Yorktown in 100% volunteer all the time. We are issued Minitor Pagers and when the tones go off for Yorktown, any member who is avalible responds to the call. Cheifs will normally respond to the scene in their cheif car. If no drivers pick up the rig, they will sometimes stop off at the HQ to pick up an engine. Under normal circumstances, we always have a driver picking up the engines, mostly because many members work for the town, or some busness in the town. Our rigs can be seen here, and you can determine which ones are old at your own discrepancy lol http://www.yorktownfire.org/station1/station1.htm and http://www.yorktownfire.org/station2/station2.htm. As for the hopefully future 3rd station, it will be placed in the no hydrant district on route 134. I know that our tanker will be placed down there. As for other engines I am unsure but belive that at least one engine will be placed down there...either 271 or 275.