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vodoly liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Putnam Prepares to Assemble Specialized Rescue Team
Did this team ever get trained and formally certified or did it die like so many other ideas for emergency services?
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by somebuffyguy in Use of red lights in personal vehicles
Can anyone explain to me what this fascination is with red lights? Why would someone join any agency, exclusively for red lights?
dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Union Advice Concerning the Termination of an Employee
This isn't the forum for such a question. There's really no guidance you can get from us keyboard commandos without specific information, the kind of information that (a) doesn't belong here and (b) could reveal the identity of the agency or person.
Suffice it to say that terminating a union employee is not taken lightly and there are statutory and contractual considerations before it can happen. Most jobs don't want to get it reversed in court so they're very careful about taking such drastic action so they must have dotted the i's and crossed the t's.
lemonice liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Putnam Prepares to Assemble Specialized Rescue Team
There's a big difference between searching for and "rescuing" a lost hiker and performing a technical rescue on a construction worker buried up to his neck in a collapsed excavation. Response time for one. Unless there's a blizzard coming, lost people can wait for a voluntary team to be assembled and mobilized. Not so with many technical rescues.
Breakneck Mountain has been in the news a lot lately. How will this team benefit western Putnam, specifically to respond to Breakneck, when it's going to be based out of Carmel and staffed with people in Brewster and Carmel? How will they get there? By POV with a blue light? Absurd!
Our system is flawed. It's been failing for decades but we just keep putting bandaids on it.
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by LayTheLine in Putnam Prepares to Assemble Specialized Rescue Team
This reminds me of the talk of Haz-Mat responses back in the 1980's when departments were just getting involved in Haz-Mat responses. There were extreme ideologies back then as well. Some thought it was inevitable and something the fire service could not avoid. Others thought it was pure craziness and the barn doors should be kept shut if there was a green cloud floating through downtown.
I think that starting a Tech-Rescue team is a good idea whether its career or volunteer. What are the alternatives? Have some child fall down a well and the totally untrained towns people gather together and try to form a human chain down into the well? With that being said, proper judgement has to be used by a Haz-Mat team or a Tech Rescue team when things are beyond their capability and that comes with training.
If a local Haz-Mat team got called to a train derailment and there was some really severe Ethel-Methal Bad Stuff mixing with Super-Duper Sticky Stuff and it was obvious that special teams from the production companies and a professional clean-up crew would be needed to mitigate the situation, then perhaps the best approach would be to evacuate, pull-back and try to protect the environment if able to.
The same would hold true for a Tech-Rescue team. If they respond to an old excavation site to discover someone has fallen 100 feet into a 2 foot diameter hole, they may decide they need to call a professional excavating company and a professional rigging and shoring company to come in and assist.
In both cases training, judgment and size-up are needed to determine, "can we handle this?" A chief wouldn't send a crew of firefighters into a fully-involved, collapsing house on a report someone was inside - same idea.
dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Millions in tax dollars misspent by Yonkers firefighters union
This is not unique to Yonkers. Where does all the 2% money go everywhere else????
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by fire patrol nyc in Millions in tax dollars misspent by Yonkers firefighters union
The mayor refers to the money as "Taxpayer money"...the 2% money is tax money collected from the insurance industry...not the taxpayers of New York State....
trauma74 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in NYC DEP PD New Lettering Scheme (Photos)
I disagree. I think all police cars should be the same - different patches, fine - but I happen to like knowing that when I am visiting California I'm looking at a police car and not a taxi. State law in CA has all police cars black and white and even specifies that there have to be certain lighting combinations to insure they are recognized as a police vehicle.
There's no rhyme or reason here in NY. At all.
dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in $4.5 million annual bill for FDNY at Trump Tower
Considering the median age of former presidents the likelihood that any would be an active volunteer firefighter is slim.
Further, considering the manner in which our presidential candidates are selected, unless Harvard or Yale starts a volunteer FD, I don't think we're going to see any volly presidents in our lifetimes.
fire patrol nyc liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Cuomo sends in state police to step up HOV enforcement in Staten Island
Asinine. Put more troopers in the city with almost 40K cops. Meanwhile, on the Sprain, Taconic, 684, 84, etc. your wife may wait for an hour before seeing a trooper if her car breaks down and rush hour is like the autobahn.
When is his term up?
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by kinkchaser in Petition: Lower the volume of Ambulance sirens in New York City
In NYC it seems that private ambulances may take advantage of their status and proceed lights and siren when just on transports in order to get thru traffic, could this be possible ???
mamaro40 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Does EMS "Mutual Aid" From A Commercial Provider Need A Contract?
