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dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Mysterious NYS Black Trucks
I believe these trucks were identified in a much earlier post and reiterated in this thread by Morningjoe as the 'Governors' trucks, hence the red lights. They are for his use in extreme weather/road conditions and are dump trucks because they were bought by the DOT with surplus Homeland Security funds after the 2011 storms. Though the mud flaps say DOT, the door decal is definitely not DOT, more like NYS Homeland Security or something to that effect. Originally painted yellow, they were repainted black and there are four positioned around the State at garages operated by the Office of General Services for his use and were 'rebranded 'as 'rescue trucks'. Originally intended to be used in place of the Governors SUV which almost got washed away while inspecting upstate flood areas, these trucks were only two wheel drive and not high enough to traverse seriously deep water. I believe they have now added five surplus military trucks capable of dealing with high water and snow.
SECTMB liked a post in a topic by provfd in Yet another Blue Light thread - help needed
If you are driving like an idiot with a blue light, you are an a-hole fireman, if you are driving like an idiot without a blue light then you are just like all the other a-holes out there.
BIGRED1 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Five Firefighters Injured Battling Blaze In White Plains
Not withstanding our wishes for the speedy and complete recovery of the injured firefighters, I don't think this thread is about the hazards and suppression methods for a basement fire.
Its about staffing. One of these days Westchester is going to experience the unfortunate outcome that comes from the inability of the volunteer and paid depts to maintain proper staffing. It will be a sad day for all involved, but we will be able to look back at the hundreds of posts on forums such as this one and wonder why something so recognizable went unsolved. It will provide no comfort.
BIGRED1 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Five Firefighters Injured Battling Blaze In White Plains
Not withstanding our wishes for the speedy and complete recovery of the injured firefighters, I don't think this thread is about the hazards and suppression methods for a basement fire.
Its about staffing. One of these days Westchester is going to experience the unfortunate outcome that comes from the inability of the volunteer and paid depts to maintain proper staffing. It will be a sad day for all involved, but we will be able to look back at the hundreds of posts on forums such as this one and wonder why something so recognizable went unsolved. It will provide no comfort.
Westfield12 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in New Apparatus Orders/Deliveries - All Areas Discussion Thread
BMFD's Scarborough Engine Company (Engine 92) has formed a truck committee.
SECTMB liked a post in a topic by Flashpoint in Just Hangin’ Out: Why Do Firefighters Just Stand Around at Fires?
ARTICLE: https://medium.com/homeland-security/just-hangin-out-why-do-firefighters-just-stand-around-at-fires-1ebbf31eba6b
SECTMB liked a post in a topic by BFD1054 in Just Hangin’ Out: Why Do Firefighters Just Stand Around at Fires?
Interesting, thanks for sharing.
Ironically, I recently had a similar discussion with one of my Lieutenants. I suggested writing up an explanation of the RIT/FAST and posting it on our FB page. This way, members of the public would have an idea of why we "just stand around."
x635 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in The Sublime Fire Cisterns of San Francisco
These are also common among the historic squares here in Savannah. I also know of one large estate in Bedford that has one.
lemonice liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Village Of Port Chester Disbands Career FD
I guess you can assume from this that the volunteers have accepted that there will be no paid personnel in, at least, the near future. And, I agree this is in poor taste given the circumstances by which their paid 'brothers' lost their jobs and livelihood.
SECTMB liked a post in a topic by batt2 in Fairfield CT FD Upcoming delivery
Fairfield Fire Department New Engine 2
Should be delivered in about 2 weeks time.
x635 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in The Sublime Fire Cisterns of San Francisco
These are also common among the historic squares here in Savannah. I also know of one large estate in Bedford that has one.
WCFCX613 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Some Apparatus Photos From My Recent Los Angeles Trip
Just today I was speaking to another 'ex/retired' firefighter who wondered who was better Pierce or Seagrave. I thought they were about equal but generally better than the rest. You see a lot of posts critical of various apparatus makers and the lack of quality in their products. Are there too few manufacturers for the demand and therefore less quality control in order to keep up with that demand?
x635 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in The Sublime Fire Cisterns of San Francisco
These are also common among the historic squares here in Savannah. I also know of one large estate in Bedford that has one.
vodoly liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Bill would give EMTs killed in line of duty same benefits as cops, fireman
Sounds right!
