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Everything posted by Pagers

  1. Found this today, a recently painted and upfitted National Guard truck. 1 of a handful recently done for DHSES-OFPC.
  2. Or some firmware updates to improve their recently released 436/536HPs......
  4. Current Cohoes (Albany County) Police Department fleet. Notice the ALPRs on the Animal Control van.
  5. Update: Added updated Unit 206 and new Unit 207 (K9) before installation.
  6. Waterford (Saratoga County) Police Department fleet.
  7. The current Mechanicville (Saratoga County) Police Department fleet.
  8. It's probably used for line inspections and a lot of lines are very not drive-able. I know NiMo has a bunch of UTVs and ATVs and currently there is a helicopter up here for inspections.
  9. Was at the State Fair this past week and caught a couple nice pieces. Notice the rust ridden van, lol.
  10. All cars being ordered are being ordered blue. Just because you say that a single manufacturer makes the paint and now has stopped making it doesn't mean the cars will no longer be blue.... Also the fact that I just took this photo this past week shows you the new blue color...
  11. VA Police assigned to the VA Medical Center in Albany. A-1 A-2
  12. Here are newer cars that are blue, there are a lot of unmarked blue interceptors with Troop plates. This was taken yesterday, a new K9 car for Troop G. And this was taken last week, a new Troop T car.
  13. Caught this at the ARFF Facility at Albany International Airport(ALB). Belongs to the 109th Airlift Wing based out of Stratton ANGB in Schenectady, NY. Also caught there another day is their Fire Chief's car.
  14. Saratoga County recently updated their graphic scene and lighting Before: After:
  15. Every municipal vehicle are getting the new plates, so every vehicle that belongs to a municipality or the state will have a gold plate with which department/agency the vehicle belongs too.
  16. In NY they are on the windshield on the passenger side. But also not associated with Vehicle registrations.
  17. Dealer plates are illegal to have on any vehicle unless it's being transported or being used for business only. Even dealers who take cars home with dealer plates are technically breaking the law. I don't think I have ever seen a flycar with ambulance plates just regular NYS civilian or municipality plates. Private Ambulance companies won't get the new style plates just the regular civilian plates. Volunteer Ambulance Corps or municipal owned services or other agencies that fall into there.. These are the new plates btw. Except they won't say STATE and name in the right top corner will be the county.
  18. Great job by the 2 troopers in subduing the suspect and making the arrest. Also agree with everyone else about removing the hat so the use of OC spray could be used and if there were any danger in using hands to remove the hat the foot would be the next thing to use. Also I rarely ever see OC spray used anymore unless it is by an officer that does not carry a taser and looking at these Troopers I can see they both had one. But I'm not an expert of the training methods of the state police, I just watch cops all the time, hahahahaha.
  19. Some photos from a Barricaded Suspect/Hostage Situation that happened Monday night in Waterford, NY just North of Albany. SORT was activated for this call. Suspect was held up for 6 hours and eventually surrendered at 2am the following morning. The situation started with the suspect brandishing a gun in front of the local police causing one officer to break his arm in trying to find cover.
  20. The K9s are the only cars that are the Utilitys that I know of, I'm still seeing new Tahoes coming in. On a side note, here is a interesting history of the Pushbumpers of the SUVs, I have noticed a lot of change with them recently, bottom is the newest setup.
  21. All of the utilities in service, as far as I know, are black. The other day was the first time seeing a SP Blue utility, this shot was at the dealership prior to all the equipment being installed.
  22. Was able to get most of the 2nd WMD-CST based out of Stratton ANGB, the one of 2 teams in NY with the other being based out of Ft. Hamilton. Most were taken at Saratoga Race Course at the Travers yesterday but I am also missing the UCS.
  23. Canadian Pacific Railway Police operate 3 units out of the Albany Area, 2 Ford Explorers and a Dodge Ram. They have NYSP radio identifiers and can be dispatched by the State Police. This is the newest car and a rare find as they cover a LARGE area and operate out of their homes. (Note: That he was driving and I was driving, lol) 7G71
  24. Yea, I'm sure the FAA really doesn't regulate aggressively as I have seen airports that don't even have lime green apparatus (for example Phoenix). Also most places don't care about KKK standards either, even some Federal Departments. Also on a police side I don't think they regulate too much either because technically you need Red AND Blue lightbars and I know my local Sheriff's units that only cover the airport don't have them.
  25. Why don't they do like many departments, instead of "flashing" lights have "cruise" lights.