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Everything posted by EMTbravo

  1. EMTBravo.net Forums 2010 Stats January 1st, 2010-December 31st 2010 @ 11:49hrs CST On top of stats from the previous years, in 2010 we had: 1,306 New Members Registered, with 170 registering in December (These are just the membership accounts registered this year-we do move member who are inactive into a "Membership Deactived" group after 365 days of inactivity. They are notified, and can be moved automatically back into the active "Members" group when/if they log in again) 4,705 New Topics Posted, with 495 topics in October 25,473 Replies, with 2,875 posts in February 13,619 Personal Messages Sent, with 1,697 in December 3,081,392 Topic Views, with Incident Alert Westchester topping them all having 353,882 views
  2. Thank You Reliance for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  3. Thank You prucha25 for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  4. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  5. Thank You mstrang1 for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  6. Members, I'd like to apologize for all the recent downtime the site has been experiencing over the past month or so. Luckily, my 4 month old sleeps through the night but I'm up at 3AM once a week at least it seems fixing this site. Through some research with the server facility and myself, the traffic to this site has been steadily increasing, and members have been making very good use of the various features, which taxes the systems that run the databases and other parts of this site (which is not a bad thing, just requires more "heavy duty" equipment). So, this company has done more than the right thing by me, and we will be moving to a larger, faster server almost double the current one that can handle the sites needs, and keep a high uptime rate and fast loading speeds at the same rate we're paying now. This is the second time we've had to upgrade servers due to growth this year. Again, I'd like to apologize for the downtime and the inconvience that it may have caused, and appreciate everyone who lets me know because I'm not always aware with what's going on with the site. On behalf of the EMTBravo webteam, -Seth Granville Executive Director, The EMTBravo Group EMAIL: seth@emtbravo.com
  7. Members, If you've been registered on this site for more then 1 month, you may change your username at anytime.* If you wish to change your username, please use our contact systemand provide us with your current username, and the name you wish to change it to. *EMTBravo reserves the right to deny a username change for any reason. Members cannot change their username to create confict or confusion. Usernames must not portray an official affiliation (i.e. the name of a department as a username) unless approved by the forum adminstrator. Usernames may also not be misleading or intentionally meant to mislead members or elude to an affiliation that is not true. Commercial usernames are not permitted unless approved by the forum administator.
  8. Members, EMTBravo.net has introduced a new FREE member to member online Classifieds system. It's FREE for our members to list and use: -For Sale -For Trade -Want To Buy Or Trade -Help Wanted And Job Postings -Housing And Real Estate -Vehicles and vehicle accesories -Emergency Service Items And many others *Some restrictions do apply Access it by clicking on the "Classifieds" tab on the top of any page. We hope you enjoy and can make use of this new feature. Seth G. on behalf of the EMTBravo Webteam
  9. Members, When you add an event to our events calendar, our system will now AUTOMATICALLY create a topic to go along with the event. An "Upcoming Events" box is also being added to EMTBravo.com The topic will look like this: Event Title: TEST Event Author: EMTbravo Calendar: EMTBravo Events Calendar Event Date: 10 November 2010 (Single Day Event) TEST View Event
  10. Thank You maximbull for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  11. Members, The EMTBravo.com Portal, with feeds from this site, is now once again functioning. http://www.emtbravo.com We appreciate everyone's patience while we resolved this. -Seth & the EMTBravo webteam
  12. EMTBravo is currently developing a free subscription e-newsletter. This will be seperate from board emails. We're currently taking suggestions on what to name it, so suggest aways Thanks EMTBravo Webteam
  13. "The EMTBravo Express" newsletter is coming soon! Thanks everyone for their suggestions!
  14. Members, Please note that we have updated our email address to forums@EMTBravo.net Please update your safe lists, filters, whatever you've got so you don't miss any important emails from the board adminstrator. This is also the automatic email used, so this will be where you get your notifications of whatever you signed up for like PM's or Topic Replies. Also, make sure your email address is current and correct in your forum profile so that we may contact you if needed. A correct and valid email address is a requirement of membership. Thanks! EMTBravo WebTeam
  15. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  16. Members, We've rolled out a new classifieds section, to replace the Buy-Sell-Trade and For Hire sections. The new Classifieds section is much more robust, allows more categories, and is more organized. It is accesible through the tab at the top of the page I hope you enjoy and can use this feature if needed. Seth Granville EMTBravo
  17. Thank You pasobuff for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  18. Thank You TCD0415 for your donation of 20.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  19. Thank You Piranha174 for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  20. Thank You Union241 for your donation of 75.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  21. Thank You spin_the_wheel for your donation of 10.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  22. Thank You JP59 for your donation of 25.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  23. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  24. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of Not Available . It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
  25. Thank You Anonymous for your donation of 50.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo continue to provide the best possible experience for you.