SECTMB liked a post in a topic by BFD1054 in Cornwall (Orange) - MVA w/Tech Rescue - 05/01/17
Date: 05/01/17
Time: 2120hrs
Location: Route 218 at the "high point"
District: Cornwall
Battalion: 4
Units: Cornwall FD Car-1, R403, Cornwall EMS, V/Cornwall PD, T/Cornwall PD, Mobile Life EMS, West Point, City of Newburgh, 36-13, 36-1, OC Rope Rescue Team
Writer: BFD1054
Description: Motorcycle down an embankment
2120hrs-OC911 alerting Cornwall for the MVA; reported motorcycle over the embankment and no longer visible.
2121hrs-Cornwall Car-1 en-route.
2123hrs-OC911 advising Air-2 checking on weather.
- OC911 advising further information stating (2) riders down the embankment.
2124hrs-R403 responding.
2125hrs-CFD Car-1 on scene.
2126hrs-OC911 advising that all medevacs have declined due to weather.
2128hrs-CFD Car-1 on scene with (2) patients approximately 100 feet down the embankment. Cornwall starting a rope rescue from the high point. Command requesting West Point FD and the remainder of the OC Tech Rescue Team to set up at the low point.
2129hrs-CFD R403 on scene.
- City of Newburgh Car-4 and the NFD Tech Rescue equipment en-route.
2130hrs-West Point acknowledging the run, Car-1 and the Tech Rescue Trailer en-route.
2136hrs-OC911 confirming with Command that he has Newburgh standing by at the Village line and West Point setting up at the low point.
Port Jervis and Sparrowbush also were paged out as part of the OC Rope Rescue Team. Command advising they can stand down due to the response time.
Port Jervis and Sparrowbush units in service.
2138hrs-Newburgh FD Car-4 and West Point Car-1 on scene.
2150hrs-OC911 conducting a status check. Command advising they are set-up and approximately 03 minutes from sending rescuers over.
2152hrs-36-13 on scene.
2202hrs-Command advising that rescuers are at the base, beginning to package the patients.
2203hrs-36-13 requesting Cornwall-on-Hudson FD on automatic response to all calls in Cornwall's district.
2225hrs-OC911 conducting a status check. Command advising that the 1st patient is being lifted.
Link to Times Herald Record:
BBBMF liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in State lawmaker: Consolidation ‘never going to happen'
Good for you J. Gary Pretlow. People before politics and special interests. Admirable.
BBBMF liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in State lawmaker: Consolidation ‘never going to happen'
Good for you J. Gary Pretlow. People before politics and special interests. Admirable.
BBBMF liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in State lawmaker: Consolidation ‘never going to happen'
Good for you J. Gary Pretlow. People before politics and special interests. Admirable.
x635 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in BRIARCLIFF MANOR, 10-75 STRUCTURE FIRE
Date: 04/25/2017
Time: 0140
Location: 48 Gordon Avenue
District: Town of Ossining
Battalion: 12
Units: 2051, 2052, 2053, E92, E93, E94, TL-40, R-37, 53-B1
Writer: SECTMB
Description: Dispatched for reported structure fire.
Upon arrival, Car 2051 reported a working structure fire and requested 2nd alarm response. Structure and adjacent vehicle fully involved, heavy fire, all occupant evacuated.
M/A units from Ossining FD, Croton FD, Chappaqua FD, Pleasantville FD, Pleasantville VAC, Ossining VAC, Thornwood FD, Pocantico Hills FD and Buchanan FD assisted at the scene or backfilled stations.
Westchester DES Battalion 12 and C&O team also responded.
Multiple 2-1/2" lines and 1-3/4" foam lines were put into play for a defensive operation.
Photos and video can be found on the Briarcliff Manor Fire Department's facebook page.
