Hahaha good analogy. People have to get with the program. Its 2010 and we still call for stuff by name instead of by kind and type. Its just plain stupid to be working that way. Funny how NFPA gets used when people want a bigger better truck but they ignore the stuff that may make them better or keep them safe. Most volunteer agencies cant staff 3 buses and a rehab unit at the same time. What is "full staffing"? Two EMTs or an EMT and a medic is full staffing. You don't have to be like a circus clown car to be fully staffed. If its a paid agency the buses are staffed already so I don't know what you mean by saying they cant get rigs out. Maybe they dont have any more left to send you but I believe most have more than 3 out so your comparison is flawed. If you are driving by an incident just hold it down until the resident agency gets there and then leave. If you ask for permission and are turned down so be it. Go home and watch TV, it isn't your problem. If somebody is too stupid or has to big an ego to take help thats there problem.