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Everything posted by bfd34180

  1. wow how low will people go, way to go to my aunt and the rest of the eastchester police dept!
  2. i thought the test was rather easy, a couple people in my room actualy fell asleep during the exam, cant wait to see the results of this exam....when they come out?
  3. wow great pics that thing looks like a beast!!
  4. so glad i checked out the site today. ive been wondering when the next test was. im deffinatly going.
  5. that thing was a beast, you could hear it coming from a long ways away and id always rush out of leewood circle to watch it go by. that and ladder 17 of course i still hear stories of that rescue from my father ,grandfather, and uncle.
  6. LETS GO METS!!!!!!!
  7. i remember when i was little you coming to my apt when i cuffed myself to a coffe table and my dad left his cuff keys in his locker at HQ. i miss you mike not a day goes by that i dont think of that day. you may be gone from this world and patroling in in heaven watching over all of those who still here today. ill never forget you mike.