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Everything posted by mreis95

  1. I wasn't directing it to you as a person just the statement just the fyi. I don't know you so I cannot make any judgements on that. No offense was meant by my comment.
  2. In all seriousness though, in no way should this ever be primarily a fire service website. We all work along side each other and our counterparts in the law enforcement field have a tremendous amount of knowledge and should always be included no matter what the topic is.
  3. I appreciate that you either think I am the chief or a friend or a member of the department but I live in Beulah, North Dakota and we don't have con ed. But thank you guys. Plus to be honest I don't care what this guy did, all I wanted to get across really was people need to take a deep breath when it comes to this stuff jesus. Thank you, Mike
  4. This is just going to get turned into a pissing match as usual. (It has already started-oh this is what con ed line guys told me--i spoke with a con ed emerg serv supervisor about this....mimicking eachothers posts by numbering your arguments) This website is notorious for this and is becoming a waste to bother trying to discuss incident photos. I however think that this being on FF close calls or wherever it was found was enough for this dept and the people involved and doesn't need to be taken on by emtbravo. We don't know the whole story so we shouldn't say omg wtf because as firefighters we have to adapt to the situation and also we really don't need to say he has to own up to everything that he did and take accountability for his actions. No he really doesn't, especially not to anyone on this website.
  5. My department never even shared this info. Just goes to show
  6. What are you talking about? WEMS ALS ambulances are Ford box ambulances and the BLS ambulances are Ford vans.
  7. Was hazmat called? I saw a guy with HMRT coveralls.
  8. Yeah Lucy was great help, she does a great job!
  9. Are you going to ask it?
  10. What is this paid crew that is less than 200 yards away? And 200 yards away from what the fd or HH? Just curious.
  11. What about departments being held in quarters for almost every call until a chief gets there and makes a decision.
  12. The northern part of the county isn't saturated with medics, the systems in place work but I wouldn't call it saturated. And 99.9 of these go to WMC which is 20 mins not lights and sirens. But I agree however we are spoiled with what we have around here.
  13. A lot depends on how long it takes to stabilize the pt on scene and remove the pt or pts that denote the use of stat flight nowadays. If it's a prolonged extrication why not have them already there when you finally cut the pt out. **however there is also an eagerness and excitement to use stat flight**
  14. It seems like your getting really defensive over this, relax. You gave your opinion people are giving there's. No reason to say whatever and oh I guess all these are useless. I don't think people hate the idea just right now in Westchester we have other things going on in emergency services that need to be dealt with before we talk about a museum otherwise we are all gonna be history.
  15. I respect your opinion, and don't think its a horribly bad idea but I think it is highly impractical. Volleys barely have enough time to do mandatory training, I doubt that they will give up what little time they have to spend there. But what about the basics though: who will pay for the construction of this building if Westchester will not allow the use of one of their buildings, grants cannot pay for everything, where will they the money for the bills. Plus what will you put in there, I don't think many departments will step up and give their old trucks up to be here. I think there is way too much that needs to be put into this and don't see it ever happening. Just my opinion though others may and probably will think differently. Thanks
  16. I have been hearing a lot of fire departments when they either give directions to incoming apparatus, updates to dispatch or other situations the person speaking says what they need to and then finishes with "At this time" It isn't once in a while but almost every transmission. Is there any reasoning for this, seems kind of unnecessary? We all know what time it is.
  17. Personally I don't think you can compare two local PDs let alone two that are across the country from eachother. Sane goes for FDs they all have different ways of operating and what not that works for them and the area they serve.
  18. God created fireman so cops would have heros haha. Kidding
  19. It wouldn't be that hard to see if the person did 60 or 105 because you have to look at them to know whether to put it in the scanner to grade 60 or 105 plus it's not hard to figure it out. Look at the top if it says 1 test other than NRFD then it was 60 if there's two including NRFD it's 105 done! So in fact they do have money because you have to look in order to grade them.
  20. I hate the back of it. Love the front though.
  21. What way did you come down, cause I'm pretty sure I went the same way and it was smooth sailing. Were you late? lol