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Everything posted by Porsha911gt3

  1. I took Firefighter 1 over this past summer, Dutchess county offered a daytime class, in july, it was basically all kids because they had no school and even though it was 95 degrees everyday I really like the way it was done, because everything stayed fresh and flowed together well, we did 6 hours (2 sessions) a day for 3 weeks.
  2. Hello My name is Brian I am a member of the East Fishkill Fire District in Dutchess County, I am currently attending school up in rochester at RIT.
  3. Is that fire and EMS or just fire
  4. Just wondering LCFD968 are you talking about East Fishkill's Squad or is there another department around Lake carmel that has one
  5. Now that you mention dutchess I would have to say thats my favorite, I stop at the one in Danbury whenever Im out that way.
  6. I was just wondering if IBM East fishkill operates on a trunked radio system and if so, does any one have the information on it.
  7. Quiznos is one of my favorites, then again I have no choice but to eat it because it is payed for and it is 100 feet from where I live up at school
  8. I found a pretty good way to get into fordyce.com even though it is locked out. Let me know if you want to get something off of there and save it.
  9. all i can say is wow
  10. No, I found a way in through google
  11. If your willing to spend alot you could buy TL-78 or If not there is always this its not completely blue but its a start http://lighthousehobbies.com/CatalogDetails.aspx?id=12129
  12. Just wanted to add this link to the actual flyer. http://www.eastfishkillfiredistrict.org/ea...es/image002.gif
  13. Why not train who you have properly? At least you'll have something for "24" more years
  14. I was just reading this on my local newspapers website. I was just thinking, correct me if I am wrong but for the salary of one career firefighter per year isnt it possible to train numerous volunteers to do the same job for free. I personally think the state is only making it worse for down the road when departments don't have enough properly train volunteers and they have to turn to a paid staff. If the state increased funding just a little more for volunteer training then that could save many departments money in the long run.
  15. "Chili firefighter recruit suing department 12/2/05 Chili firefighter A Chili firefighter recruit may file suite the department he someday hopes to be a member of. His complaint stems from an incident at the fire hall last July that left him seriously injured. Was it hazing? Initiation? Or horseplay, as the fire chief contends? For 22-year-old Scott Cleere, what happened at company number two was no laughing matter. Cleere says he didn't have any warning. The four other firefighters just grabbed him in the truck bay and strapped him down on an ambulance type backboard. “And then my hands were taped to me chest. I broke the tape free at which point they switched and used zip ties to tie my arms together. And pinned me down. And the backboard extends about six to eight inches beyond a person's head and a person's feet. They rolled me over and carried me upside down out of the building and when they got out front leaned me up against the front of the building and shut the door.” It wasn't long before Cleere fell forward face first into the concrete. He was unable to stop himself and broke three cheekbones and his front teeth. He also suffered a concussion and still has memory lapses. He identified the others only as experienced firefighters. “These were the four individuals in the department that were supposed to be there to talk me under their wing, and teach me as a new recruit. And, these were individuals that I got along with great. And this came out of absolutely nowhere, and I was utterly surprised that these people would do this to me. Chili Fire Chief Chris Fish would not answer questions on camera. In a statement he says: “Five off-duty members (while at one of our fire stations) engaged in a level of innocent horseplay which regrettably led to one member sustaining injuries that required medical treatment. The Chili Fire Department is deeply saddened that this accident occurred, and (want to stress that) the actions of these five individuals do not reflect the integrity and commitment of the 180 other active members of the Chili Fire Department." “I feel that this was an incident that should not have happened. It should not even have happened if nobody got hurt. Horseplay is a pillow fight. Horseplay is people goofing around. Horseplay doesn't involve concussions and long-term injuries. Horseplay doesn't involve broken bones,” said Cleere. Scott Cleere has been out of work for four months and medical bills are mounting. The Town of Chili contracts with the fire district and supervisor Tracy Logel says she has asked for a copy of the department’s investigation. She says this was something that should not have happened in the town." http://www.rnews.com/Story_2004.cfm?ID=325...s_story_type=18 http://www.10nbc.com/index.asp?template=item&story_id=16971 http://www.mcfw.com/main/
  16. Thanks Tbendick I checked it out and I think it is going to work for my purposes
  17. I am currently going to college in Rochester NY, I live in Dutchess County. There is a good site up here called the Monroe County Fire Wire it is sort of like EMTBravo with its incident alerts. It has alot of photos of incidents and other fire related events. Just check it out its not a bad site by any means http://www.mcfw.com/
  18. What is that supposed to mean EMTJunkie712?
  19. Does anyone know any good software that I could use to stream my Live scanner feed onto the internet. I want to try to stream channels from dutchess county onto the internet so I can listen to them while im attending school at RIT in Rochester NY.
  20. In my district one guy bought a 15 dollar energizer "Energizer® LED Head Beam" light form walmart, it is meant to go around a persons head but it works just fine if you put it on your helmet. It has one red LED and 2 white LEDs it works very well for its cause but I dont think any of those lights have seen fire so I dont know how they hold up. I as well as many of the other members of my district now have one of these as well and they work very well. http://www.energizer.com/products/flashlig....asp?cat=4&id=3
  21. East Fishkill Also has its headquarters builing in addition to the 4 main stations and 2 substations.
  22. I must say all though I prefer red fire trucks, I really like the colors of the new TL 78. It is a very nice looking Truck.
  23. As far as I know they work just like a pager
  24. I was just wondering does the Minitor V still have the classic tones from the other Minitor Pagers