I was sitting in class with my favorite teacher because they locked down our schools thinking that Detroit which was only 15 minutes away would be hit next. I remember the Principal coming over the speakers saying to stay in our present class for the remander of the day. Granted I was a lil excited being I was with my Favorite teacher, It was very upsetting to keep seeing the footage played over and over again. Little did I know that my best friend was not in school that day because her father was down in that area on business and she was to devistated to come to school. Upon being released from school I ran to her house to see if she was ok, only to find that THANKFULLY her fathers flight was delayed and he ended up being stuck at the airport on the ground. His flight never left. We are very lucky for that. I can honestly say that that day will remain in my head for eternity. I do not however look forward to trying to explain to my daughter what happened and why mommy and daddy get so sad on that day. Family has never meant more to me. That dreadful day really put my life into perspective. I now cherish every moment with my loved ones and can only hope that I make it home before my grand father passes away this next month. He is now the main reason I am in the medical field. I am making it a mission to try and help as many people as I possibly can in his memory.