I dont know if i agree with you here. I understand your point, but how can we truly call anything questionable if we dont know why they purchased it in the first place. I will concede that YES some departments and agencies get equipment in vehicles sometimes just because they can, but this in my oppinion is rarely the case. Most if not all of the equipment you see in vehicles now a days is not only needed but necessary to maintain the safety of those it is meant to transport, and while more expensive doesnt always mean better, you do get what you pay for. if you take a look at most of the equipment going into vehicles now a days you can find a very rational and logical explanation of instaling it. LED lights, while they do cost more as compared to conventional strobe or halogen lights of the past, are ten times brighter and more effective at moving traffic and grabbing attention, a 200 W siren system as opposed to a conventional 100 W only enhances the vehicles chances at moving traffic. Engine mods and such, give more power to the vehicle to either chase down or outrun. My point here is that, until we know (and we never will) the true purpose of this vehicle and/or who is useing it, we can not in good faith sit here and say that anything installed in this or anyother vehilce is money spent questionably. For the sole reason that we do not know why the department or agency originally opted to have it installed in the first place. I dont really think it should matter how much money they spend on these cars, as long as the equipment does its job and helps to keep the occupants safe and helps them do their job more effectively, it really shouldnt matter. After all safety and effectivness is the number one goal when it comes to outfitting a vehicle isnt it? And if it happens to look kick a** in the process of accomplishing that goal, EVEN BETTER!