I think you're stretching the role of 60-Control and it's basis in government to suit a gripe you have with a commercial provider picking up the slack for a volunteer agency that can't get out the door. 60-Control isn't "awarding business", they're using agencies that already have a DOH CON to operate in Westchester to cover 911 calls that volunteers can't cover.
Instead of being pissed off that the commercial company is doing 911 calls without an RFP or competitive bid (which is absurd in an emergency by the way) you should be pissed at the agency or agencies that can't get out the door themselves and is creating this mess.
60-Control is a dispatch center. They don't set the dispatch policy for local communities. If the local communities are OK with the coverage by a commercial provider instead of toning out another volunteer agency that may not get out the door, why does it matter? If Town X doesn't want 123 Ambulance coming into their town when they don't get out the door I'm sure they'll call 60 and give them an earful.
Who should be next up on mutual aid? Or are you saying that there is a mutual aid run card that isn't being used? If that's the case then the gripe is the home agency and if they're not griping.... why are you?
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Great insight. I was talking to two Con Ed guys today and they echo your sentiment that the last thing the FD should be doing is turning valves in the street. They may inadvertently turn off a transmission main instead of the distribution main supplying the house in question and that could impact THOUSANDS depending on where it is. They also said that they've been finding valve boxes completely paved over, not just hidden by errant water valve boxes.
Just like we shouldn't climb poles to disconnect power lines, we shouldn't be messing with gas infrastructure. The results could be costly both in time and money and public safety.
In my 35 years I never had a complaint with the response time of Con Ed responders, especially gas crews.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Back to the subject of lights and sirens, the two Con Ed guys I was speaking to today said the "Incident Response Unit" or "Emergency Command Unit" or whatever they may say are most likely members of the Emergency Response Group. They have 'em in gas, electric, steam and substations. None of them are authorized to have red lights or sirens but, just like we have some people with "extra" bells and whistles, some of these guys may have additional lights. These are the guys that will hold the fort until more crews can arrive and they're trained in ICS and are the SME from their part of the company. The substations guys are trained in firefighting at TEEX and deal with the oil filled transformer fires and other big events like that. They can all set up one of the Con Ed ICS command boards and be your point of contact until more help arrives.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Back to the subject of lights and sirens, the two Con Ed guys I was speaking to today said the "Incident Response Unit" or "Emergency Command Unit" or whatever they may say are most likely members of the Emergency Response Group. They have 'em in gas, electric, steam and substations. None of them are authorized to have red lights or sirens but, just like we have some people with "extra" bells and whistles, some of these guys may have additional lights. These are the guys that will hold the fort until more crews can arrive and they're trained in ICS and are the SME from their part of the company. The substations guys are trained in firefighting at TEEX and deal with the oil filled transformer fires and other big events like that. They can all set up one of the Con Ed ICS command boards and be your point of contact until more help arrives.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Back to the subject of lights and sirens, the two Con Ed guys I was speaking to today said the "Incident Response Unit" or "Emergency Command Unit" or whatever they may say are most likely members of the Emergency Response Group. They have 'em in gas, electric, steam and substations. None of them are authorized to have red lights or sirens but, just like we have some people with "extra" bells and whistles, some of these guys may have additional lights. These are the guys that will hold the fort until more crews can arrive and they're trained in ICS and are the SME from their part of the company. The substations guys are trained in firefighting at TEEX and deal with the oil filled transformer fires and other big events like that. They can all set up one of the Con Ed ICS command boards and be your point of contact until more help arrives.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Great insight. I was talking to two Con Ed guys today and they echo your sentiment that the last thing the FD should be doing is turning valves in the street. They may inadvertently turn off a transmission main instead of the distribution main supplying the house in question and that could impact THOUSANDS depending on where it is. They also said that they've been finding valve boxes completely paved over, not just hidden by errant water valve boxes.
Just like we shouldn't climb poles to disconnect power lines, we shouldn't be messing with gas infrastructure. The results could be costly both in time and money and public safety.
In my 35 years I never had a complaint with the response time of Con Ed responders, especially gas crews.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Back to the subject of lights and sirens, the two Con Ed guys I was speaking to today said the "Incident Response Unit" or "Emergency Command Unit" or whatever they may say are most likely members of the Emergency Response Group. They have 'em in gas, electric, steam and substations. None of them are authorized to have red lights or sirens but, just like we have some people with "extra" bells and whistles, some of these guys may have additional lights. These are the guys that will hold the fort until more crews can arrive and they're trained in ICS and are the SME from their part of the company. The substations guys are trained in firefighting at TEEX and deal with the oil filled transformer fires and other big events like that. They can all set up one of the Con Ed ICS command boards and be your point of contact until more help arrives.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Great insight. I was talking to two Con Ed guys today and they echo your sentiment that the last thing the FD should be doing is turning valves in the street. They may inadvertently turn off a transmission main instead of the distribution main supplying the house in question and that could impact THOUSANDS depending on where it is. They also said that they've been finding valve boxes completely paved over, not just hidden by errant water valve boxes.
