The Axe

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  1. Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by The Axe in Authorities say a second body has been pulled from New York's Hudson River   
    Now they skipped out on their bill?? Sounds to me like the owner is covering his butt from a law suit for over serving!!
  2. bigrig77 liked a post in a topic by The Axe in TN Firefighters Let Non-Subscriber's House Burn Over $75 Fee   
    They are not firefighters! No one with a conscience would stand by and do nothing because of dollars and cents! Paid or volunteer! When there time of judgement comes and asked why you didn't help when you could of? really! are you going to say because they didn't pay! what a disgrace!
  3. YogruntNy liked a post in a topic by The Axe in Yonkers Layoffs   
    Way to go Mike Spano! Less police, less Firefighters and DPW workers! Gang violence is out of controll, The fire department is already short handed and now the garbage is going to pyle up. No doubt your a true Democrat!!
  4. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by The Axe in When you joined the FD..........   
    I agree with you 100%. Today's generation is a lot softer and thin skinned. The rookies today wouldn't have made it 25 years ago. How I miss the old timers!
    Happy Fathers Day
  5. IzzyEng4 liked a post in a topic by The Axe in Firefighter Fired After Road Rage Incident   
    Lt. Thomas Veal should have been fired!!
  6. helicopper liked a post in a topic by The Axe in Three Seattle police officers suspended over use of 'gutter language'   
    When "sir can you please step out of the vehicle" doesn't work and you get an answer like "what the F**k are you pulling me over for? What's the officer suppose to so? exactly what the 3 Seattle officers did