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Everything posted by lad12derff

  1. Rest in peace brother your courage and valor will not be forgotten IAFF L-273
  2. Someone send ems I think I just had a heart attack laughing my a$$ off
  3. Maybe he should run for President!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. New Rochelle fire has them. We are linked to 60 control when activated
  5. Snakes and Rats and Backstabbers OH MY
  6. I think there are some in Mount Vernon!!
  7. X635 has posted a memorium for our brother from FDNY and wants to send a copy to his family. Please refrain from asking questions here and post them in another topic.
  8. Rest in peace Brother
  9. The collapse zone should be a minimum of 1 1/2 times the height of the structure. This is DEFINITLY NOT A STUPID QUESTION!!!!!!!
  10. Always in my thoughts on this day Brothers.
  11. They should not have buffed this. They should have waited to be dispatched
  12. I think this means ALL who enter an IDLH should be in full PPE. But I will not start another war as was done the other night.
  13. How does this affect service to the customer? I would have to imagine it would not go over well during rush hour. Or do you pull into the yards and fill your tanker from there? Any answers out there?
  14. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This is why you never became a paid firefighter. I hate to start this war between paid/volley but you are way off base here. We are a union of brothers, wether it be fd/pd/dpw/or parks and rec. We DO NOT do other union brothers work. That is what keeps us working. Paid/professional firefighters do not sit around all day and do nothing. We train and inspect every day. We also answer calls when needed during our training and inspections. This is total BS to have to justify our existance to you people.
  16. Post #5 -------- Xfirefighter484x Group: Verified Member Posts: 520 Joined: 8-January 05 From: Dutchess County, NY Member No.: 1,514 Age Range: 21-24 Affilitiation: Pursuing Fire Career Rank: Student Affiliation: Pursuing EMS Career Rank: Emergency Medical Technician Damn, they called 39-46 all the way from EF? Figures, during the time I am suspended!! 2 second alarms for EF in one day, then mutual aid halfway across the county in just one week! Is this question because you missed the big ones as you have stated. Tell us why you were suspended and let the members decide.
  17. Why would you want to push the fire back in the building and across the attic??????
  18. I would have to disagree with this chief's inititial size up. There is no indication of a truss roof system. Long roof spans with very high peaks would be a first indication. Like you see in the "McMantions". This is not to say that a small ranch would not have a truss roof because we all know that could be possible. As for the venting part on the opposite side of the structure I would advise against that unless your plan is to burn off the entire roof and if that is the case go for it!!! We vent over the fire to draw the fire up and out and to give advancing engine crews a better working enviorment. J.M.O.
  19. I was lucky enough to not be working Sunday and Monday of this storm. I was told that the city of New Rochelle fire dept responded to over 650 calls for the first 24 hours of the storm. Having been on the working end of a tour during such a storm, I can speak about the volume of calls we recieve. I have but 1 problem and that is this; we respond to the same addresses every storm and the same thing happens. The people do nothing to help themselves. They never went out to by a sump pump from a supply house and never called anyone to install one. Why should we be expected to go to the same addresses for the same problem storm in and storm out? When should we be able to charge the people for our sevices? If you know you have a problem then you should address the situation and not always asked the fire dept for help. This is my biggest problem with storms like this and want to know what everyone else thinks.
  20. I was wondering the same thing?
  21. At least they were smart enough not to go on a bow string truss roof! Just to give a quick truck class here, when you vent a roof you should expect to find smoke and draw the fire to the vent hole. This is to allow the interior crews to advance hand lines and to give any victims a chance for survival. These guys had no reason to open the roof, it was already through the roof (according to the pictures) on the other side of the building. Where did they think the fire was going to go? It is looking for the easiest way up and out! And I would hope that the IC did not have guys operating inside a bow string truss constucted building with the fire already through the roof. This is how we kill ourselves.
  22. That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Where was the guy on the turntable? Was it safer to move a tower ladder while operating than it was to rotate them out of danger? Was it faster to move the tower ladder than to jump on the turntable and rotate them? If you only have 2 guys on the truck, as it appears in the pictures, and nobody to operate the turntable, then 1 of the guys should have stayed down. This is not a carnival ride brothers. Everyone does not need to be in the bucket!!!!! Lets learn from their mistake and put in our mental notes not to operate like that.
  23. R.I.P. Brother