Just like we shouldn't climb poles to disconnect power lines, we shouldn't be messing with gas infrastructure. The results could be costly both in time and money and public safety.
In my 35 years I never had a complaint with the response time of Con Ed responders, especially gas crews.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Great insight. I was talking to two Con Ed guys today and they echo your sentiment that the last thing the FD should be doing is turning valves in the street. They may inadvertently turn off a transmission main instead of the distribution main supplying the house in question and that could impact THOUSANDS depending on where it is. They also said that they've been finding valve boxes completely paved over, not just hidden by errant water valve boxes.
Just like we shouldn't climb poles to disconnect power lines, we shouldn't be messing with gas infrastructure. The results could be costly both in time and money and public safety.
In my 35 years I never had a complaint with the response time of Con Ed responders, especially gas crews.
x635 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
Back to the subject of lights and sirens, the two Con Ed guys I was speaking to today said the "Incident Response Unit" or "Emergency Command Unit" or whatever they may say are most likely members of the Emergency Response Group. They have 'em in gas, electric, steam and substations. None of them are authorized to have red lights or sirens but, just like we have some people with "extra" bells and whistles, some of these guys may have additional lights. These are the guys that will hold the fort until more crews can arrive and they're trained in ICS and are the SME from their part of the company. The substations guys are trained in firefighting at TEEX and deal with the oil filled transformer fires and other big events like that. They can all set up one of the Con Ed ICS command boards and be your point of contact until more help arrives.
Dinosaur liked a post in a topic by fdce54 in Con Ed Code 3
To add to my above post, as per teaching firefighters to shut off gas in the street. Did you just walk up to the firehouse one day and say I want to be a firefighter, then was invited in, given gear, told you were the OV and then told to get on the rig, we've got a run? No, of course not. Whether paid or volley, their is mandated training that you must pass. Then their is requalifying, maintaining of the equipment etc, etc. Not to mention the experience factor. Can't teach that. Well the same thing exists in Con Ed. Contrary to popular opinion, we're not just pilot light lighters or as a Mt Vernon PD Sgt once said to me, "you're nothing but a bunch of ditch diggers." There is required training, requalifying and certain equipment to use and maintain. Every Con Ed gas truck has a CGI on it that costs $3500.00. It has to be calibrated monthly and every time the batteries are replaced. If you want to play Con Ed, you have to play by the rules and have to have the same equipment that Con Ed has. Who is going to pay for those CGIs you'll have to have. Who is going to calibrate them when required. The calibrating device is rather expensive too. Who is going to arrange and pay for the training and requalifying? Con Ed gas comes under Federal DOT guidelines. As I stated in my above post about the FD that shut off a bunch of gas main valves trying to secure a leak and in error (and it was the FDNY, not a volley company). If a Con Ed mechanic operates a valve in error whether it be a main valve or curb valve as per DOT guidelines, he is immediately taken off duty, taken for drug and alcohol testing and remains off duty until completion of the investigation even if he was directed or ordered to do so. It's a serious business, not a game.
AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
If the water department is requested on a rush for a water main break or Con Ed electric is requested for down wires on a rush, should they all have emergency lights and sirens too?
Sorry for the sarcasm but there are all ready too many vehicles with red lights and sirens. Adding more won't help us get anywhere and it isn't about what an IC wants. It's what the law says. There's no provision in law for utility vehicles to be emergency vehicles.
The fire department is already there, they responded with lights and siren. They can make the scene safe until Con Ed arrives whether within 14 minutes or 40 minutes.
AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
If the water department is requested on a rush for a water main break or Con Ed electric is requested for down wires on a rush, should they all have emergency lights and sirens too?
Sorry for the sarcasm but there are all ready too many vehicles with red lights and sirens. Adding more won't help us get anywhere and it isn't about what an IC wants. It's what the law says. There's no provision in law for utility vehicles to be emergency vehicles.
The fire department is already there, they responded with lights and siren. They can make the scene safe until Con Ed arrives whether within 14 minutes or 40 minutes.
AFS1970 liked a post in a topic by Dinosaur in Con Ed Code 3
If the water department is requested on a rush for a water main break or Con Ed electric is requested for down wires on a rush, should they all have emergency lights and sirens too?
Sorry for the sarcasm but there are all ready too many vehicles with red lights and sirens. Adding more won't help us get anywhere and it isn't about what an IC wants. It's what the law says. There's no provision in law for utility vehicles to be emergency vehicles.
The fire department is already there, they responded with lights and siren. They can make the scene safe until Con Ed arrives whether within 14 minutes or 40 minutes.