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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. They never see it that way. They just use the cold hard numbers from runs to determine the slowest times for a station and then brown it out. Let's face it, if there were any statistics to show when a big fire was going to happen we'd all be like the wildfire teams and contracted when there was going to be a big fire. Sadly, the numbers haven't bitten anyone in the ass yet so they keep doing it.
  2. You answered your own question, it's WESTCHESTER! They march to the beat of their own drum.
  3. But is moving a box of paper in communications or falling out of bed a "line of duty" injury?
  4. This is another interesting development in the never-ending saga of "you can't tell me what to do" because we're an independent fire company. Not true in the eyes of the law and all those citations prove it. For the discussion about whether FF are employees are not, this highlights the point again, volunteer FF's are employees and you can't ignore OSHA, PESH or other regulations. RIP!
  5. I think we all need to get better at implementing incident management, not just police and EMS. First responders globally (to use your word) only implement a fraction of the entire process and to assert that police units should have been looking to a fire chief as IC "for direction" during an active shooter or potential hostage situation shows how much is wrong with the way we all interpret the process. Speaking specifically about the little sliver of the globe that I used to work in, law enforcement actually does a lot of ICS. Much more than EMS. EMS is still paralyzed with short term leaders and long term problems to quote another crusty old dinosaur from the business.
  6. The IMT vehicle is used by the FDNY Incident Management Team at larger incidents. I just saw it in Times Square for the Super Bowl last month. They run the IMT out of it and you may find the IC, planning, logistics, and/or operations using it depending on what's going on at the time.
  7. How many went unreported because the injured FF couldn't afford to miss work at his/her real job?
  8. Glad to hear that everyone is OK and the restoration is going so well. A curiosity question, is the relocation of all your equipment to other departments affecting your initial response or operations? Are you staging drivers with the apparatus or do your guys have to drive out of town to get the rig and then back into town with it? Stay safe!
  9. Yup, it's your fire. Here's the link to the whole article. http://www.lohud.com/article/20140208/NEWS02/302080051/Somers-house-no-nearby-hydrants-heavily-damaged-by-fire They call it a complication and it probably is - especially to a lay person or the media - but it's the way most of the county (probably the country) operates, with tankers.
  10. Since when does a busted oil pan require vehicle replacement?
  11. Pretty sure routine stuff is handled by NY simply because of the location. Fatals or crimes have to be investigated by CT. Maybe one of our law enforcement brothers can confirm?
  12. Nope, no requirement. But the law does say a municipality may provide it. This is the law -
  13. http://mobile.firehouse.com/news/11267556/obamacare-requires-fire-departments-to-pay-for-volunteers-health-insurance++ Some quotes from the article: OSHA, another federal agency, has called volunteer FF and EMS employees for years. What will happen now if the IRS says they're not? Will they only be employees when it suits someone? This is ridiculous and we are taking giant steps backwards. It amazes me that fire chiefs and FF would be so ignorant as to think they are not employers and employees despite the volunteer status. It is 2013, right?
  14. You're right, it's not. So why don't you stop?
  15. That should be part of the hiring process or "selection" process since people don't think VFD's are employers.
  16. Not exactly new news. This has been happening for decades all over the place. Too many buffs with too many portable radios.
  17. Squawking, maybe. But they reelect these incompetent morons every time too!
  18. Just curious but can an agency issue an exemption from a statute? Wouldn't that have to come from the legislative branch in the form of a revision or amendment to the law?
  19. New police officers and firefighters no longer have 20 year retirements so this is really a moot point. Tier 6 eliminated that.
  20. You're not seriously going to argue that the MTA police don't pass through the town of North Castle, are you? The TOWN is much bigger than Banksville or Armonk but that's not the point of this thread. Guess what, junior, other police departments even drive through your town once in a while. Imagine that? Should they all check in with you when they do?
  21. Where's that? From where I sit everyone is still paying more and more every year but getting less and less.
  22. You also have County, State, and even MTA police going through town.
  23. I hope that nobody is seriously arguing that a three man engine can do as much work as effectively or efficiently as a four or five man engine. That's disingenuous and really does us all a disservice. How about those communities with one or two man engines? How effective are they? How effective in comparison to a three or four man engine? How about ladder companies? Let's go back to what is one of the primary responsibilities of a truck crew? Is it Search and Rescue? What happens when there are two guys on a ladder and they encounter two or more victims in need of assistance? Wouldn't it be nice to have four guys there to help 'em out? If you're going to actually say that a three person engine is "good enough", please don't become an officer or administrator. Sooner or later this house of cards that is built in the Hudson Valley region is going to come crumbling down and people are going to hear that for years we've known the service is inadequate, understaffed, and overworked.
  24. GML - General Municipal Law is a NYS statute. http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/LAWSSEAF.cgi?QUERYTYPE=LAWS+&QUERYDATA=@LLGMU+&LIST=LAW+&BROWSER=BROWSER+&TOKEN=34585110+&TARGET=VIEW