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x635 liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in New FDNY EMS Station 50
Although the station looks nice and is new the city screwed up. They designed this station when they did not use extended cab Ambulances. However, construction began when they started to use the longer Amnulances and did not update the design. So instead of fitting 2 Ambulances in each bay only one fits. They are also running more Ambulances then the station was designed for.
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by FireMedic049 in Petition: Lower the volume of Ambulance sirens in New York City
Here's a thought, if the noise bothers you so much, maybe don't live in the most populated city in the country?
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by velcroMedic1987 in Harrison EMS Issues
So the town is actually investigating options for EMS. They should be commended for that! Most towns rely on the provider, whether VAC, VFD, commercial, mixed, or whatever, and provide no insight or guidance whatsoever. Let's face it, any municipal service should have oversight, even EMS.
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Drones and Fire Command
If the drones don't affect our operations, then why would we care? If your firefighters are distracted from the actual firefighting effort, you've got real issues. It's 2015, we're all on camera at all times, get used to it and be a professional- At All Times! If the drone poses a true hazard, then it should be addressed. I can assure you that if our firefighters thought spraying a drone was more important than putting water on the fire, they'd be on their way to being unemployed very quickly.
SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Numerous Fires None Being Posted
Why post an incident when it will become a volly vs oaid arguement. Almost every thread on this site beats a deas horse.
SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Numerous Fires None Being Posted
Why post an incident when it will become a volly vs oaid arguement. Almost every thread on this site beats a deas horse.
SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Numerous Fires None Being Posted
Why post an incident when it will become a volly vs oaid arguement. Almost every thread on this site beats a deas horse.
SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Numerous Fires None Being Posted
Why post an incident when it will become a volly vs oaid arguement. Almost every thread on this site beats a deas horse.
SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in NYPD Traffic agents seeing red over uniform color change
They think they are police officers hence why they want to keep the uniform. This will all change when they get mistaken for a real cop and get seriously hurt or killed.
SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Numerous Fires None Being Posted
Why post an incident when it will become a volly vs oaid arguement. Almost every thread on this site beats a deas horse.
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by somebuffyguy in Mahopac (Putnam) Structure Fire 10-24-14
I usually try not to be an online safety officer. I really don't care if I see a picture of a guy with his waist strap undone or something like that. But what's the deal with bearded firefighters wearing SCBAs ? I'm not talking about guys who forgot to shave in a day or two, I mean guys growing out full beards. I had to have seen at least four guys with full facial hair, my favorite has to be the EMS lieutenant with his Lincoln mutton chops. Come on guys, buy a razor.
dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Mahopac (Putnam) Structure Fire 10-24-14
Ignorance is bliss
Bottom of Da Hill liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role
So its a no no when vollys take pictures at a fire but its ok when paid guy do it???????? Heck there are websites that show the almighys fdny grandstanding and taking company photos at a fire. But thats ok. I have more respect for people who do the job for FREE then somone who does it for the $$$ and 3/4.
Bottom of Da Hill liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role
So its a no no when vollys take pictures at a fire but its ok when paid guy do it???????? Heck there are websites that show the almighys fdny grandstanding and taking company photos at a fire. But thats ok. I have more respect for people who do the job for FREE then somone who does it for the $$$ and 3/4.
Bottom of Da Hill liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role
So its a no no when vollys take pictures at a fire but its ok when paid guy do it???????? Heck there are websites that show the almighys fdny grandstanding and taking company photos at a fire. But thats ok. I have more respect for people who do the job for FREE then somone who does it for the $$$ and 3/4.
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by efd184 in (Updated) Sleepy Hollow passes on decorated Marine for police force....again
Get over it!!!! What makes him so diff then anyone who works hard to get on the list? If he scored a 95 and got 5 points as a veteran credit is he more special then the kid who got no credits and scored a 98 or a 100???
Seriously get over it
99subi liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in NYPD Choke Hold Conterversy
I will not elaborate what the crew did wrong on a public forum
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role
Oh my gosh! I can't believe everyone is ignoring the point that WCR was making. Read what the article says! The PUBIC instead of PUBLIC! In a freakin' newspaper article. That's some funny stuff right there and everyone just went on auto-pilot into the same BS that drags this site down time after time.
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by BBBMF in Two Recent Fires Highlight Volunteer Role
Positive publicity for the fire service and this turns into a heated battle?!!!! What the Funck!!!
And who cares if you're volley or paid. You're either a fireman or you're not! You either get it or you don't!
87D124 liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Question for EMS providers, do you like your job?
If you are looking to make ems career go with fdny ems. You can retire with half pay after 25 years. You can also join a tda to enhance your pensiom. The health dental and vision benefits for free. There is plenty of overtime. Its a uniom job so the benfits are great. Another plus is job security. You do not have to worry if the hospital gets rid of its ems dept or worry if the private company goes out of business. Remember benefits and job security is worth a lot more then a couple of extra dollars a hour.
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by 50-65 in Corrections Vehicles as Emergency Vehicles
Or maybe, it's just because they can.
nycmedic liked a post in a topic by somebuffyguy in Leather Helmet For Sale
Not to be a downer, but this helmet's got 2 years left correct ?
FirNaTine liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in Elmwood Park fire captain charged with DWI after crashing firetruck on return from call
I thought incidents involving alcohol only involved vollys. People who live in glass houses should not through stones
SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in License Plate Reader Grant
Hahhaha to stop burglaries....... more like to write summonses
SRS131EMTFF liked a post in a topic by nycmedic in License Plate Reader Grant
Hahhaha to stop burglaries....... more like to write summonses