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Want to advertise on these forums, like the ad you see at the top of the forum index? Banner Ads on this forum are very affordable. With the amount of diverse traffic this site receives, it's a great and inexpensive way to let the emergency services community in NYC's northern suburbs know about your product or services, while helping to supplement the costs of keeping EMTBravo online. The revenue collected from advertising directly subsidizes the numerous costs associated with the operation of this site, and lowers the amount of donations we need. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or want to get started advertising. You can reach me via email at: seth@emtbravo.com Thanks! Seth G. Founder & Executive Director, EMTBravo
Thank You DC500 for your donation of 50.00 USD. Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You SFRD372 for your donation of Not Available . Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You fyrlt17 for your donation of Not Available . Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You FF162 for your donation of 50.00 USD. Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You DR104 for your donation of Not Available . Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You LTFIREPRG for your donation of 60.00 USD. Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You PVFD113 for your donation of 50.00 USD. Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You BigBuff for your donation of Not Available . Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You Reliance for your donation of 20.00 USD. Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Thank You secondtime for your donation of 20.00 USD. Your contribution to the site is very much needed and appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, funding "droughts" etc. Seth G., Founder & Executive Director On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Members, We've kicked off our 2012 fundraising campaign. While we are able to get by month by month by funding the major expenses of the site through the sponsors/ads, as always, we need our members to invest in this site so we can continue bringing you the best site possible. Some of the things we are looking to do or begin work on with contributions in 2012: -Accounting software that helps to manage site advertisers, bill them properly and on time, and give them feedback on how their ad is doing. -Establish the EMTBravo brand properly -Have some capital to be able to design and produce EMTBravo T-shirts -Fees for a graphic designer for a 10 Year Anniversary Grafic.. -Plan for our tenth anniversary -Research the possibility of a magazine and an educational seminar -Looking to develop a mobile platform for our Incident Alert feature, and seeing what is involved and whether we can properly come up with something that meets our strict criteria. -EMTBravo Cloud: Coming up with space that you can download reference material or other content to your mobile phone without having to store it on your phone. -Possible a forum software upgrade -Being able to better intergrate EMTBravo into other websites and vice-versa for sharing of information -Develop an EMTBravo Philanthropic feature, which will allow members to make donations to 10-13's the can't attend, etc. To make a contribution to your online community: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?app=donate ,visit by clicking on the "Donate" tab on top of the page, or the "Quick Donate" on the right sidebar. Any amount helps. You choose how much to give, and we'll work with what we get. Thanks for your time and consideration, Seth G. Executive Director, EMTBravo seth@emtbravo.com Please note all contributions are voluntary, and not directly solicited. Contributions are not tax deductible. Being an "Investor" DOES NOT entitle you to any special treatment, or let you disregard the rules. When you make a donation, your member group will be changed from "Member" to "Investor". The "Investor" icon is good for only a year. All ideas presented above depend on research and development, feasability, cost, and other considerations.
The issue regarding our Donation System has been resolved. If you have donated already, please see this topic: Again, I truly apologize for this inconvienence Seth
**NOW RESOLVED** To all that have generously donated to the site already for our 2012 Operating Expense Fund campaign, Unfortunately, there is a issue with the Donation System. Please know that ALL donations were recieved. The issue lies with our Donation Tracker System, which gives you credit for the donation when we get the confirmation from Paypal, tallies up all the donations, and accounts for who donated what and tracks Investor Status via this system. Until I have time to look into the issue, I will refund all donations made so far. The donation system will also be taken offline. That way, when you go to make your donation, I can make sure you are properly credited and we are accurately tracking our goal. I will notify everyone when this is resolved. Thanks for your understanding, and I truly apologize for this. Seth **NOW RESOLVED**
The above issue has now been RESOLVED. To all those who donated, I truly apologize, but you will need to re-donate due to the reasons above. All donations have been refunded, so you WILL NOT be donating twice.
Thank You EMT74 for your donation of 50.00 USD. It is much appreciated. We look forward to maintaining and improving the forums with your donation. Seth G., Founder & CEO EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. Why Donate? One of the biggest problems facing new and established communities is a source of funding, to provide domain registration, hosting costs, IP.Board license subscription, etc... If you enjoy visiting EMTBravo.net Forums, all donations made are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use maintaining and building a better community for you! Remember any donation made is always appreciated, any amount will help EMTBravo.net Forums continue to provide the best possible experience for you.
Members- At 00:01 hrs on January 1st, 2012, EMTBravo.COM , the site that spawned these forums, and is now the portal to this site, EMTBravo.com was launched. EMTBravo.com went live at midnight on January 1st, 2003,as a very small personal site for me to share my photos and information that people used to tell and send me. The site's name was based on my AOL username, and I can not recollect how I came up with the screen name "EMTBravo", as I came up with it in the mid to late 90's. Although I pondered changing the name a few times, EMTBravo has become a brand name, of sorts. From the very point it was launched, the site- thanks to an awesome and incredible staff and membership, and the support of many- this site has grown to where it is today. I like to describe it as a "snowball effect". I'd like to thank everybody for all their support with their site, I really do enjoy being a part of it. I can't believe it's been 9 years already....where does the time go? From our amazing, hard working staff, to our members who generously donate, and advertisers who help fund us, to the members who share and contribute their knowledge,opininions and information on this forum.....I thank you again for making EMTBravo.COM what it is today. TO SEE HOW THE EMTBRAVO.COM MAIN PAGE EVOLVED ALONG THE WAY, CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE INTERNET ARCHIVE "WAYBACK MACHINE: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.emtbravo.com -Seth G. Executive Director The EMTBravo Group *Note: This forum was launched as an addition to EMTBravo.com on November 14th, 2003, and recently celebrated it's 8th year online.
