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Posts posted by KC2OBW

  1. Does the distortion happen at all levels of volume? Also do you get this distortion over a scanner or another radio at all? It could be possible that it is the speaker on the radio itself. Do you get distortion with regular voice?

    If it was a wrong PL code then you would not hear any transmissions. If you get the distortion with other radios then its the volume of the tone generator or problem with it. It could also be the transmit power from the tower itself. It could be several things.


    Voice is not distorted, My HT1000 and My MT1000 sound just fine, volume level does not change a thing,it used to be worse, I changed some of the settings under advanced in the CPS for that personality. I have noticed that the receiver on my 1250 is just a tad bit stronger then the others so maybe I am picking up Illinois and Clove Tower,

    EFFP411 stated that he had heard some distortion on his Vertex Portable, Scanner, and Pager.

    Ok Mobile life was just toned out, and the tone that county plays after that wasn't distorted this time.

  2. Maybe I'm thinking too simple, but is it possible your speaker is starting to go?

    You know I thought that too, but it also does it with the speaker mic attached too, and its only certain tones that sound distorted, unless the counties simulcast is doing it, at work it does not happen so much. I have no issues with Poughkeepsie Fire tones sounding distorted.

  3. I haven't used my HT1250 LS+ on Dispatch since the Simulcast, transition, I will have to see if I run into any of the same issues with mine!

    Thank you, its only certain tones, for ex. one of Arlington's comes across distorted, and that tone county puts out after hitting a districts tones, every thing sounds fine on my other radios, I just don't understand it.

  4. I'm not sure where this would go so I put it here. I have a HT1250 and I have noticed certain alerting tones come across distorted at times on Dutchess 911 dispatch, I was wondering if any one else had this same problem and what they did to fix it.

  5. Over at New Paltz the newer rig 621 has nothing but LED warning lights on it, and as for the led's washing out, town of pok police have nothing but led bar lights and some cars have either rear deck strobe lights but the newer cars have led rear deck lights, and strobes in tail,reverse, and turn signals, and two halogen flashers in the grille, i have noticed in direct sun light the led bars are not really that visible.

  6. Sadly, I have found that no matter HOW MANY lights and sirens you mount on the front of apparatus, people are ignorant, or just plain don't care these days!

    That, AND there comes a point when it becomes overkill, just IMHO.

    You are right,every one these days thinks what ever they are doing is much more important then a Fire engine or a Ambulance going code down the road trying to help people. Regardless of what color light, Red,blue,green I pull to the right, the way I look at it is hey they could be going to my house, or going to a loved ones or a friends home/business.

  7. Seriously who cares? If some one has illegal lights on there car they'll get caught sooner or later, its their car they make the payments and pay the insurance let them do what they please if they are doing something wrong then o well its really not my problem, they'll get caught and have to pay the fines.

  8. The Volunteer Fire Police Association of Dutchess County plans on putting on a ham radio seminar/course which will be open to all emergency services personnel. They are going to try to set it up within the next couple of months. The goal is to get everyone licensed to at least a Technican Grade License.

    If your interested PM me and I'll put your name in the data base to personally send you information.

    Thats a pretty cool idea, hey maybe some of the local repeaters might become active again.