SECTMB liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in ***DELAYED*** College Park, MD - 5th Alarm - 24 April 2017
Date: 24-April-2017
Time: Approximately 0935
Location: 3400 block of Berwyn House Road, College Park, MD
Box Area: 12-01 (College Park)
Battalion: 884
Channel: 8-Alpha-3, 8-Alpha-5
Weather: Rain
Fifth Alarm of Fire units in order of appearance:
PGFD Riverdale 7 -E807B
PGFD Hyattsville 1 -E801
PGFD Chillum-Adelphi 34 -E834
PGFD Greenbelt 35 -E835
PGFD Berwyn Heights 14 -TK814
PGFD Beltsville 31 -TK831
PGFD Bladensburg 9 -TK809
PGFD College Park 12 -E812
Montgomery County Hillandale 12 -TK712
PGFD Chillum 44 -PE844
PGFD Bladensburg 9 -E809
PGFD Bunker Hill 55 -E855
Montgomery County Hillandale 12 -PE712
Montgomery County Silver Spring 16 -TK716
PGFD College Park 12 -TK812
PGFD Berwyn Heights 14 -SQ814
PGFD Kentland 33 - RE833
Montgomery County Silver Spring 19 -TW719
PGFD West Lanham 48 -E848
PGFD Landover Hills 30 -PE830
Montgomery County Silver Spring 1 -PE701
PGFD Beltsville 41 -PE841
PGFD Mitchelville 43 -TK843
PGFD Laurel 10 -TW810
PGFD Old Bowie 19 -TW819
Montgomery County Takoma Park 2 -E702
PGFD Glenn Dale 18 -E818
Anne Arundel County Glen Burnie 33 -TK33
Howard County Savage 6 -TK06
DCFD - E021
PGFD Laurel 10 -E810C
Montgomery County Silver Spring 16 - PE716
PGFD Ritchie 37 - E837C
Anne Arundel County Arnold 17 - E17
DCFD -E023
PGFD Chapel Oaks 38 -TK838
Anne Arundel County Waugh Chapel 5 - TW05
Montgomery County Bethesda C/C 1 -SQ741B
PGFD Beltsville 31 - E831
PGFD Berwyn Heights 14 -SQ814B
Numerous additional Chief Officers and support units from PG and other jurisdictions.
Prince George's County Office of Emergency Management
Prince George's County Police Department (including Aviation for Air Recon Chief)
Multiple other departments for coverage, including City of Alexandria, VA, Charles County, MD, and Fairfax County, VA.
Rundown is courtesy of PG County Public Safety Communications.
Unit Codes:
E - Engine
PE - Paramedic Engine
RE - Rescue Engine
TK - Truck
TW - Tower
SQ - Rescue Squad
Description: Working fire in a 7-story building under construction.
x635 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in BRIARCLIFF MANOR, 10-75 STRUCTURE FIRE
Date: 04/25/2017
Time: 0140
Location: 48 Gordon Avenue
District: Town of Ossining
Battalion: 12
Units: 2051, 2052, 2053, E92, E93, E94, TL-40, R-37, 53-B1
Writer: SECTMB
Description: Dispatched for reported structure fire.
Upon arrival, Car 2051 reported a working structure fire and requested 2nd alarm response. Structure and adjacent vehicle fully involved, heavy fire, all occupant evacuated.
M/A units from Ossining FD, Croton FD, Chappaqua FD, Pleasantville FD, Pleasantville VAC, Ossining VAC, Thornwood FD, Pocantico Hills FD and Buchanan FD assisted at the scene or backfilled stations.
Westchester DES Battalion 12 and C&O team also responded.
Multiple 2-1/2" lines and 1-3/4" foam lines were put into play for a defensive operation.
Photos and video can be found on the Briarcliff Manor Fire Department's facebook page.
BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Katonah's Ladder Sinks In Mud At 10-75 Today
Too early in the Season to consider leaving any hard surface, it happens. Hope they got it out without any damage to the undercarriage.
BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Katonah's Ladder Sinks In Mud At 10-75 Today
Too early in the Season to consider leaving any hard surface, it happens. Hope they got it out without any damage to the undercarriage.
BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Katonah's Ladder Sinks In Mud At 10-75 Today
Too early in the Season to consider leaving any hard surface, it happens. Hope they got it out without any damage to the undercarriage.
BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by SECTMB in Katonah's Ladder Sinks In Mud At 10-75 Today
Too early in the Season to consider leaving any hard surface, it happens. Hope they got it out without any damage to the undercarriage.