2011, 2012, L50 (FAST)
Irvington FD Units: 2201, 2202, 2203, E178, L36, R49 (Cascade)
Tarrytown VAC: 81B1
Sleepy Hollow VAC: 73B1
Irvington VAC Units: 64B2
Pleasantville VAC: 76B1, 76-05 (Rehab)
Mt. Pleassant Medics: 37M1, 37M2
Westchester DES Units: Bat 14, C&O Z3
Utilities: Con Ed
Various Units: Red Cross, FM-15, Tarryown PD
Standby Units at Tarrytown FD HQ: [Peasantville FD: 2372, TL5}, [Pocantico Hills FD: 2381, 2382, E189]
Standby Units at Sleepy Hollow FD HQ: [Croton FD: 2081, TL44]
Weather Conditions: Mostly Clear, 40 Degrees
Description Of Incident: Working fire in a 6 Story OMD, multiple lines stretched, minor injuries reported
Reporters: peterose313
Writer: firedude
2300hrs: 2461 reporting a high rise fire, fire is located in a second floor appartment
2302hrs: 2461 requesting 1 engine and 2 ladders to scene
2304hrs: Bat 14responding
2305hrs: 2311 requesting Ossining ladder to HQ
2305hrs: 2461 requesting addition mutual air engine
2305hrs: L55 and 2222 responding as FAST
2306hrs: E86 responding
2308hrs: Bat 14 on location
2308hrs: 2202 resonding
2308hrs: Ossining dispatched to relocate 1 ladder to Sleepy Hollow’s Beckman Ave HQ
2309hrs: 2203 assembling a crew
2309hrs: Pleastville TL5 and Pocantico Hills dispatched to relocate to Tarrytown FD HQ, 50 Main Street
2309hrs: L36 responding
2310hrs: 2382 responding
2310hrs: E86 on location
2310hrs: 2334 report L41 will relocate
2312hrs: 2381 responding
2312hrs: TL38 on location
2313hrs: 2202 on location
2314hrs: Bat 13 reports 2nd Floor fire in 6 story OMD, main body of fire K/D, Apartment is on “A” side of building, “A” side is south facing. Utilizing FG6, FG8 and Fire 14.
2315hrs: IC requesting 2202 to have crews search 3rd floor above fire
2317hrs: L36, 2203, E178 on location
2317hrs: IC requesting L38 to proceed to roof to open up
2317hrs: 2234, L41 relocating
2318hrs: E189 responding
2319hrs: 2461 requesting 1 additional ladder, C&O and Con Ed to scene
2320hrs: 60 Control enquiring whether they need a TL or straight stick?
2320hrs: 2334, L41 requested to scene, responding
2322hrs: Bat 14 requesting Ossining Units to respond via route 119, requesting 2 additional EMS units
2322hrs: Croton ladder requested to relocate to Tarrytown
2324hrs: Bat 14 confirms L55 on location operating as Fast
2324hrs: C and O zone 3 dispatched
2324hrs: 2382 on location
2225hrs: IC requesting 2 addition engines, 1 additional truck to respond to scene via route 119
2227hrs: 2461 fire is knocked down in apartment A2 searching and overhauling
2227hrs: Dobbs Ferry Engine dispatched to scene by DBPD
2228hrs: Ardsley ladder, Dobbs ferry engine and Ossining Engine dispatched by 60 Control
2328hrs: IC requesting Red Cross for approx 12 displaced
2328hrs: E97 awaiting crew
2329hrs: 2013 responding
2331hrs: IC requesting L50 to assume fast and relieve Elmsford Fast
2231hrs: 2091, E47 responding
2332hrs: 2334, L41 on location, crew to report to Command Post
2333hrs: L55 responding
2333hrs: 2372 and TL5 out at 50 Main St
2334hrs: 60 Control updates 2372, TL5, E189 2381 are relocated at Tarrytown FD HQ. 2081 TL44 are out at Sleepy Hollow
2338hrs: IC requesting L41 crew to assist in ventilation and entry on roof
2339hrs: 2201, 2202 on location
2340hrs: 2091, E47 on location
2344hrs: 64B2 on location
2345hrs: E97 on location, to go to Command post with Forcible entry tools
2345hrs: 2332 on location
2349hrs: 2081 and TL44 out at SLFD HQ
2349hrs: Bat 14 reports E47 to work, L50 for relief, Greenburgh Fire Marshal (FM-15) on location
2349hrs: C and O enroute, Red Cross gathering
2355hrs: Pleasantville EMS Rehab responding
2359hrs: Emergency Alert received from 2462
2359hrs: 2461 reports 2462 alert was accidental
0000hrs: 76-05 requested to enter via route 119, to set up in lot by command post
0001hrs: IC requesting cascade to scene, U44 OOS, requesting Irvington rescue
0004hrs: IC reports L50, E97, E178 back in service
0012hrs: R49 responding
0016hrs: L50 returning to service
0017hrs: L36, L55 returning to service, C&O on location
0019hrs: R47 on location
0019hrs: E178 back in service
0021hrs: L36 back in service
0021hrs: 76-05 reports they need an ambulance for an injured firefighter, Irvington VAC to transport
0031hrs: E47 can return to service, IVAC to report to command post
0038hrs: 64B2 to return to command post IFO 412 Benedict Ave
0038hrs: 64B2 to remain in service at scene, another EMS unit is transporting per Bat 14
0038hrs: E86, TL38 can return per IC
0040hrs: E47 returning to the village
0041hrs: 2091 returning
0043hrs: 64B2 transporting 3 patients and 1 passenger to Phelps, all BLS
0052hrs: 64B2 out at Phelps
0053hrs: IC releasing Ossining ladder per Bat 14
0101hrs: 3212 back in service, 2313 to remain in service with the units in Sleepy Hollow
0102hrs: R49 can return per IC
0109hrs: L38, E79 and E76 back in service
0110hrs: Pleasantville VAC rehab has been released per IC
0112hrs: 2202, 2232, 2334, L41, R49 back in service
0116hrs: 2381, E189 back in service
0117hrs: 2081, TL44 back in service
0119hrs: R49 back in HQ
0123hrs: U61 back in service
0126hrs: 2461 releasing L37 from scene, can release standby units when they return
0128hrs: All mutual aid units clear, Tarrytown picking up, C&O have completed investigation, residents being allowed back in, bat 14 in service
0133hrs: Pleasantville VAC units in service
0134hrs: E80 back in service
0134hrs: Pleasantville FD units clear, returning to service
0138hrs: 2461 terminating command, all units clear!
0151hrs: 64B2 clearing hospital, returning to quarters
**If you have any info, Please try to PM me. I may have made a few mistakes with the forum changes
Res30cue liked a post in a topic by Bnechis in Front Bumper Crosslays
When (not if) the rig is involved in a crash, I want a solid bumper infront. Their is no way that this bumper is atttached to the frame structure so that its crash worthy.
Also willing to bet, that a very minor tap or even a minor contact with the ground (as when pulling into a steep driveway) will fold this bumper right up into the front of the rig.
And if you need to tow it or pull it out you better not secure to it.