EMTBravo.net Forums 2011 Stats January 1st, 2011-December 31st 2011 @ 11:59hrs CST In 2011: 3,112 regularly active members. 1,358 New Members Registered (These are just the membership accounts registered this year-we do move member who are inactive into a "Membership Deactived" group after 365 days of inactivity) 4,407 New Topics Posted 28,971 Replies to topics 8,825 Personal Messages (Private Conversations) 3,501,197 Topic Views, with the Top 10 being: 1. Westchester County 429542 Views 2. Apparatus Photos 338843 3. Firefighting And Rescue 247068 4. Incident Alert-Westchester County 243323 5. Incident Photos 181570 6. Protection From The Past 133368 7. New York City 113352 8. Apparatus 105303 9. General Emergency Services Discussion 100748 10.Emergency Medical Services 85975 with many other forums following closely behind..... Over 22,000 staff member actions, including member asssists, moderation, resolving member conflicts, fixing posts, responding to conflicts, monitoring forum status, updating logs, responding to reports, password changes, email changes, log in help, technical support,etc.
Forgot to add, we have about 700 members logging in each day. Member log in and/or visit the site from across the world. Members in the following countries log in daily (the top 20 starting from the top USA-there is a larger list) USA, Russian Federation, US Military Bases, Hungary, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Aruba, France, Denmark, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Japan, Norway, India, New Zealand, Ukraine, Poland, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, and Italy The average time spent on the site daily by members is 32 minutes.
Please don't forget to reference our help section to help you better understand the features of this forum and how to accees and use them: http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?app=core&module=help However, we are always happy to help, so don't hesitate to ask!
To change your username: Please use our contact system accesible via the menu tab at the very top or direct link http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php/contact/ Please select "Change Username" as the subject. The following rules apply: 1. Username changes are at the discretion of the EMTBravo Staff 2. Multiple username changes over the course of your membership are not permitted 3. UPDATING your username to a more current or applicable username is encouraged. For example, if your username contains an agency that you are no longer with, or an ID number that is no longer yours. 4. Username changes are visible in your profile 5. Username changes may take 1-2 weeks to process. If you do not get a response within two weeks, please resubmit.
Members, As many of you know, when you donate to the forum's operating expense fund, you get moved to the "Investors" membergroup. You also get this attached to your post profile: Since some people contributed over a year or two ago, I have been considerind the plaque attached to Investors profiles. So, I am capping the "Investor" status at 365 days from when you make your donation. Any subsequent donations will reset you and give you another 365 days from day of donation. Upon expiraton, you will be sent a PM and email reminding you that you will re-enter the Members Group And note your donation will be on a permanent record in the "Donations" section. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Regards, Seth G. Founder and Executive Director, EMTBravo Email: seth@emtbravo.com Please note that "Investor" status, or any donation to the site, DOES NOT entitle you to any special privledges or rights. Donations made are by free will,and are not solicited. Donations are used to fund various aspects of this site. By making a donation you indicate you understand this message. Donations are not tax deductible. For any clarification or questions, please email seth@emtbravo.com
Thank You rfdu39 for your donation of $100 (one hundred dollars) .Your generosity is very much appreciated. We look forward to using your donation to apply towards monthly and yearly expenses. Your donation also helps towards keeping EMTBravo online with the features members depend on, and the site they expect. Our major monthly expense is running top quality, high speed servers so that the site's giant content database and various features are quick to load. That's just one example of where your donation is going. Other costs are to maintain a consistent and constant source of funding, to help cover domain registration, hosting costs, software license subscription, hardware, etc. Thanks again rfdu39! Seth G., Founder & Executive Director, EMTBravo On behalf of the entire EMTBravo community. To learn more about donations and to donate, visit the following link or choose the "Donate" tab at the top of the page. http://www.emtbravo.net/index.php?app=donate
Members, I'd like to apologize about not keeping up on the recent LODD's on the front page of EMTBravo.com. The only person that can edit the front page is me, since it is a self designed program by me using software only understandable by me. Due to work and family obligations, I'm not able to update the front page to pay tribute to the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in a timely manner.. So, I'm depending on you guys to start seperate condolence and funeral information threads. I also will put out emails on funeral arrangements, provided official information is presented to me. I will also try to post that information on EMTBravoImpact.com. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me. Seth G. Founder-Executive Director The EMTBravo Group Email me
EMTBravo looks forward to working with the Paladin Center and is exicited to have the oppurtunity to work with the dedicated professionals that are making this concept a reality. I don't want to release any more details at the time, but I just want to say I am confident that the Paladin Center will be a tremendous success and an excellent place to get training you won't find elsewhere. We'll have many more details on the relationship between EMTBravo and the Paladin Center as soon as we can. Stay tuned to this thread, the Paladin Center Facebook page, and EMTBravoImpact.com for details as they become available. In the meantime, don't forget to "Like" their Facebook page at the link above so you can stay current on all the happenings at the Paladin Center. Seth Granville Founder/Executive Director EMTBravo