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About yanks4ever1320

  • Birthday 11/10/1990

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  • Location westchester

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  1. If you live in the town of cortlandt section of lake mohegan the town of cortlandt requires you to have a permit if you have the pod on your property.
  2. Anyone who could help me i would really appreciate it. I recieved my score and i know people who got a lower grade than me but have a higher ranking on the list. What is the reason for that ?
  3. Date:2/26/12 Time: 19:57 Location: 711 Forest Ave Frequency: 46.26, Fireground 8, Fire 15 Units Operating: VMFD, TMFD FAST, Weather Conditions: Cold, Clear Description Of Incident: Structure Fire Reporters: Yanks4ever1320 Writer: Yanks4ever1320 19:58: E-38 Responding 20:02: Town Mamaroneck FAST, L-19 Requested 20:07: L-19 Responding, 68-A-1 Responding 20:08: Harrison 1 Eng relocate VMFD HQ, L-24 standby in quarters 20:09: Batt 15 responding 20:10: Main body fire K/D checking for extension 20:10: L-19 On Location 20:11: IC requesting L-19 to stand by at this time, situation under control. IC requesting C&O 20:12: R-6 On location. Eng 10 Responding VMFD HQ 20:12: 2232 ON Location 20:13: C&O Zone 2 toned out 20:19: Batt 15 On Location
  4. R.I.P Matty O
  5. I have a question here. Someone stated early on in this thread that running an SUV would potentially create more drivers without needing pump ops or EVOC. Since it is still considered an emergency vehicle utilizing Red/White Lights and Sirens wouldn't you need EVOC?
  6. thanks. Im not familiar with southern westchester much.
  7. I see one person who I believe to be a chief with green triple-trim on their gear. Is Yonkers switching over colors from orange to green or is that just something with the chief officers?
  8. 2453 reporting active fire in the rear
  9. rescue also going back for lighting
  10. Speaking with knowledge of Montrose R-51, it carries hydraulic tools, EMS equipment, air struts, high and low pressure air bags, winches, rope rescue equipment, torches, a light tower and some other misc equipment. maybe with all the tools it carries you can considered it a rescue.
  11. Rest in Peace brother, Condolences to the family and the FDMV
  12. Rest in Peace brother, Condolences to the family and WFD
  13. Im in I'll pay
  14. i can confirm that there was a 5" supply line going across route 9, and the traffic situation down that way was a mess. thats all i can comment on because i was only driving by when i got detoured because of the fire.