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  • Birthday 10/06/1953

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  • Name: Thomas Bassett
  • Location Savannah, GA
  • Agency Scarborough Engine Company, BMFD

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  1. Not withstanding our wishes for the speedy and complete recovery of the injured firefighters, I don't think this thread is about the hazards and suppression methods for a basement fire. Its about staffing. One of these days Westchester is going to experience the unfortunate outcome that comes from the inability of the volunteer and paid depts to maintain proper staffing. It will be a sad day for all involved, but we will be able to look back at the hundreds of posts on forums such as this one and wonder why something so recognizable went unsolved. It will provide no comfort.
  2. BMFD's Scarborough Engine Company (Engine 92) has formed a truck committee.
  3. The benefit of the old style cisterns is lessened in earthquake prone areas as they are subject to damage as a result of the earthquake therefore rendering them useless.
  4. These are also common among the historic squares here in Savannah. I also know of one large estate in Bedford that has one.
  5. Good for you J. Gary Pretlow. People before politics and special interests. Admirable.
  6. Date: 04/25/2017 Time: 0140 Location: 48 Gordon Avenue District: Town of Ossining Battalion: 12 Channel: Weather: Units: 2051, 2052, 2053, E92, E93, E94, TL-40, R-37, 53-B1 Writer: SECTMB Description: Dispatched for reported structure fire. Upon arrival, Car 2051 reported a working structure fire and requested 2nd alarm response. Structure and adjacent vehicle fully involved, heavy fire, all occupant evacuated. M/A units from Ossining FD, Croton FD, Chappaqua FD, Pleasantville FD, Pleasantville VAC, Ossining VAC, Thornwood FD, Pocantico Hills FD and Buchanan FD assisted at the scene or backfilled stations. Westchester DES Battalion 12 and C&O team also responded. Multiple 2-1/2" lines and 1-3/4" foam lines were put into play for a defensive operation. Photos and video can be found on the Briarcliff Manor Fire Department's facebook page.
  7. Too early in the Season to consider leaving any hard surface, it happens. Hope they got it out without any damage to the undercarriage.
  8. Date: April 9, 2017 Time: Afternoon Location: Morningside Drive District: Town of Ossining District Battalion: Channel: Weather: Units: 2051, 2052, 2052, 2055, Eng. 92, Eng, 93, TL-40 Writer: SECTMB Description: Two youths ascended a large pine tree and were unable to descend safely without assistance. A 35 foot extension ladder was positioned and two FF's assisted the youths to the ground. No injuries resulted from the incident. As units cleared they were directed to a second call in district, automatic alarm at Brandywine Nursing Home. 2-pull boxes activated, but call unfounded.
  9. Tarrytown FD Facebook has the story.
  10. Just today I was speaking to another 'ex/retired' firefighter who wondered who was better Pierce or Seagrave. I thought they were about equal but generally better than the rest. You see a lot of posts critical of various apparatus makers and the lack of quality in their products. Are there too few manufacturers for the demand and therefore less quality control in order to keep up with that demand?
  11. I guess you can assume from this that the volunteers have accepted that there will be no paid personnel in, at least, the near future. And, I agree this is in poor taste given the circumstances by which their paid 'brothers' lost their jobs and livelihood.