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Everything posted by capt2102
Rest in peace... God bless his family.
Part of his "supervised probation" for his FELONY CONVICTION should be that he polish the entire fleet of FDMV and MVPD vehicles.
Did anyone see the still photos of this train crash? I could swear I saw a white fire engine cut in half upside down in one of the pictures. The rear of the rig is somewhat intact. anyone know more?
Best of luck to you sir.
3 day / 3 night schedule. Five stations : 5 Eng. 2 Ladders 1 Duty Chief 23 working per shift
Best wishes , be well.
Look on youtube at the monster truck crash that killed 3( including several small children) this weekend in the Netherlands. Onlookers are only several feet away and are "protected" by a portable crowd fence. Another great plan. "But we had a permit and we've been doing it this way for years."
Ok, feel free to tell me I'm off base with what I'm going to say. First of all I get the tradition, never actually seen this, but I get it. It's just that a week ago a firefighter DIED of his injuries after the tower ladder he was in CAME CLOSE to a high voltage power line. The ladder was being used at an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. There are primaries right above the wet down and they are hit from a short distance with 1,500 GPM on straight stream. The wires are dancing overhead and yet several children are playing directly underneath, and no one seems to care. How much does it take for one wire to come off an insulator? Make no mistake, A/C power will reach out and get you. You don't have to wrap two hands around it. Again, I'm not being critical of the tradition, I just really have issue with the lack of common sense, especially when it comes to children.
This was a great judgment call by the officer. All the driver did was gently push the cars out of the way. He didn't slam into them. Heavy fire on the top floor of an 8 or 9 story bldg., no evidence of water on the fire (no white smoke). Great job by the MPO. That's why they put big front bumpers on fire engines.
Good job gentlemen, and best wishes to my friend Lt. Mike Hanney. Stay safe. Capt. Tom (and Kathy says hello)
Bill... what a great historical note. I'm on the job in Eastchester 33+ years and never heard that story before.
Something that would bother me is the word "CHESWICK" on the front under the windshield is not centered. I wouldn't back in with an empty booster tank either
You are trying to compare an ADULT ONLY retirement community in sunny Florida to a congested NY county. You say you spent 30+ years as a FDNR dispatcher? You must know the area Eastchester FD serves. Do you think that 2 firefighters on a rig is a waste of money? I caught a fire the other nite on the 8th floor of a senior citizen apartment. 2 Eng. 1 Ladder and my Duty car : TOTAL 8 MEN. You pay low taxes because the Villages doesn't have to build or run SCHOOLS! Plus the SCAB labor of Rural Metro doesn't provide pensions to it's workers. I'm sure you retired in either Tier 1 or 2 of the NYS Pension system and every month you cash your check. Yet you defend Rural Metro and speak of wasteful spending and "Breaking the Bank". Shame on you, sir.
Barry... I think what he means is that we have ONE FD for all 3 municipalities. We cover just under 5 square miles, just under 40K residents; everything from 1 1/2 single family frames to old law 7 story brick to hi-rise OMD. There are 3 separate Town Halls; 3 separate Police Depts; 3 separate DPW; 3 separate Courts; and 3 separate School Districts.
I would not agree that there are "too many Officer" positions in Eastchester. There is one Captain and two Lts. working on any given shift. As far as Eastchester being a combination Dept., we have not had an effective volunteer element for over 20 years. In fact I think it's been about 8 years since volunteers were terminated from all fire response. Like many areas in lower Westchester the numbers are not there. Local 916 thinks that residents should know that just because they see a Ladder truck parked in the firehouse, it is not staffed and is out of service.
I am not suggesting restricting free speech. However in my opinion, no one who is a bigot has the "Right" to be the Chief of a municipal, tax funded Fire Dept. Both you and he can stand on your soap box and say whatever you wish, no one will arrest you. Just hand in the badge and the paycheck. And do you really think a man with a white hood on at work in the private sector would have a job at the end of the day?
Apparently he does not do his job... He's too busy being a bigot. And while you might not have issue with anti-Italian remarks, I do. You see it's not just the remarks, it's the prejudice. Are Jews and Italians not worthy of promotion on HIS job? Or are they simply not hired based on their last name? For a guy who quotes Thomas Jefferson you have a lot to learn about Liberty and Justice for ALL.
Sorry for your loss Gus... stay well. Capt. Tom Ferrara Eastchester FD
I guess I have a couple of things to say: 1. There are so many typo's in this exam notice I lost count. 2. You DO NOT need a High School diploma OR a G.E.D. ( I guess you don't need one to write the exam either ) 3. You can be a convicted criminal and/or a drug addict. 4. You need to lift a 14' roof ladder. ( Who's going to grab the 24' or the 28' for that matter ?) I'm old school, I admit that. But it's hard to read the exam requirements and not shake my head. I'm starting my 24th year as a Captain. I have been asked many times "what makes a good firefighter?". The answer is: give me a person who played High School sports; who has common sense; and who has a working knowledge of the trades and I'll make you a good firefighter. And that's all I have to say about that.
Jodi: I believe an appointed spot is just that; someone can remove you and appointe someone else "at will". I believe once you have passed the civil service test they have to file an Article 78 charge and have a " trial" to remove you. However: Chief's are like what I said to my 4th grade math teacher. She asked me " Thomas, what's the difference between 2/3 and 3/8? I said " That's what I say teacher; what's the FU--ING difference?" Stay safe.
Go to ct.gov Then go to Dept. of Emergency services. On that link you can sign up for an e-mail notice they will send you for most any Fire Dept. that is having a test or hiring. Some FD in Ct. are civil service, some are not. You can also sign up for CPAT .
Best of luck and a LONG retirement Mr. Happy. Capt. Tom
R.I.P. thoughts and prayers to his family.
Good question. My job has no policy. I will always first assist the occupant in resetting, if that is not possible then I'll have my aid do it. You can't get into too much trouble with an alarm system, and I would hate to explain why we did NOTHING and later that nite there was a fire and no alarms went off. Electric; gas line and water pipes are a different issue. I NEVER turn them back on once shut off, too many things can go wrong. Call Con-Ed, United Water or an electrician. Stay safe.