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Everything posted by EMTBravo.com

  1. Photos from this event are now posted onEMTBravo.com(Latest Photos) More photos are expected soon from JTCamp and will be posted as well.
  2. Photos by 901 have been posted, www.emtbravo.com
  3. Thanks for the photos! They are now posted, www.emtbravo.com
  4. Photos are now posted, www.emtbravo.com Photo by/thanks to 621West
  5. ALL DISCUSSION,QUESTIONS, COMMENTS REGARDING THIS INCIDENT ARE TO TAKE PLACE IN THE FOLLOWING THREAD IN THE INCIDENT WORKSHOP FORUM: http://emtbravo.just5buckshosting.com/phpB...pic.php?p=10571 Additiona breaking information regarding this incident may be done on this thread, if it is presented within the standards.
  6. Dear Members- Please be advised that today, after much procrastination, we purchased additional web space and bandwith for EMTBravo.com, which will allow us to add more photos more frequently. Due to the growth of the site during the past couple of months, the bandwith being consumed forced us to limit/"portion" out updates. Once the new webspace and bandwith is up and running, we should be able to continue updating the site with more photos, as well as continue work on the Apparaus databases(as time permits). Unfortunetly, this will force us to go ahead with some fundraising projects as discussed in the other thread in order to continue to allow this site to operate without the cost of 1 overtime shift a month. As for the posting delays over the past week, x635 has been ill with "the worst infection" (of the type) his MD has ever seen....therefore making him unable to make updates to the site, and also forcing him to cancel his Atlanta Photo Hunt, for which he was supposed to leave this past Sunday :cry: . Hopefully, that explains the delay in replys to your emails as well.....they will all be answered as soon as possible again. Thanks again for everybody's support. -EMTBravo.com
  7. Photos now posted, www.emtbravo.com Photos by CM36
  8. 54 Photos From This Incident Are Now Posted, www.emtbravo.com Photo thanks to: Cutty630,LMFD99/MoFire24,Truck6018,Finsta2534,LFD171,57Truck and RU911 Additional photos are expected from a couple more contributing photographers, and will be posted as recieved. Sorry for the delay in posting the photos, we were on the road on a detail Saturday and away from the computer. If you experienced any difficulty in sending your photos, please contact EMTBravo@EMTBravo.com
  9. Photos are now posted: www.emtbravo.com Photos by and thanks Cutty630 and 57Truck All related discussion and further information regarding this incident should be directed to the thread in the Incident Workshop forum.
  10. 901, and some others, have sent EMTBravo.com tons of photos to fill out our Yonkers page, however finding the time to add all the photos and descriptions is tough, and other updates usually take more priority than the FAD. Hopefully late September will see an update to the Yonkers page. Until then, basically all Yonkers apparatus is featured somewhere in the Special Features section and the Incident Photo section. Thanks for your interest.
  11. Photos from 901 and DFFD227 now posted: http://emtbravo.com
  12. Photos from this parade, by EMTBravo Network Members 901 and x635, are now posted, www.emtbravo.com
  13. Photos from this incident have now been posted, www.emtbravo.com Photos by/thanks 602